(Transcribed from the original typewritten copy.)
Aug. 28,1982 - 115th Kalloch Reunion
70 were registered at the reunion held at home of Capt. and Mrs. Craig Kalloch in Searsmont, Me. A delicious
chicken barbeque was prepared by Mrs. Craig (Lynn) Kalloch and able assistance of the family. One great
attraction of the dinner was a foil lined wheel barrow being wheeled out laden with a huge salad. Many cameras
were clicking. Only $2.00 was charged for adults and less for children. Lynn took out the cost of the
dinner and left $20.00 to be add[ed] to the collection. A very generous gesture considering all the work.
The barbecue was delicious. When we were full large containers of brownies and frosted cakes were brought to
each table.
Many folks spoke of how nice to see so many of the younger members of the family in attendance.
The meeting was opened by the Vice President Eleanore Johnson in the absence of the Pres. Capt. Craig Kalloch who was
at sea. Eleanore read a letter from Craig.
The Sec. & Treas. records were read and accepted. The following nominating committee was appointed:
Glenny’s Gross, Leola Robinson, Colby Kalloch, Dean Mayhew and William Morgan.
Lynn Kalloch gave a report on the camp out last night - about 20 were present. The weather report and the cold
wind kept some from attending.
Obituary report:
Carl Kalloch - Rockland, Me. 198[?]
Donald Kenniston Warren, Me. - June 27,1982.
The secretary suggested having an obituary committee appointed. Doris Merriam was to keep those from the
Courier Gazette, Emma Kalloch, Thomaston the Portland Press Herald and Raymond Oxton, Lincolnville the Bangor
newspaper. It is hoped that others will report deaths that they know of, for our records.
Dean Mayhew spoke of getting history and genealogy from England and Scotland and the cost. A discussion
followed. Nancy Sack spoke of costs to Dean Mayhew and Peter Richardson and that they should be reimbursed. A
vote followed to set aside a fund of $50.00 for that use. Money couldn’t pay for the extensive research these
two faithful members are performing.
Peter reported that Mabel Kalloch Rollins was 100 years old June 29th, l982. The family and some of the patience
[patients] in the Rockland Nursing Home where Mabel is - celebrated her birthday with cake and a toast - (not
strong beverages) - ending with Mabel playing the piano. Through Mabel’s 100 years she has attended at least 90
reunions, never missing them since a very small child. Family has meant much to Mabel. Peter suggested
sending special greetings to her from the reunion. A card has been signed to be taken to her by her niece
Eleanor Richardson.
The oldest present Henrietta Knowlton, Camden 92 yrs.
Youngest Carolyn Lane Kalloch 4 months, Craig and Lynn’s baby girl,
The longest distance the Arthur Olsons from Cal., Richard and Pearl Kalloch, Holly Hill Fla. and Dorothy Pearson,
Ormond Beach, Fla.
The nominating committee reported the same slate of officers:
Pres. Capt. Craig Kalloch, Searsmont, Me.
V. Pres. Eleanore Johnson, Camden, Me.
Sec. & Trea. Hazel Hills, Warren, Maine,
Chaplain Charlene Black, Tenants Harbor, Me.
Rev. Peter Richardson, Kennebunk, Me.
Honorary Chaplain Mabel Rollins, Rockland, Me.
The meeting was turned over to Peter Richardson, Historian. Peter showed pictures of many of our ancestors he
has copied from pictures brot [brought] in as well as many cemetery stones, an extensive amount of work on his
part. This was followed by a tape by Dean Mayhew on more background of the family. At the close of the
tape Eleanore Johnson’s husband offered to take the tape to his office in Augusta and have it copied so it can be made
available to everyone.
We are greatly indebted to Peter and Dean for such wonderful records.
Lynn Kalloch extended an invitation to meet with with them again next year, Aug. 27th. A rising vote of thanks
was given Lynn for her hospitality.
Respectfully submitted,
[Hazel Hills, Sec.]
(Typewritten treasurer's report followed, and was not included here.)
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