148th Kalloch Family Reunion Association Minutes – August 15, 2015
Finnish Jura Hall, South Thomaston, ME
Annual Meeting convened by Anita Nelson, President. 61 people attended.
Margaret Carleton showed a picture of Sam Clark of West Rockport, her grandson,
who recently received a successful heart transplant.
Evelyn Kalloch then spoke on the Finnish Church, and Finnish families in the
midcoast, including her own. (See article elsewhere in this newsletter).
Milestones: Eleanor Richardson read the names of those who had died in the past
year, and read obituaries of Vic Lawrence, Gordon Levesque and Dean Mayhew. A
moment of silence was observed. She also announced the birth of Calvin Brazz,
Peter Richardson's first great-grandchild, and the Distinguished Service Award
given to Clark Olsen, the highest honor awarded by the Unitarian Universalist
Historian: Peter Richardson has upgraded the history of the Reunion itself,
including 20 years of minutes by Vickie Levesque and lots of pictures in red
notebooks. He and Eleanor visited the Irish city of Drogheda last summer, where
John Killough was a member of Oliver Cromwell's besieging army. He reached a
dead end researching further in Belfast.
Webmaster and Historian Ken Kalloch reported that his database of the Kalloch
family tree has grown from 9,100 when he started, to 25,606 names presently.
10,985 are descendants of Finley. There are 6211 photos. The website averages
50-60 visits per day, 31,449 total visits last year. It may be found at
www.Kalloch.org. Some of our attendees this year found us on our Facebook page
for the Kalloch Reunion.
Treasurer Paul Wilson reported a beginning balance of $2232. Income exceeded
expenses! Donations $737; Annual Meeting income $640 (2014 & 2015); interest
26¢! $1377 total income. Expenses: Website and history: $317; Newsletter $251;
Annual Meeting 2015: $110., monument repair: $0. Total expenses $678. Ending
balance as of July 31, 2015: $2931. Assets include 2 computers, genealogical
books and materials. Dedicated fund balance for website: $361. (usually we vote
to raise this to $600.)
Secretary's Report Eleanor Richardson reviewed last year's minutes and it was
MSV to accept them. It should be noted that last year's meeting was held at the
St. George Grange Hall.
Old Business Margaret Carleton noted that the West Rockport Cemetery, with many
Kallochs, is beautifully maintained by the W. Rockport Cemetery Association,
established by former KFRA member Dot Keller. Margaret has 4 generations there.
Genealogy: Our ultimate goal is to print a genealogy, presently 933 pages, but
more editing is needed. Margaret Carleton suggested publishing it
electronically, or "on demand" so the reunion wouldn't have to advance a large
amount of money. An individual could purchase a genealogy book at their own
expense, and not at the expense of KFRA? Ken suggests that it be loose leaf, so
additions and corrections will be easier.
Officers: There being no objections from officers or the meeting, last year's
slate was re-elected:
President: Anita Nelson Vice President: Deb Lovely
Treasurer: Paul Wilson Chaplain: Pat Stephen
Secretary & Newsletter Editor: Eleanor Richardson
Historians: Peter Richardson & Ken Kalloch, Webmaster and Historian
Assistant Historian: Paul Wilson
Registrar: Sandy Zimmerman & Assistant Registrar: Helen Campbell
Three new members volunteered to serve on the 150th Reunion Planning Committee
for 2017: Cindi Hamlin, Linda Robbins, and Capt. Jim Kalloch.
Dee McCarthy offered an item for auction: Essential Oils. $50 was raised.
New Business A visit to the NY home Edna St. Vincent Millay was highly
recommended. Follow the Mass Turnpike to the end, and go left at the light in
Austerlitz, NY. The barn there has become a center for aspiring artists.
Gifts were graciously presented by Sandy Zimmerman, registrar:
Youngest was Cameron Wilson, age 2 1/2. Early Bird: Nancy Greenwood; Oldest
present: Barbara Wilson, 88, with Evelyn Kalloch a close second, also 88.
Farthest traveled were Julia Hunter and Tim Bodine from WA, and Liz Barret Hunt
Eichly, also from WA. Married longest were Don and Cindy Kalloch at 47 years.
Next Reunion, our 149th, will be held the third Saturday in August, Aug 20,
2016. We loved the Finnish Heritage Center and will request to return. (Be sure
to mark calendars for the 150th!! August 19, 2017.)
Meeting adjourned: at 11:30 a.m. A photo was taken in front of the Finnish
After lunch and social time, we adjourned for tours of Henry Knox's "Montpelier"
nearby. We had 29 people for the tours, but when we requested the $20 family
rate, we were told "Nice Try." The two tour guides were excellent and we learned
a lot!
Respectfully submitted,
Eleanor M. Richardson, secretary pro tem
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