113th Kalloch Reunion Minutes - 1980

(Transcribed from the original typewritten copy.)

Aug. 23, 1980

The 113th Reunion of the Kalloch Family was held at the St George Grange Hall with an attendance of 56.  The Ladies of the Grange served a lunch.

The meeting was opened by the Pres. Nancy Sack.  Sec. & Treas. reports were read and accepted.

Part of the records of the Reunion held Aug. 1880 were read by the Pres.  48 were in attendance at the Cutting Grove in Warren, home of Al Cutting.  Rev. Joseph Kalloch Pres.  The nominating corn, was Larry K. Joseph K. and Lermond Kalloch, Erastus K., Silas K and Alexander Kalloch.  The committee to select the place to hold the reunion in 1881.  Music by a selected choir.  Mrs. Rufus Kalloch of Ashland addressed the association, a poem was read by Lermond K.

Gladys Keller sent greetings to the reunion but didn’t feel she could attend this year.

Nancy turned the meeting over to Peter Richardson Historian, who started off with questions about dates etc.  Peter stated we shouldn’t concentrate just on names and dates and who married who, but ‘more about their lives.  Also had spent all his time on the descendants of Mathew he gave an interesting discourse on it.  Peter closed with a quote from Edward K. Gould on Mathew Kalloch.  We have a tape recording of Peter’s report which will be kept with our records and may be used by others that might like to copy some of it.

The Pres. appointed the following nominating comm: Leola Robinson, Stanley Kalloch, Kendall Merriam, Carl Kalloch and Tansin Richardson.  The committee reported the same slate of officers as follows: Pres. Nancy Sack, V. Pres. Elinor Johnson, Sec. & Treas. Hazel Hills, Historian Peter Richardson, Assistant Historian Roy Joyce, chaplain Charlene Black and Honorary Chaplain Mabel Rollins. Voted to accept the nomination and the Sec. cast one ballot.

Nancy spoke of a family that use to meet the night before the reunion to discuss things and to camp out.  It would be interesting to know if this group would be inclined to try it another year.  It was discussed after the meeting and plans will follow.

Oldest member present Henrietta Knowlton 90yrs, youngest Rebecca Mayhew 6 yrs.  Longest distance Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Olson from Cal.

Dean Mayhew followed with an informative talk on the Kalloch back ground in Scotland.  This also is recorded.

The 1981 reunion will be Aug.22, the place to be announced in the letter.

This was a long meeting but very informative and interesting.
Voted to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted,
[Hazel Hills, Sec.]

Deaths listed below.

(Treasurer's report was inserted here in the original, and was not included here in this copy.)

Mildred Spear White - May 18, 1979  - Warren
Charles L. Kalloch - Nov.19,1979  -Rockland
Edith Harris - 1980 - Tenants Harbor

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