Genealogy of Kenneth David Kalloch
Ancestors and Related Families

List of Surnames by State, Sources & Links

   +--Goin Hemphill  (AB. 1701-AB. 1781)
+--Henry Hemphill  (1740-)
|  +--?  
Judith Hemphill  (24 DEC. 1763-)
|  +--Joseph Rogers  (19 DEC. 1714-18 APR. 1793)
+--Judith Rogers  (16 AUG 1740-)
   |                 +--Richard Barttelot 
   |              +--Edmund Bartlett  (-1591)
   |           +--Richard Bartlett  (AB. 1575-20 MAY 1647)
   |        +--Richard Bartlett  (31 OCT. 1621-1698)
   |     +--Samuel Bartlett  (20 FEB. 1645-15 MAY 1732)
   |     |  +--Abigail ________  (-1 MAR. 1686/7)
   |  +--Samuel Bartlett  (28 MAR. 1676-16 MAY 1753)
   |  |  |        +--William Tyttcombe 
   |  |  |     +--William Titcomb 
   |  |  |     |  +--Edith  
   |  |  |  +--William Titcomb  (-24 SEPT. 1676)
   |  |  |  |  +--Alice Coleman 
   |  |  +--Elizabeth Titcomb  (23 MAY 1671-26 AUG. 1690)
   |  |     |  +--Samuel Bitsfield 
   |  |     +--Elizabeth Bitsfield 
   +--Abigail Bartlett  (7 MAR. 1718-18 APR. 1800)
      |     +--Thomas Wells  (AB. 1605-26 OCT. 1666)
      |  +--Thomas Wells  (11 JAN. 1646/7-10 JULY 1734)
      |  |  |  +--William Warner  (-BEF. 1648)
      |  |  +--Abigail Warner  (-22 JULY 1671)
      +--Abigail Wells 
         |     +--John Perkins  (1590-1654)
         |  +--John Perkins  (AB. 1614-1686)
         |  |  |  +--Michael Gaiter 
         |  |  +--Judith Gater 
         +--Mary Perkins  (AB. 1652-26 JAN. 1726/7)
            +--Elizabeth ______  (-27 SEPT. 1684)


This page is provided by The Kalloch Family Home Page,
Website of The Kalloch Family Reunion Association, founded in 1867.

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