The 128th Kalloch Family Reunion was called to order by President Dolores McCarthy at 11:30 a.m. on August 19, 1995, at the Samoset Resort in Rockland, Maine, with 38 people in attendance.
The secretary’s report was accepted as published in the spring, 1995 Kalloch newsletter.
Treasurer, Evelyn Kalloch stated that our checking account balance as of August 15, 1995 was $1537.99. Since January 1, the account had added $12.14 in interest and a $5 donation from John Killough. On May 22, 1955, Mrs. Kalloch rolled-over the CD worth $15385.24 at 6.03% interest. A detailed treasurer’s report will be included in the next newsletter. The treasurer’s report was accepted as read.
Noteworthy news, as reported by Evelyn Kalloch, corresponding secretary, included the death of Alfred Kennison, whose grandmother was a Kalloch. Also, the results of the annual reunion date survey indicated that the majority of those responding wanted the third Saturday in August. 16 voted for the third Saturday, 3 for the fourth Saturday.
President McCarthy continued the business meeting by presenting special awards. The oldest member attending the reunion was Frances Hjerpe, 92. Her sister, Catherine Olsen can never seem to beat her at age 91! The youngest member attending the reunion was Sarah Lucille Brazz at 4 months (followed closely by Cassidy Haley Mayhew at 6 months). The longest married was Elford and Eleanor Richardson at 59 years (followed by Robert and Agnes Crabtree at 56 years). Catherine Olsen again received the award for traveling me furthest- Sun City, California. Hazel Hills (absent on this day) and Catherine DeSimone were awarded gifts for submitting the first two reservations of the season. Honored, also, were Catherine Olsen and Frances Hjerpe for consistently attending all the family reunions. Barbara Mathieson won the door prize and Marilyn Boyce won the Early Bird Registration drawing.
Old business included the discussion of the reunion date survey. Traditionally, the Kalloch Family Reunion has been held on the 4th Saturday of August Since Schools are starting typically before Labor Day, there has been some concern that this influences the attendance of me reunion negatively. A motor, to change future reunions to the 3rd Saturday in August was made and passed.
President McCarthy announced that the Elmer Rising book was still available to family members at $50 with $25 going to the Kalloch Association.
The New England Genealogical Society announced that they would accept our Kalloch genealogy books.
New business included the formation of a committee to research a local repository for Kalloch material. Margaret Carlton and others have suggested that by housing Kalloch materials locally, there would be easier access for research. Concerns directed to the committee included safety of materials, accessibility, and rules for public use. Serving on this committee are Julia Hunter, Margaret Carlton, David Kalloch, and Evelyn Kalloch.
A motion was made to purchase two books for the Association: How to Publish and Market Your Family History and Guidelines for Writing Genealogy for the New England Genealogical Society. The cost. $17.50 and $3.00 respectively, was passed. Peter Richardson, historian, hopes this material will aid him in his desire to publish a Kalloch history in more formal form.
June Kalloch Parmenter presented a state of officers for nomination, including, Dolores McCarthy for President. Donald Sack for Vice-President. Evelyn Kalloch as Treasurer and Corresponding Secretary, and Victoria Kalloch Levesque as Recording Secretary. No nominations were offered from the floor and the slate presented was passed.
Evelyn Kalloch asked for contributions for the newsletter. She stated that she got her news from local papers. But she felt that there was much more news from other areas that would be appropriate for the newsletter, including stories and poems from the Kalloch family.
Bradbury Brazz, now located in Rockland in a Kalloch homestead, agreed to be Publicity Chairperson. No one volunteered to serve on the Door Prize Committee nor the Program Committee. A committee was formed to brainstorm ideas for the 130th Kalloch Reunion. Members agreed that the Association should do something special for this event, but not quite as elaborate as the 125th Reunion. Hopefully, the attendance wilt increase it the 130th Reunion has a special program. Committee members include Victoria Levesque, Evelyn Kalloch, Peter Richardson, Dee McCarthy. Jeanine Lawrence. Ruth Baker, and Eleanor Johnson.
President McCarthy conduced the business meeting by thanking officers for their contributions to the Association. She also thanked Norm Kalloch for providing; mailing labels (at no cost) and Gordon Levesque’s assistance with the newsletter. The l28th Kalloch Family Reunion business meeting was adjourned at 12:05 p.m.
After a buffet lunch served by the Samoset Resort, the program began with Peter Richardson, historian, now living in Andover, Massachusetts. His presentation, Kalloch Musings, addressed why people attended these reunions. Connections, he stated, served as the main thrust. including connections with extended family, connections with history, connections with landscape, connections with our early members, connections with our mortality, connections with story and connections with values. Peter continued his presentation by discussing the Kalloch lines—connecting relatives past to present, branches within branches.
Honoring Our Seniors highlighted the afternoon. Dorothy Pearson, born April 23, 1914, Eleanor Richardson (Dorothy’s sister), born December 6, 1911, Robert Crabtree, born March 29, 1915, Catherine Olson, born May 10, 1904, and Frances Hjerpe (Catherine’s sister), born January 1, 1903 were interviewed. Each of these people regaled the audience with delightful stories of his/her past. The interviews were taped and copies of this video were made available to those attending.
The 128th Kalloch Family Reunion concluded its program at 4:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Victoria Kalloch Levesque, Secretary
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