Kalloch Family Obituaries

- XYZ -

Please note - All new obituaries are now added directly to the deceased person's profile page in our Kalloch Family Reunion Association Tree on Ancestry, you can find them either listed under sources or in the person's media gallery.  Some of the newest obituaries for a given year are also posted in our annual Kalloch Family Newsletter.

In this section, I'm trying to link each person with photos and historical/biographical information for themselves and their family in the photo album section of the website.  If you have an obituary, photo, or other historical/biographical information that you would like to add, please notify the webmaster.  (See note)

A     B    C     D     E     F     G     H     I     J     K     L     M     N     O     P     Q     R    S    T     U    V     W     X Y Z


No obituaries for individuals with a "X" "Y" or "Z" surname have been submitted.


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A note about these obituaries: Many of these obituaries are from clippings from our family historian and other family members and do not include the newspaper name.  If anyone knows the newspaper source of any of these obituaries which do not have the source indicated, or notice any errors in the information, please notify the webmaster.  Also if anyone is sending in a new obituary, please include the name of the newspaper and date.

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