129th Kalloch Reunion Minutes - 1996

Dolores McCarthy called the 129th Kalloch Family Reunion meeting to order on August 24, 1996, at 11:30 a.m., at the Samoset Resort in Rockland, Maine, with 34 in attendance.

The secretary’s report was given by Victoria Levesque and accepted as read.  The treasurer’s report, given by Evelyn Kalloch, noted a checkbook balance of $923.84.  This included donations from Bert and Gilda Keller, Edgar and Elinor Johnson, and Paul and Doris Merriam.  Mrs. Kalloch also reported the value of the CD at $1676.67 with 4 3/4% interest.

Correspondence was shared from Peter Richardson, Katherine Joyce, and Paul and Doris Merriam.  Also noted was a news article stating that Julie Kalloch Ray (grandniece of Herbert Kalloch) has purchased the House of Cards on Main Street in Rockland. Evelyn Kalloch has received 31 reservations for the 130th Kalloch Reunion.

Other news shared: Jim and Mary Kalloch’s son David Andrew married Karen Wingate on Sept. 9, 1995.  They also have a granddaughter Samantha who is 17 1/2 months old.  Daughter Susan is expecting twins.  Donald Sack stated that his mother Nancy is doing well---feisty as ever.  Gerry and Naomi Kearns have been researching their Kalloch history.  Great grandmother was Sally or Sarah Kalloch married to Thomas Hemingway.  They shared a picture of Hemingway’s daughter Hannah.

Anita Fernald brought pictures from her recent visit to Scotland.

President asked for a report from the 130th planning committee. Ideas were shared.

Dean Mayhew shared a Kelleck Coat-of-Arms.  He believes it was probably given to one of the three Johns or Robert.  He suggested that research supporting this be conducted and presented for the 130th Reunion.  The cost would be $650.  The general feeling of those present feared this amount would deplete our treasury, though it would be valuable research.  With a thrust from Don Sack, who said he would donate $200 from his family, others likewise contributed: Evelyn Kalloch $100, Victoria Levesque $50, Jim and Mary Kalloch $150, Victor and Jeanine Lawrence $25, Walter and Ruth Baker $50, Catherine DeSimone $20, Edgar and Elinor Johnson $50, Shirley Keller $25, Bob and Agnes Crabtree $20, and Richard and Mary Leno $40.  A motion was made to conduct the research needed for the coat-of-arms with the donations listed.

Discussion of clarity with the time of reunions was conducted.  Present ruling states that the Kalloch reunions are to be held on the 3rd Saturday of each August.  However, there are some times when the month has 5 weeks.  The motion to change the time to read "next to the last Saturday in August” was tabled until the 130th so more people in attendance could make the decision.

The coffee pot reaped $120.81.

Evelyn Kalloch resigned her position of newsletter editor, but will remain corresponding secretary and local correspondent. Donald Sack and Maura Sack volunteered to assume this position.  Evelyn will still gather news and share with Don.

A call for a publicity chairman was made.  Evelyn Kalloch will do the local area.

Dean Mayhew stated that the Kalloch Family Reunion was the oldest consecutive on-going reunion in the United States.

Three women were honored as the oldest members attending this reunion: Frances Hjerpe, 93, Catherine Olsen, 92, and Hazel Hills, 90. Maura Sack was the youngest at age 15.  Longest married was Robert and Agnes Crabtree, 57 years. Furthest traveled was Catherine Olsen, Zane Crocker, and Mary Leno from California. Jeanine and Victor Lawrence introduced their guest, Rachel Geerlings from Holland. Early bird prize went to Albert Mathieson, door prize to Walter Baker, and a special gift to Hazel Hills who always registers first.  Hazel noted she has been coming to the reunions since she was a small child.  She is also a former secretary for the reunion.

A slate of officers was presented by Jeanine Lawrence: President, Dolores McCarthy, Vice-President, Donald Sack, Treasurer, Evelyn Kalloch, Recording Secretary, Victoria Levesque.  No nominations were taken from the floor.  Officers were accepted as presented.

Dolores McCarthy expressed her appreciation to those members of the association that had helped throughout the year. The business meeting concluded at 12:45 p.m.

Guest speaker for the afternoon was Jim Skoglund who stated that he “barely missed being a Kalloch”.  His prior two speeches included how the Kallochs were related to nearly everyone else in St. George and Kallochs in church records. This year he talked about the two places in St. George that Kallochs originated --- Matthew Kalloch (10 children) and John Kalloch (14 children).  This land and holdings in St. George was called the Kalloch Neighborhood from 1800-1810.

Dean Mayhew, known for his vertical research, told us how the original Kalloch led to future Kallochs living in Boston.

Anita Fernald told us about her trip to Scotland.

The 129th Kalloch Family Reunion adjourned at 2:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Victoria Kalloch Levesque, Secretary

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