Historian's Resources for
Kalloch Research
Peter T. Richardson, Historian PTEMR@aol.com
Genealogy Notebooks, (currently 6 overfull 3" volumes).
Yellow = John Lines, Green = Matthew Lines, Blue = Alexander Lines. In each line a separate page for each generation. Names
underlined have further pages following. Photographs and items of
biographical interest follow the page with genealogical information.
Kalloch Reunion History/Records Notebooks, (Red,
currently 1 volume). Photographs, minutes, attendance, press coverage, etc.
Indexes, Genealogy indexes compiled by Edward Kalloch
Gould, Bertha Drewett and Paul Merriam.
Historian's Correspondence, (currently 4 loose leaf
notebooks). Where your letters go when I finally answer or use information
in them.
Research Files, New information, questions I haven't had a
chance to answer, unanswered letters, etc.
General Information on Kalloch's File, Useful info.
Unconnected Kallochs, Either Kallochs not of our branch or
names and photographs which need further information to connect with our
General Genealogical Info, Historical, family,
genealogical organizations that are good to know about.
Computer file, Ideas.
E-mail list file and addresses, E-mail is the fastest way
to communicate with me!!
Photograph file, Mostly "things to do."
Display boxes, Currently 5 boxes of books, Bibles, framed
portraits, memorabilia & "stuff" too good to throw away!