(Transcribed from the original handwritten copy.)
The 119th Kalloch Reunion was held August 23, 1986 at Beaver Lodge, Union, Maine. It was a cool day with a small attendance.
After having our picnic lunches, we went inside for the meeting. President Dean Mayhew called the meeting to order. We heard the treasurers report with a balance of $546.67 on hand. The Sec. report was read.
It was suggested for next year that the nominating committee be appointed before lunch - so they can have time to find out who wants to be an officer.
Obituary report was
1. Rev. Arthur Olsen from California
2. Norman Millay, New York
3. Mona Richardson, Kennebunk, Maine
4. Doris King Morgan, Conn.
5. Frank DeSimone, Lincolnville.
Correspondence and bills -
Nancy Kalloch Sack told us about West Coast relatives of Alexander Kalloch that want to attend the next reunion.
Newsletter - She would like information about Kallochs - obituary - a few lines about the person, their life. There are near to 200 newsletters going out.
It was suggested that money left from Sam Kalloch be used for the text books for students attending vocational school in college locally. Georges Valley High School.
The original record book is irreplaceable. It was suggested to be placed in a museum in Westbrook for safekeeping and available to Kallochs. President Mayhew volunteered to find out who would microfilm the original record book. We should have Zerox copies for our records.
The oldest member present was Herbert Kalloch - 92
The youngest present was William Morgan, 2 1/2
The longest distance was Dorothy Pearson, Florida
The couple married the longest - Glennys & Lloyd Gross, 57 years
The ye ole mug collection was $167.25
The nomination committee of Fred Kalloch, Leola Robinson, Mrs. Gross, Mrs. Mayhew came back with the same officers
as last year -
Pres. Dean Mayhew, V. Pres. for arrangements Jan Staples, 2nd. V. Pres. Eleanor Johnson, Sec. Donna Perry, Assistant
Hazel hills, Treas. Paul Merriam, Chaplain Doris Merriam, Historian Peter Richardson, Assistant Historian, Dean
Mayhew, Editor of newsletter, Nancy Kalloch Sack.
It was voted to hold next years meeting at Beaver Lodge, Aug. 22, 1987 - Sat.
Suggested a sign at the end of the road
We would like a bigger attendance next year - it was mentioned an acting play, contra dancing, bring instruments, entertainment before the meeting. Whiffle ball or organized games for the young people - games.
Hazel Hills will research camp grounds and motels available.
Peter Richardson gave us the Historian report and told how we are related.
President Dean Mayhew said the word for today is "Break through" -
1. Continue registration world wide
2. Mormons are compiling records that will be available in 2 years -
These reports are on tapes.
Donna Perry, Sec.
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