President Anita Fernald called the meeting to order at 11:10 a.m. in the
community room of the First Universalist Church of Rockland, Maine.
She then welcomed all and advised attendees to let them know if they would be
interested in serving on the executive/organizational committees and/or
positions such as President, Secretary, Registrar, Treasurer, etc.
President Fernald then advised that this is Sandy Zimmerman’s last year serving
as the Registrar and thanked her for her many years of dedicated service to the
KFRA in this position. A well-deserved round of thanks and applause followed!
Peter Richardson, Co-Historian, asked if anyone would be interested in serving
on a Planning Committee.
At this time, all members introduced themselves and of which clan they arise. It
is noted that there were several first-timers, two of whom were adoptees looking
for their blood kin, and one of whom shared a deeply personal story of loss and
a subsequent sweet message to reconnect with family.
Beverly Wilson asked that the newsletter specify who to contact with address
changes, births/deaths, marriages, etc.
She then asked that members send along cherished family recipes for the creation
of a Kalloch Family Cookbook.
Treasurer Paul Wilson gave his annual report for fiscal year 2018--August 1 2017
through July 31, 2018. Fund balances as of July 31, 2017 totaled $6633.09 with
receipts totaling $2143.40. Expenditures show 5169.71 for the 2017 meeting,
482.14 for the 2018 meeting, and 197.35 towards website maintenance. Ending fund
balances as of July 31, 2018 totaled $2927.29.
Eleanor Richardson moved that a $100 donation be authorized for use of the hall
today; Paul Wilson seconded the motion and a voice vote was taken with all in
The treasurer then passed the Kalloch Coffeepot for a donation collection.
Ken Kalloch, Co-historian and Webmaster explained that the website has been up
since 2001. As of July 2018 the site has a monthly average of 4953 page views
from 1250 visitors. As of 8/17/18 The Kalloch Family Reunion Association
Tree on Ancestry (Descendants of Finley Kelloch of Warren, Maine, 1735), has
41,411 people and 13,770 photos. Our KFRA Facebook page has 238 page likes (up
25 from last year).
Peter Richardson spoke of genealogical records being collected since 1894, and
then he shared his personal essay of the top ten reasons for holding the family
reunions and continuing the 151 years of so doing. He began as a four year old!
He asked all to consider the importance of the young taking up the reins to
continue weaving this rich family tapestry and asked for volunteers.
Registrar Sandy Zimmerman advised of marriages, births and deaths during the
previous year; prizes were given out for the Early Bird-first to send in their
registration, longest married, the oldest attendee, the youngest attendee, and
the attendee(s) who traveled the farthest to the reunion. All first time
attendees were given a 150th Reunion baseball cap.
A family photo of the 151st attendees was then taken.
Eleanor Richardson gave a talk on the importance of finding first hand sources
and the gathering and assembling of local history.
Treasurer: Upon a motion and a second, Paul Wilson was elected to continue as
Treasurer by a unanimous voice vote.
Newsletter and address list: Upon a motion and a second, Eileen Pettit and Cathy
Cubilla were elected to compile/create newsletters and maintain the address list
by a unanimous vote.
Secretary: Upon a motion and a second, Eileen Pettit was elected by a unanimous
It was duly noted that all other positions will continue to be held by their
The meeting was adjourned to a visit to the birth home of one of our ancestors,
the accomplished poet, Edna St. Vincent Millay.
Respectfully submitted,
Cathy Cubilla, 2017-2018 Secretary
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