(Transcribed from the original handwritten copy.)
Aug. 24, 1960
The 89 90th [93rd*]
annual reunion of the Kalloch family was held at the St. George, Grange Hall.
Following a bounteous dinner at which 23 people were present, the business meeting was held which was opened by Virgil Hills, and prayer was offered by Rev. Maurice Dunbar.
The Secretary's & Treasurer's report was read and accepted.
The following nominating committee was appointed, Lucy Hoffses, Samuel Kalloch 3rd, and Prof. E. B. Rollins. After a short deliberation, it was recommended the same board of officers serve for the following year.
Pres. - |
Arthur Kalloch |
Vice. Pres. - |
Mabel Rollins, Leola Robinson, R. W. Carey |
Virgil Hills, Kurt Hoffses, |
Sec. & Treas. - |
Edith Harris |
Historian - |
Marguerite Gould |
Committee on Entertainment - |
Mabel K. Rollins, Helen Harris |
Lucy Hoffses |
Committee on Location - |
Arthur Kalloch, Prof. E. B. Rollins |
Virgil Hills |
After the business meeting the following program was presented -
Mrs. Hazel Hills showed a display of a woodland scene, also told of a new "hobby", cook books. Read several jokes, and a poem about her aunt Mary Kalloch, by Florence Kimball, also spoke of Grandma Moses' paintings.
Prof. Rollins gave a short talk about Tufts College, and told of Prof. Charles Tufts giving 20 acres of land where the college was built.
Saml. Kalloch 3rd., showed movies which he took the previous year, and told a joke.
Kurt Hoffses told of seeing Vice Pres. Richard Nixon in Portland, Me., and obtained his autograph.
There were remarks by Mr. & Mrs. John Kalloch, Arthur Kalloch and Augusta Kellogg. And jokes by Mrs. Emma Kalloch and Warren Hills.
We were asked to send cards to Mrs. Grace Carey.
The following deaths were reported, Mrs. Lucy Sillery, and Wilford Robinson.
Adjourned to meet at St. George Grange Hall Aug. 23, 1961.
(Treasurer's report followed, and was not included here.)
Edith M. Harris, Sec.
◄ 1959 | Reunion Minutes Index | 1961 ►