130th Kalloch Reunion Minutes - 1997

The 130th Kalloch Family Association Reunion meeting was called to order on August 23, 1997, 11:25 a.m. by President Dolores McCarthy.  This event was held in the Camden Room at the Samoset Resort in Rockport, Maine, with 58 in attendance.

The secretary's report was given by Victoria Kalloch Levesque, and a motion was made to correct the first sentence to read "129th Kalloch Family Reunion", instead of the 126th.  The minutes were then accepted as read.

The treasurer's report, given by Evelyn Kalloch, showed a checkbook balance of $1109.73 at the end of 1996.  As of this date, the checking account, including reservations, donations, and interest totaled $2435.88, with no accounts still payable by the end of the reunion.  A 6-month CD is valued at $1756.30 and the Coat of Arms Research donations totaled $730.

Dolores McCarthy welcomed several new people to the reunion, Including Tom Dumble, great great grandson of Isaac Kalloch, from California, author Paula Thomas, who is currently writing a book about Isaac (also from California), Alicia Anstead, of the Bangor Daily News, Hope Harris of Oregon, and Jack Tollefson of Texas.

President McCarthy noted the quilt displayed on the wall, which had squares representing various Kalloch families.  Eleanor Johnson and her daughter were responsible for collecting and constructing this quilt.  Evelyn Kalloch shared the history and donors of each of the squares.  Donations to this quilt will continue.

Peter Richardson and Kendall Merriam brought books they had authored for the book signing.

Jonna Pettit led the children's activities.

Old business included a tabled item: clarity of when the family reunions are to be held.  Present ruling states that the Kalloch reunions are to be held on the 3rd Saturday of each August.  However, there are some years that August has 5 weeks adding confusion to the Interpretation of the rules.  A motion was made to hold the Kalloch Association Family Reunion on the 3rd Saturday of each August regardless of the number of weeks in the month.  The motion was passed.

In new business, the President asked for a committee to Investigate locations and to organize future reunions.  Evelyn Kalloch volunteered with the stipulation that she did not chair it.  More members for this committee are needed.

Evelyn Kalloch announced that her granddaughter Mya-Lisa King was about to give birth to her first great-grandchild, and that she and her daughter Victoria Levesque had hit milestone birthdays this year.  Peter Richardson stated that his father had died last November.

Prizes were awarded: Early Bird Registration to Albert and Barbara Mathieson, Oldest Person attending to Hazel Hills, 92 years old (Frances Hjerpe arrived later at age 94), Youngest Person to Chandler Kalloch, 5 years old, Furthest Traveled to Hope Harris, Oregon (In contention with Tom Dumble, California, and Jack Tollefson, Texas), and Longest Married to Hope Harris, 58 years.

Robert Crabtree presented the slate of officers for nomination: Dolores McCarthy, President, Donald Sack, Vice-President, Evelyn Kalloch Treasurer and Corresponding Secretary, and Victoria Kalloch Levesque, Recording Secretary.  No nominations were taken from the floor.  Officers were voted for the 1997-1998 year unanimously.

Evelyn Kalloch extended her appreciation to Norman Kalloch for his extensive work on keeping the mailing labels current. Evelyn is also investigating a source that would print and fold the Kalloch Newsletter.  Peter Richardson suggested we have a committee of vice-presidents to organize future reunions, like our forefathers did.

The coffee pot reaped $105.50.

The business meeting was adjourned at 12:00 for lunch.

After lunch raffle tickets were drawn. Deb Lovely won first prize, A Romantic Fireside Interlude, and Catherine DeSimone won second prize, a Christmas tee shirt.

Penobscot Bay Scottish Dancers began the afternoon events with their lively dancing.  Members of the audience were encouraged to learn some of the traditional dances.

Peter Richardson's "All in the Family", entertained as well as informed the listening audience.  He supported his statement "that Kallochs are a study in contrast... realizing that the shadow and reality are very close".

The program concluded with some comments from guest Paula Thomas, who is writing a book about Isaac Kalloch.  She realized that she would be writing historical fiction, but wanted to keep the integrity of the history of Isaac.  She encouraged members of the audience to share information with her, especially concerning Isaac's wife and children, and his brother Amariah III. (telephone number 760-321-5300)

The 130th Kalloch Family Reunion adjourned at 4:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Victoria Kalloch Levesque, Secretary

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