President Eleanor Richardson greeted 27 Kallochs for the 144th Kalloch Family
Association meeting on August 20, 2011, at the First Universalist Church in
Rockland, Maine. As the meeting was called to order at 11:00 a.m., new
attendees were recognized: Donna Rackliff, Linda Hooper, Lee Figueroa, and
Susan Desjardins.
The secretary’s minutes were read by Victoria Levesque and accepted with
these changes: Roselle Kalloch Fontaine, who died last year, is the daughter
of Glennie and Maurice Kalloch. Also, Edna Keller DeGaetano, who died last
year, is the mother of Linda Donovan and the aunt of Shirley Keller.
Treasurer Margaret Carleton reported several changes created to become
compliant with federal government requirements for non-profit organizations.
First, the fiscal year now ends on July 31. Thus, this year’s report
represents only 11 months’ activity, and income and disbursements in August,
prior to the annual meeting, was reported verbally. After a discussion with
the IRS, Margaret acquired a new EIN (Employer Identification Number) and
initiated the process for a required Organizing Document.
The treasurer stated she would create a separate account for Web expenses,
which would be dedicated to web maintenance and other supplies needed by
webmaster/historian Ken Kalloch.
The beginning balance was $3543.03. Income (including donations, annual
meeting reservations, and checking account interest was $190.14. (Note:
since fiscal year changed to July 31, reservations and contributions
received in August will not be reported until next year) Expenses (including
website, newsletter) were $838.85. Balance on July 31, 2011, was $2994.32.
Assets include a Dell computer and accessories held by Ken Kalloch and
genealogical books and materials held by Peter Richardson. Treasurer’s
report accepted as read.
A motion was made to increase the money for the aforementioned website
account from $500 to $700. Passed.
Corresponding Secretary Evelyn Kalloch referred to the annual Kalloch
newsletter to recognize those who have died this year. Sandy Zimmerman read
two letters: Carl Vetra died on November 14, 2010, and Ira Kalloch’s two
daughters had passed. A moment of silence was given in their honor.
As a result of his gravestones research, historian Peter Richardson
distributed a handout “Where Early Generations are Buried”. Then he
discussed the current repairs at Seaview Cemetery in Rockland, Maine to
restore the tombstones of Alexander Kalloch III, Joseph Wall (husband of
Nancy Wall, co-founder of the Kalloch Reunion) and George Wall.
Webmaster Ken Kalloch reported that on a monthly basis (ie, May, 2011) there
were 8010 visitors to, who looked at 24, 663 pages. In the month
prior to the reunion he added 593 new individuals from (where
the Kalloch Tree can be viewed) and has completed all Kalloch
correspondence. He also created a Kalloch Family Reunion Association
Facebook page. Ken shared the hard copy version of the Kalloch Family
Genealogy (2011) that has over 400 pages with an index and is part of the
historical documents held by Peter Richardson.
Eleanor Richardson polled the attendees on whether they would be receptive
to receiving the newsletter by e-mail. The majority indicated it would
warrant further investigation and discussion at a later date.
Registrar Sandra Zimmerman presented gifts (noted here is that she
generously donates these gifts at no cost to the Association): Youngest
attendee, Susan Desjardins, age 19; Oldest attendee, Elinor Johnson, age 87;
New attendee, Linda Hooper; Furthest traveled, Linda Donovan, Florida;
Longest married, Victor and Jeanine Lawrence, 55 years and Pat Stephens, 58
years; Early Bird, Victoria Levesque; and Door Prize, Ken Kalloch.
Nominated for executive committee were: Eleanor Richardson, president; Anita
Nelson and Deb Lovely, vice presidents; secretary, Victoria Levesque;
treasurer, Margaret Carleton; corresponding secretary Evelyn Kalloch;
newsletter editors, Evelyn Kalloch and Eleanor Richardson; historians, Peter
Richardson and Ken Kalloch; historian emeritus, Dean Mayhew; historian
assistant, Paul Wilson; registrar, Sandra Zimmerman; Webmaster, Ken Kalloch;
chaplain, Pat Stephen; mailing list/labels, Norm Kalloch. Passed.
An auction was held: a bottle of Pinot Noir, made by Alex Gross, reaped $50
(Anita Nelson) and a blueberry pie made by Susan Desjardins and Eleanor
Richardson was purchased by Ken Kalloch for $57.
Coffee Pot brought in
$189 and other contributions totaled $440.
New Business: Eleanor suggested we might want to consider tee shirts for the
150th Reunion.
Ken Kalloch stated that the
Capt. Adam
Boyd Kelloch tombstone was in serious disrepair (Old North Parish
Cemetery). A motion was made to allot $400 for the repairs. Passed.
Jim Skoglund, who represented the North Parish Church Association, mentioned
that an unknown person repaired the tombstone of Hannah Kalloch. He also
gave credit for Kalloch donations for the fence project. The old cemetery
has no funds for maintaining its integrity and relies on the generosity of
others. He noted that we are descendants of many of the residents there. If
anyone would like to donate: North Parish Church Association, 174 River Rd,
St. George, Maine 04860. Attention should be made to the Kalloch
Margaret Carleton and Ruth Wade will be responsible for checking on a West
Rockport location for next year’s reunion.
A draft of the new
(mentioned as Organizing Document in the Treasurer’s report) was presented
to the attendees. Conforming to federal regulations, Julia Hunter crafted
the first draft (our deepest appreciation), and then it was reviewed/revised
by the executive committee. A motion was made to accept the document as
presented. Passed.
The business portion of the meeting was adjourned at 12:38. Pat Stephen,
chaplain, offered the luncheon blessing. All enjoyed Fred Kalloch’s guitar
playing during lunch.
Family research was the focus of the afternoon program. Anita Nelson and
Ruth Wade shared the difficulties, as well as the rewards, for researching
one’s ancestry.
Respectfully submitted,
Victoria Kalloch Levesque
Victoria Kalloch Levesque,
Secretary since 1992!
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