149th Kalloch Reunion Minutes - 2016

Kalloch Family Reunion Association
149th Annual Reunion – August 20, 2016
Finnish Heritage Society, Jura Hall, South Thomaston, ME

Meeting Convened: at 11 a.m. by Anita Fernald Nelson, president

Identifications by family: People introduced themselves and stated their family line.

Secretary's Report: Eleanor Richardson read the 148th Reunion Minutes, and noted correspondence from Susan Kalloch, Linda Donovan, and AJ Oxton. She announced births: Sophia Allison Wilson, daughter of Kara (Rackliff) and Michael Wilson of Cushing, born Feb. 1, 2016; Joe Fitzgerald, son of Sarah Brazz and Cole Fitzgerald in Wyoming, born April 16, 2016, grandson of Bradbury Richardson Brazz, and great-grandson of Peter Richardson. Ava Rose Brummels, Daughter of Sara (Stephen Dunbar) and Jason Brummels, was born on Nov. 24th, 2016, in Lincoln, Nebraska. Grandmother is Deborah June Stephen, and great-grandparents are Pat and Charles Stephen.
Eleanor read the deaths in the 2016 newsletter, plus Robert Crabtree, 101, of Camden, who died July 6, 2016; Daniel P. DeGaetano of Candia, NH, who died Jan. 18, 2016 in Venice, FL; Kathleen Hammond, wife of Jack Hammond of Washington DC, who died March 17, 2016; and Wallace Farrand of Pensacola, FL, who died Nov. 9, 2015. A moment of silence was observed. We also sent healing thoughts to Charles and Bruce Stephen, Sam Clark, and Nancy Hunter.

Treasurer's Report: Paul Wilson (as of July 31, 2016). Beginning balance $2931. Income $1768 which includes donations $1151; Annual Meeting 2015: $449 and 2016 $168; Interest <50¢. Expenses: Website & History $239; Newsletter $248; 2015 Annual Meeting $560; deposit for 2017 Annual Meeting $300. Closing balance: $3352.
We need to vote $600 to the computer fund. Paul suggest establishing a delegated fund for the 150th (see Old and New Business).

Webmaster and Historian's Report: Ken Kalloch. In 2015 we had 19,514 visitors to the website kalloch.org, for an average of 433 visitors/month, 6,752 pages/month; 53 visitors/day; 188 pages/day. 4,960 people and 1945 photos have been added to the Kalloch family tree this year. In 2002 when the tree first went online on our website we had 9136 people in the tree – now we have 30,566! Descendants of Finley Kalloch number 12,855, plus 7203 spouses, totaling 20,118: Matthew Branch 5952; Alexander 4413; John 2344; Margaret 1991; and none of Mary (Kelloch) Brown's have been found. Our KFRA Facebook page now has 193 page likes.

Historian: Peter Richardson. Peter pointed out the series of red notebooks with the history of the reunion itself. In looking back, he notes suggestions for many years that we have website, so it is gratifying we have such a good one now. Peter distributed copies of the 125th Reunion handouts on our local history.

Registrar: Sandy Zimmerman. We had 41 people in attendance. Youngest was Sophia Wilson, 7 months; Oldest was Sophia's great-grandmother, Barbara Wilson, 89. Early Bird: Helen Campbell; farthest traveled: Ann Richardson of California; longest married, Pat (and Charles) Stephen, 63 years; and door prizes to new attendees Sami Wilson and Sonja Sleeper.

Old Business:
It was moved, seconded and voted to increase the computer fund to $600.

New Business:
MSV to establish a dedicated fund for the 150th Reunion.
Anita distributed a list of tasks and projects for the 150th, and everyone is encouraged to sign up to help in some way. And please invite all your family members! We need at least 100 people. The reunion will be a catered luncheon at the spacious Elks Hall, 210 Rankin St., near Old County Road, Rockland, ME. The hall will hold up to 400 people, plus RV parking on premises for $15.00, with water and electricity, but no pottage.

Election of Officers: It was MSV to re-elect the same officers as last year:

President: Anita Fernald Nelson Secretary/NL Editor: Eleanor Richardson
Vice President: Deb Lovely Chaplain: Pat Stephen
Treasurer: Paul Wilson Webmaster/Historian: Ken Kalloch
Historian: Peter Richardson Registrars: Sandy Zimmerman & Helen Campbell
Assistant Historian: Paul Wilson  

Members of the 150th Committee include the above plus Cindi Hamlin; Linda Robbins; Bev Wilson, Vickie Levesque and Capt. Jim Kalloch. Also on the list is Philip Kalloch.


Edna's Relatives: Peter Richardson distributed a chart where you could figure out your relationship to Edna St. Vincent Millay. Closest relative was Margaret Carleton, who explained: "By blood I am a 3rd cousin (not removed): Vincent's great grandmother was my great grandfather's (Moses) sister. Moses was patriarch of the West Rockport Keller clan. Because I am the youngest of the youngest of the youngest (of ten) I am the same generation as Edna. By kinship Vincent and I were 1st cousins – because my grandparents informally adopted Cora (whom we called Nell) after her mother was accidentally killed, leaving her family orphans (dad had vanished from the picture years before). Cora lived with my family (in that house we visited) for 7 or 8 years until her marriage to Henry Millay in that living room. I never knew Vincent, but was very close to her sister Norma whom I met when I was a young adult. I spent many happy hours at Steepletop!

Meeting Adjourned at 12:15 p.m.

Afternoon Program was Wayne Gray, chair of the Millay House Committee, who showed an excellent video he had created on Edna's life, and spoke to us on the progress of the renovation. Four of Edna's poems were read, plus two by our contemporary poets, Kendall Merriam and Peter Richardson. A collection was taken to contribute to the Millay House, netting $291.75. Anyone else wishing to contribute may send a check made out to "Rockland Historical Society" with a memo "Millay House," P.O. Box 1331, Rockland, ME 04841.

Respectfully submitted, Eleanor M. Richardson, secretary


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