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Photo Album Index
A large portion of the photos in this album were scanned from photos from our Kalloch family historian in August
2002. Since then many additional photos have been added by family members and are continually being added.
I think that photos are an excellent way to honor and remember our family members who have passed on, and connect
with ones that are living. They are an important link between past, present and future generations. I hope that
this album will also help us and our younger family members to become more acquainted with relatives of previous
generations, and help make history come alive by seeing our connections with them through the generations via
I think of my own children a lot when I work on the website, (the photo above is of my children's great
grandfather, Sumner -back right, with his siblings, and parents -back left). I also think of our ancestor Finley
who was only 7 when he sailed to America from Ireland in 1718. I think that sharing family history, especially
with children and grandchildren is very important. All of us were, or will be, 7 years old at one point in our
life, just as Finley was, and all of us are just as much a part of our continuing family history as Finley and all of
his descendants are.
I especially like old photographs from the early 1900's and late 1800's. This album has some very nice ones.
I've also enjoyed seeing photos of many of my living relatives as I've worked on this album, many of whom I will
probably never have the opportunity to actually meet in person.
I hope more family members will send photos of themselves and their family. (Now thanks to computers,
scanners and digital cameras, it's much easier to do than in the past before all of these things). I would
like to include as many of us Kalloch descendants as possible!, and add more family stories and biographical
articles to the album pages as well as link photos to individual's obituaries.
If you have
any photos,
obituaries, or other biographical/historical information that you would like to add, please notify the webmaster (kdk44@juno.com).
Please note - The newest
Kalloch family photos are now added directly to our
Kalloch Family Reunion Association Tree's Media Gallery on Ancestry,
as of 8/20/19 there are 16,777 photos.