73rd Kalloch Reunion Minutes - 1940
Pages 29-32 in the second minutes book

(Transcribed from the original handwritten copy.)

Wed. Aug. 27, 1940

The 71st [73rd*] annual reunion of the Kalloch family was held at Penobscot View Grange Hall, 30 present. Following prayer by Rev. Maurice Dunbar the meeting was called to order by Pres. Emeritus E. J. Kalloch. The reading of the last meeting were read and accepted. The same board of officers will serve the ensuing year.

E.J. Kalloch, Pres. Em.
Vice Presidents, Mrs. Ella Robinson, Daniel Kellar, John R. Kalloch, James Kellogg, Everet Kalloch, Robert Simmons, Mrs. Lillian Joyce,
Arthur D. Kalloch, Sec. & Treas.
Com. on entertainment: Miss Mary Kalloch, Mrs. Mabel Rollins, Mrs. Esther Long.

Remarks were made by E. J. Kalloch on the migrating of the family from Scotland to Ireland to the U.S. in 1726. By Mrs. Mabel Rollins on former reunions from 1873 to 1940. Remarks by Miss Marguerite Gould on the first members of the reunion four who were present in 1873 at Jackson Watts, St. George, Mrs. Julia Watts Miller, Elsia Watts Giles, E. J. Kalloch, Miss Mary Kalloch. Remarks by Mrs. Mary Kalloch, John R. Kalloch, Rev. Maurice Dunbar, Charles Kalloch, Mr. Chas. hill on the members of the family in San Francisco, Cal. Mr. E. J. Rollins gave an account of the ancient and modern lighting of fires by function of two sticks, caring of coals, sulfur matches to the modern cigarette lighter of today. Three solos were song by Mrs. Lillian Joyce, the Old Refrain, Garden of Snow, Mountain in the Morning.

Deaths reported: Pres. Edw. K. Gould, Rockland, Stephen Gould, Rockland, Lawrence Kalloch, Warren, Mrs. Nettie Griffin, Rockland, Rachel Kinney, St. George, Mrs. Jane Mosher, Aroostook Co.

Voted to hold the reunion at the same place next year, last Wed. in August.

Joseph H. Kalloch was President 11 years, Bradford K. Kalloch, 8 yrs., Henry F. Kalloch, 8 years, Edward J. Kalloch, 16 years, Frank S. Kalloch, V. Pres., 35 yrs.

Closed with Prayer, [by?] Rev. Maurice Dunbar.

Cash 1940                 13.80
Printing                        1.50
Hiring Hall                    5.00
Coll                              4.31

Arthur D. Kalloch
(Sec. & Treas.)

Oldest present, Edwin J. Kalloch, 91.

1940 - Those present
Rev. Maurice Dunbar, R. I.
Mr. Charles E. Hills, San Francisco
John R. Kalloch, Hatfield, Mass.
Mr. & Mrs Henry C. Mansfield, Lynn, Mass.
Mrs. Helen Harris
Miss Edith Watts
Mr. & Mrs E. B. Rollins, W. Somerville, Mass.
Arthur E. Keller, Portland
Miss Marguerite Gould, Rockland, Maine
Mrs. Gertrude Gay " "
Mrs. Lillian Joyce " "
Ronald Berry " "
Mrs. Ella Robinson, St. George
Miss Faustina Robinson, "
Mrs. Elsie Giles "
Mrs. Julia Miller, Waltham, Mass.
Mrs. Elsie Giles, St. George
Alexander Hawthorne, "
Mrs. J. E. Watts, Saugus, Mass.
Miss Mary Kalloch and Edwin Kalloch, Warren, Me.
Mr. Walter Swift, Thomaston, Me.
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur D. Kalloch, Thomaston, Me.
Mrs. William R. Hoffses, "

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