(Transcribed from the original handwritten copy.)
August 28, 1935
The Sixty Sixth [68th*]
Annual Reunion of the Kalloch family was held at the home of Mr. & Mrs.
Arthur D. Kalloch.
Divine Grace was invoked by Deacon H. F. Kalloch, Tenants Harbor. After
partaking of a bountiful dinner, the meeting wa called to order by
President, E. J. Kalloch and the following nominating committee was
appointed: William Griffon, Rockland, Mrs. Nannie Allen, Tenant's Harbor,
Mrs. Ella Robinson, St. George. The committee on location - A. D. Kalloch,
Thomaston, Henry K. Allen, Tenant's Harbor, Henry K. Mansfield, Lynn, Mass.
The following officers were elected:
President Edward J. Kalloch, Warren
Vice Presidents, Daniel M. Keller, Rockport - Everett Kalloch, So. Thomaston
- Mrs. Lillian Joyce, Rockland - Mrs. Ella Robinson, St. George - James
Kellogg, Cambridge, Mass.
Secretary & Treasurer - Arthur D. Kalloch, Thomaston.
Historian - Miss. Marguerite Gould, Rockland.
It was voted to hold the reunion next year the last Wednesday of August, at
the St. George Grange Hall.
Musical numbers were played by Virginia Rackliff, Rockland, Marion and
Dudley Harvie, Rockland, followed by remarks from President E. J. Kalloch,
Warren; Mrs. Susie Lamb, Rockland; Mr. & Mrs. John Kalloch, Hatfield, Mass.,
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rollins of Somerville, Mass., Miss Dorothy Pearson;
Supt. F.L.S. Morse, Thomaston, and Robert Simmons of Warren.
Vocal duets were sung by Misses Barbara Lamb and Mary Lamb. Mrs. Lillian
Joyce and Mary Lamb also employed this form of entertainment.
The oldest person present was Henry F. Kalloch, 93, while the youngest was
his great-granddaughter, Elaine Allen, 2.
Deaths: Robert Snow, California; Alice Kalloch Pullen, Tenant's Harbor,
Ellen Kalloch, Belfast.
It was voted to adjourn.
Cash on hand August 1, 1935 $20.44
Printing 1935
Cash on hand 1936
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