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Phillip &
Evelyn (Nuppula) Kalloch Family Phillip is a son of Mervyn Ray Kalloch & Emma Carroll and grandson of Belinda Kalloch |
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Phillip & Evelyn (Nuppula) Kalloch |
Evelyn - Vickie - Phillip |
Phillip - Phillip, Jr. - Vickie - Evelyn
Christmas ca. mid-1950's
Phillip & Vickie
Phillip Carroll Kalloch, Sr. Family
Back: Granddaughter, Mya-Lisa; friend, not identified ; Son-in-law, Gordon; Grandson, Aaron
Front: Daughter, Vickie; Evelyn; Phillip, Sr.
Thanksgiving 2001
(Left, rear), Gordon, Vickie's
husband, Phillip, his son Andrew (his other son Jonathan is not here),
Aaron King, Vickie's son, Mark Condon, Vickie's son-in-law.
(From left, middle), Lynn (Lynda), Phil's wife, Mary King, Aaron's wife, Tessa,
Vickie's grand child.
(Front, from left), Vickie, Evelyn, Mya-Lisa King, Vickie's daughter (Mark's
wife), and Jack, Vickie's grandson.
Aren't the kids cuties? Also, not a good pose for Gordon...he just
didn't smile...probably wasn't ready!
Ken Kalloch with Phillip & Vickie
at Evelyn's house - 1/25/03