
Nancy Kalloch Sack
Norma Kalloch

Dear Kalloch Family Member,

As we gather for our 108th reunion, we hope that you will join us for one of the oldest-if not the oldest-family reunion in America.  Last year we about doubled the attendance from the previous year, and with your help, we shall be able to do even better in 1975.

Perhaps a brief outline of our reunion will whet your appetite somewhat.  After a social period and lovely luncheon, we introduce ourselves and family members (children are most welcome).  In the business session, histories of our different clans are told and brought up to date.  We feel sure that there are many interesting stories that could be told and hope that this Newsletter is one way we can be brought closer together.  Please feel free to write to the editors with questions or contributions which we can share at the 1975 reunion or print in next year's newsletter.

You will be receiving more details about our 108th reunion nearer to the actual date, which is August 23rd.  The reunion will be held at the Rebecca Hall on Route 90, just off Rte. 1, in Warren, Maine.  We also expect to have notice in "Yankee" Magazine, the May issue of "Genealogical Helper," and the "Courier-Gazette." Won't you join us, particularly in this Bicentennial Celebration of our country, representing as we do a family which has contributed to the United States for more than 108 years?


The Editors


We hope to include family talent in future Newsletters and at the reunion.  Last year Nancy Sack read some of Norma Kalloch's lovely poetry, of which we are including in a selection.  Do you have a talent to share with us?

Births and Deaths

In future issues we should like to publish births into the Family and remember those who have died.  Please send information to the editors at their home addresses (attached).

1974 Reunion

The 107th reunion was held at Crescent Beach, Owl's Head, Maine with 47 adults and 3 children present on August 24th.  Officers elected were: Peter Richardson, President; Nancy K. Sack, Vice Pres.; Hazel Hills, Sec. and Treas.; Bertha Drewett, Historian; and Mabel Rollins, Chaplain.  Harold Kalloch from British Colombia, gave a report on his forebear, Isaac Kalloch, who was born in Rockland, Maine, and became 15th Mayor of San Francisco.  We were told of Kallochs who still meet each year in San Francisco to remember Isaac.  Through this group an opera of his life is to be written.  Suggestions were made concerning membership fees and possible incorporation in the future


Hazel Hills

The 1975 Reunion will Feature:

-- a family tree you can add your name to, which is nearly a mile long.

-- the old Kalloch Reunion Coffee Pot -- custom made perhaps a century ago.

-- time to compare notes, questions, family pictures and genealogy.

Information Exchange

Do you have information about the Kellar, Keller (or other spellings) branch of the Kallochs?  Could you please send anything you have to one of the editors in time for the reunion.

If you wish to obtain information about something else, we shall be glad to include your letter in next year's issue.

Could you perhaps contribute a paper on any of the following: Kallochs in the Revolution - Kallochs in Hollywood - Kalloch clergy - seagoing Kallochs - the Kalloch crest - what happened to Phinley in Philadelphia - 108 years of reunions - name variations???

Also, please send us the names of other family members who should be included on our mailing list.

We hope to publish yearly and will be glad to hear from you and to include your contributions and questions.


                "The Latchstring"

The cabin was built in a pine grove
And bore traces of the life it had
For tatters of wispy net curtains
Now blew in the wind's gentle moan.

The old oaken door was embattered
By winds and the pelting of snow,
But the latchstring was now just
  as sturdy
As it was many long years ago.

A design had been etched in the
It was detailed, and the story it
Was one of great love for the
And for blessings that never grow

I caressingly touch the old leather
As I silently closed the oak door;
Then hung out the latchstring in
Of those who had lived there before.


by Norma Kalloch


Greetings from the President

Age four, I believe, was the year of my first Kalloch family reunion.  My earliest memories are of a grange hall, perhaps in St. George, and a lunch composed of my great aunt's famous triangular sandwiches, molasses cookies, and double layer cake with currant jelly filling.  I learned then that Kallochs are generous, robustly individual and full of warmth.  There were so many stories: the landing in Portsmouth, the migrations to Warren and Philadelphia, the Revolutionary War (and the confusion deriving from Alexander III being Alexander I's son), all those ministers, Isaac's shootout in San Francisco, Rev. Joseph's sermon to the '49ers, Silas, the undertakers, last word, Edna St. Vincent Millay's table-top poetry recitals when she was a tiny girl, reunions back in the days when over 300 attended, and the claim that we are the oldest family reunion in continuous existence in America (How can we validate this?).

At any rate we are clannish, we are building, and we have much to share with each other.  I hope we will see more of the very young this year.  History is so abstract and remote on TV and in textbooks, so immediate and enriching when absorbed in first-hand family experience.  We Kallochs travel hundreds, and even thousands, of miles to be together, though the majority of us do not have Kalloch as our given name.  Perhaps that is because we were indelibly impressed when we were very young to recapture the feeling of the reunion.

With Hazel Hills finding a meeting place to hold us all, and Nancy Sack and Norma Kalloch putting together this publication, I hope all of us together can create the biggest and best reunion in recent history.


Peter Richardson,

Mr. & Mrs. Walter Baker
20 Heather Lane
Falmouth, Maine  04105

Mrs. Nancy Greenwood
6 Kenneth Street
Reading, Mass.  01867

Miss Mary Barnes
Washington Street
Camden, Maine  04843

Mrs. Frank Hallowell
Tenants Harbor, Maine  04860

Mrs. Edna C. Keller Berry
55 President Ave.
Quincy, Mass.  02169

Mrs. Marie Keller Hammond
Appleton, Maine (also Portland)

Mrs. Charlene Black
Tenants Harbor, Maine  04860

Mrs. Edith Harris
Tenants Harbor, Maine  04860

Mrs. Nellie Blood
Route #3
Belfast, Maine  04915

Mrs. Helen Harris
35 Highland Avenue
Haverhill, Mass.  01830

Louis A. Barney
27 Mountain Street
Camden, Maine  04843

Miss Ruth Hazelton
St. George, Maine  04857

Mrs. B. Reynold Boyce
44 Prospect Street
Essex Junction, Vermont  05452

Mr. & Mrs. G. Benton Heald
Lincolnville, Maine  04849

Mrs. Robert A. Brown
10 Waldo Avenue
Belfast, Maine  04915

Mrs. Francis B. Hjerpe
Box #239
Owl's Head, Maine  04854

Preston Chase
Tamworth, New Hampshire

Mr. David Hjerpe
1604 Wellington Street
Dighton, Mass.  02715

Mrs. Bernice Clark
Conway, New Hampshire

Mrs. Warren V. Hills (Hazel)
Route #2
Warren, Maine  04864

Mrs. Augusta Kalloch Christie
Presque Isle, Maine  04769

Mr. & Mrs. Russell Hoffesses
50 High Street
Thomaston, Maine  04861

Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas DeGaetano
7 Greenwich Road
Norwood, Mass.  02662

Mrs. Emma Harvey
10 Berkley Street
Rockland, Maine  04841

Mrs. Edward Doucette
20 Emerson Place
Melrose, Mass.  02176

Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Johnson
Hosmer Pond Road
Camden, Maine  04843

Mrs. Harold I. Drewett (Bertha)
Route #2
Warren, Maine  04864

Mrs. Lillian Joyce
74 Willow Street
Rockland, Maine  04841

Mrs. Joel Faris
Old Post Road
Newington, New Hampshire  03801

Mr. & Mrs. John Kalloch
41 Skyline Dr. (Sam's Bro.)
Jensen Beach, Fl.  33457

Miss Marguerite Gould
45 Masonic Street
Rockland, Maine  04843

Mr. & Mrs. Norman Kalloch
6 Center Street
Rockland, Maine  04841

Mrs.  Ruby Kalloch
Route #1
Warren, Maine  04864

Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Kalloch
67 Ferris Lane
Poughkeepsie, N.Y.  12601

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Kalloch
63 Lawn Ave.
Rockland, Maine  04841
(Norman's Bro.)

Mr. & Mrs. Irving Kalloch
257 North St.
Saco, Maine  04072

Mrs. Charles Kalloch
54 Main Street
Thomaston, Maine  04861

Gerald J. Keller
Vinalhaven, Maine  04863

Mr. Carl Kalloch
Owl's Head, Maine  04854

Elmer L. Keller
West Street
Rockport, Maine

Mr. & Mrs. Colby Kalloch
B. 426
Eastham, Mass.  02642

Mr. & Mrs. Jenness Keller
Lincolnville Beach, Maine  04849

Harold L. & Phyllis Kalloch
666 Charlotte Street
Duncan, British Columbia
Canada  V9L-2V6

Elthelbert R. Keller
Islesboro, Maine

Hudson Kalloch
Centerville, Mass.  02632

Leroy Keller
Montville, Maine

Leroy Kalloch
316 Limerock Street
Rockland, Maine  04841

Merton Keller
Montville, Maine

Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Kalloch
167 New Country Road
Rockland, Maine  04843

Mr. & Mrs. Omer Keller
Auburn, Maine  04210

Elizabeth A. Kalloch
41 Main Street
Rockland, Maine  04841

Mr. & Mrs. John Keller
131 Southern Ave.
Weymouth, Mass.  02188

Linda Kalloch
10 Granite St.
Rockland, Maine  04841

Mr. & Mrs. Henry Kellar
W. Rockport, Maine  04856

M. L. Kalloch
3 Melrose Circle
Rockland, Maine  04841

Mr. David B. Kelley
20 Cottage Lane
Waymouth, Mass.  02188

George Kalloch
Union Road
Waldoboro, Maine  04572

Mr. & Mrs. George E. King
27 Mettler St.
Woodbridge, Conn.  06525

Mr. & Mrs. Norman Kalloch, Jr.
New Sharon, Maine  04855

Mr. & Mrs. George H. King
184 High Street
Belfast, Maine  04915

Mrs. Ray Kalloch
12 Knox Street
@Ralph Crawford
Thomaston, Maine  04861

Mrs. Ruth G. (Keller) King
92 Dewey Ave.
East Haven, Conn.  06512


Mrs. Raymond (Henrietta) Knowlton
18 Atlantic Ave.
Camden, Maine  04843

Mrs. Richard Long
1771 Cleveland Ave.
San Jose, Cal.  95126

Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Rollins
Mechanic St.
Rockland, Maine  04841

Mrs. Ernest T. Long
Mirkwood Ct.
Camden, Maine  04843

Mrs. Faustine Spring
St. George, Maine  04857

Linwood Moody
Union, Maine  04862

Mr. Donald C. Sack
R. F. D. #2 Box #149
Accord, N.Y.  12404

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Markey
(Mildred, sister of Irving Kellock)
1 Leavitt Ave.
Portsmouth, N.H.  03801

Mrs. Nancy Sack
Accord, N.Y.  12404

Mrs. Dorothea Mason
Conway, N.H.

Mr. & Mrs. George Sleeper
Crescent Beach
Owl's Head, Maine  04854

Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Morgan, Jr.
92 Dewey Ave.
East Haven, Conn.  06512

Mr. & Mrs. Cleveland Sleeper
167 Talbot Ave.
Rockland, Maine  04841

Mrs. Dana Newman
Claremon St.
Rockland, Maine  04841

Mrs. Susie Sleeper
So. Thomaston, Maine  04854

Tyler Bird Olson
Greentree Lane
R.D. Rowley, Mass.  01969

Mrs. Elaine Stewart
47 School St.
Augusta, Maine  04330

Miss Dorothy Pearson
33N. Ridgewood Ave.
Ormond Beach, Fla.  32084

Mr. & Mrs. Irvin Spar
R. #1
Warren, Maine  04864

Norman Pendleton
34 Mechanic Street
Rockland, Maine   04841

Mr. & Mrs. Parker Spear
R. #1
Warren, Maine  04864

Mr. & Mrs. Donald Pendleton
South Thomaston, Maine

Mrs. Cheryl Kalloch Sturks
33 Rankin Street
Rockland, Maine  04841

Mr. & Mrs. John Prince
Rockport, Maine  04856

Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Walker
Card Machine Road
Richmond, Maine  04357

Miss Leola Robinson
St. George, Maine  04857

Mr. & Mrs. Harold E. Whitcomb
184 High St.
Belfast, Maine  04915

Mrs. E. H. Richardson
R. D. #2 Westport Isl.
Wiscasset, Maine  04578

Mrs. Mildred White
Warren, Maine  04864

Rev. Peter T. Richardson
223 Academy St.
Weymouth, Mass.  02188

Marshall Newton
Conway, New Hampshire

[1975 - 1st. | 1976

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