Kalloch Family Genealogy
Kalloch, Kelloch, Keller, Kellar (& other spelling variations)

Kalloch Family Tree Database

This is a genealogical database of the descendants of Finley Kelloch (Killough) & Mary Young who settled in in Warren, Maine in 1735. 
It currently contains 61559 Individuals and was last updated on March 12, 2022

Our 'Kalloch Family Reunion Association Tree' on Ancestry

As of 7/15/22 our Kalloch Family Reunion Association Tree on Ancestry has 62,803 people & 27,721 photos

The 'Kalloch Family Reunion Association Tree' contains all known descendants of Finley (Killough) Kelloch,
son of Robert Killough who came with his brother John Killough on the ship "William" from
County Antrim, Northern Ireland to Boston in 1718

If you have any Kalloch ancestry, please check to see that your family's information is correct in the database, or in our Ancestry tree, if you have access, or in the Kalloch Genealogy Book below.  If you have new Kalloch genealogical information to add or that needs to be corrected, please notify Kalloch family historian Ken Kalloch, email: kdk44@juno.com, 11 Joffre St., Concord, NH 03301-2634. 

If you have photos to add to the tree, or have any questions, comments, or information to add/correct, please let Ken know.

The foundation for the database and tree on Ancestry was an 1,830 page manuscript of Kalloch family genealogy that our family historian Peter Richardson compiled, which was based on work done by previous Kalloch historians since 1876, this includes: Edward Kalloch Gould, Bertha Kenniston Drewett, and numerous present day family researchers.  The database began on 3/14/02 with 9,136 individuals. 

Since March 14, 2002, when I finished typing the names from Peter's manuscript into the computer, many family members have written to correct errors and add family members.  Thank you to everyone who has helped!



Descendants of Finley Kelloch Family Genealogy - Facebook Group

Kalloch Genealogy
The Descendants of Finley Kelloch
of Warren, Maine, 1735


Updated 7/15/22

These 2 pdf files are all of Finley's known descendants up to this time printed in register book format with an index.  This edition of the book is 2,486 pages, and the index is 501 pages.

Note, The reason for multiple date/places for some events is due to information from multiple sources, which in most cases differ in some way, also some marriages, where a person married more than once, are listed out of order.

To view sources, visit our Kalloch Family Reunion Association Tree on Ancestry, or the Family Group Sheet PDF files below.

The book text and index, and Family Group Sheets below were made with Brother's Keeper genealogy software with a Gedcom file generated from Family Tree Maker downloaded from our tree on Ancestry.

FamilySearch - An Introduction
What it is and why everyone should consider signing up to it

Pdf of the presentation given by Ken Kalloch at the 2021 Kalloch Family Reunion

Join FamilySearch - It's Free!!!

Link to Finley Kelloch on FamilySearch
Please let Ken Kalloch know if you are able to connect back to him

Most of our Kalloch Family Tree is already in FamilySearch,
if you need help connecting, please contact our Kalloch historian,
Ken Kalloch, email: kdk44@juno.com

Our Kalloch Family Tree is on
FamilySearch as a Pedigree Resource File

Pedigree Resource File
Kalloch Family Reunion Association Tree

Uploaded 3/11/22


Message Boards

Kalloch Message Board

The "Kalloch Message Board" at Ancestry

Kalloch Gen-Forum

"Kalloch Surname Forum" at Genealogy.com.

Researcher Links

Kalloch Lines in Need of Research

This is a list of Kalloch lines "in desperate need of research" from our historian, Peter Richardson; also, "Our oldest untraced female line," (Finley's daughter Mary, "who married a  Brown in Boston"), and "The Kalloch Arms Report," by Dean Mayhew.

Researchers & Web Links

This is a listing of Kalloch and Killough family researchers and links to family websites.  If you are doing genealogical research on a branch of Kallochs or Killoughs, or know of a good web site, then please take a look at this list and send in your information.

Killough Branches of our Family

For more information about the Killough branches of our family, go to the Killough History & Genealogy page on killough.org

The Kalloch Family Tree (above) is a continuation of Chapter 3 - "The Maine Branch of the Family," (Descendants of Finley (Killough) Kelloch), from the book "The Killough/Kellough Family in Ireland, Canada and the United States," by Zora Killough Cunningham.  The 'Killough Family Tree Database' has the descendants of Finley Kelloch's siblings and the descendants of his uncle John Killough. 


Our databases are maintained with Family Tree Maker genealogy software synched with the Kalloch Family Reunion Association Tree on Ancestry.  RootsMagic & GedPage were used to generate our online databases. 
The Descendants of Finley Kelloch pdf book files were made with Brother's Keeper genealogy software.

We support our living relatives' right to privacy!!!

All vital information in our website's Kalloch & Killough Family Tree databases is blocked back 100 years.
Click the "Practice Safe Genealogy!" logo above to read more about the issue of living relatives privacy.

We need everyone's help with this project!!!
Thank you very much to everyone who has helped, and is currently helping!!!

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Kalloch Family Reunion Association Facebook Page
The American History & Genealogy Project Addicted to Genealogy KALLOCH Genealogy Not just links - Real Genealogy


Webmaster & Historian: Kenneth D. Kalloch, kdk44@juno.com
11 Joffre St., Concord, NH  03301-2634