Kalloch Message Board |
"Kalloch Surname Forum" at Genealogy.com. |
Kalloch Lines in Need of Research This is a list of Kalloch lines "in desperate need of research" from our historian, Peter Richardson; also, "Our oldest untraced female line," (Finley's daughter Mary, "who married a Brown in Boston"), and "The Kalloch Arms Report," by Dean Mayhew. |
This is a listing of Kalloch and Killough family researchers and links to family websites. If you are doing genealogical research on a branch of Kallochs or Killoughs, or know of a good web site, then please take a look at this list and send in your information. |
Killough Branches of our Family For more information about the Killough branches of our family, go to the Killough History & Genealogy page on killough.org The Kalloch Family Tree (above) is a continuation of Chapter 3 - "The Maine Branch of the Family," (Descendants of Finley (Killough) Kelloch), from the book "The Killough/Kellough Family in Ireland, Canada and the United States," by Zora Killough Cunningham. The 'Killough Family Tree Database' has the descendants of Finley Kelloch's siblings and the descendants of his uncle John Killough. |
Our databases are maintained with
Family Tree Maker
genealogy software synched with the
Kalloch Family Reunion Association Tree
on Ancestry.
RootsMagic &
GedPage were used
to generate our online databases.
All vital information in our website's Kalloch & Killough Family Tree
databases is blocked back 100 years. We need everyone's help with
this project!!! |
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Webmaster & Historian: Kenneth D. Kalloch, kdk44@juno.com
11 Joffre St., Concord, NH 03301-2634