67th Kalloch Reunion Minutes - 1934
Pages 16-17 in the second minutes book

(Transcribed from the original handwritten copy.)

August 29, 1934 Wed.

The Sixty Fifth [67th*] Annual Reunion of the Kalloch family was held at the home of Arthur D. Kalloch, August 29, 1934, on the lawn under the century old elm trees, fifty two being present.

Divine grace was invoked by Deacon Edward Brown of Thomaston. At one o'clock a real home cooked dinner was served to which all took a decided liking, after which the business meeting was called to order by Pres. E. J. Kalloch.

The committee on nominations - Mrs. Nannie Allen, Tenants Harbor, Mrs. Mabel Rollins, Somerville, Mass., Mrs. Nettie Griffin, Rockland.

The committee on location - Edward K. Gould, Rockland, A. D. Kalloch, Thomaston, Lawrence Kalloch, Warren.

The same board of officers were elected: E. J. Kalloch of Warren, President and A. D. Kalloch, Sec. & Treas. It was voted to meet at the same place the next year the last Wednesday in August.

Remarks were made by Pres. E. G. Kalloch, Warren, Edward K. Gould, Rockland, Miss. Edith Watts, Lynn, Mass., Edward Brown, Thomaston, Lawrence Kalloch, Warren, E. B. Rollins and Mabel Rollins of Somerville, Mass., Mrs. Aliola Watts of Thomaston and H. F. Kalloch of Tenants Harbor.

Two saxophone numbers were played by Virginia Rackliff of Rockland.

A rising vote of thanks was given Edward K. Gould and daughter Marguerite for research work on the genealogy of the Kalloch family, also one to Mr. & Mrs. A. D. Kalloch for their hospitality.

The oldest person present was H. F. Kalloch, Tenants Harbor, 92 and the youngest his great grand daughter, Elaine Allen.

It was voted to adjourn.

Aug. 1934 Cash on hand         $23.44
Trucking chairs                            1.00
Printing                                         2.00
Balance 20.44

Arthur D. Kalloch
Sec. & Treas.

{Death of Julia E. Harris - July 26, 1933}
Daughter of Lucy Kalloch Teele

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