Killough Family Tree Database
-- Only names and no dates/locations are displayed for living individuals --

Killough History & Genealogy Book Page

                     +--James Paxton  (ABT 1620-1720)
                  +--Samuel Paxton 
               +--John Paxton  (1692-1746)
            +--Capt. John Paxton  (1716-3 OCT 1787)
            |  |        +--John Alexander of Tarbert  (1603-11 DEC 1696)
            |  |     +--George Alexander  (1620-5 MAY 1703)
            |  |     |  +--Agnes Elizabeth Graham  (1597-1677)
            |  |  +--John Alexander  (25 JUL 1645-31 DEC 1733)
            |  |  |  +--Susanna Sage  (1 OCT 1621-3 MAY 1684)
            |  +--Elizabeth Phoebe Alexander  (5 OCT 1694-1756)
            |     |  +--Samuel Gaylord  (19 DEC 1619-19 APR 1690)
            |     +--Sarah A. Gaylord  (18 JAN 1652-3 NOV 1732)
            |        +--Elizabeth Gaylord  (16 OCT 1625-2 MAY 1680)
         +--William Paxton  (1751-16 APR 1817)
         |  |  +--Samuel Blair  (1667-20 MAR 1754)
         |  +--Mary Martha Blair  (1726-12 AUG 1821)
         |     +--Martha Campbell Lyle  (1672-2 MAY 1729)
      +--William L. Paxton  (11 OCT 1783-26 OCT 1875)
      |  |        +--Andrew Stuart  (1674-1715)
      |  |     +--Sir Archibald Stuart  (1696-17 NOV 1761)
      |  |     |  +--Eleanor Dallway  (1678-1730)
      |  |  +--Thomas Crawford Stuart  (1727-17 FEB 1789)
      |  |  |  |  +--John Brown  (28 APR 1675-23 APR 1752)
      |  |  |  +--Janet Brown  (1705-1775)
      |  +--Elizabeth Ann Stuart  (13 JUN 1755-16 NOV 1826)
      |     |     +--John Moore  (1645-)
      |     |  +--John William Moore  (1710-29 JUL 1777)
      |     |  |  +--Susannah Price  (1670-)
      |     +--Elizabeth Moore  (1728-1806)
      |        |  +--(Matthew) Pierre Jouett  (1683-17 DEC 1743)
      |        +--Mary Susannah Jouett  (1721-14 MAY 1814)
      |           |  +--John Moore  (1665-20 APR 1736)
      |           +--Susannah Price Moore  (1700-1745)
      |              +--Susanna Price  (1670-1767)
   +--Charles McDowell Paxton  (19 SEP 1813-17 MAR 1865)
   |  |     +--Joseph McDowell   (1715-NOV 1771)
   |  |  +--Charles McDowell  (28 OCT 1743-31 MAR 1815)
   |  |  |  |     +--Shane John MacBrian Shane An Franca O'Neill  (1665-2 APR 1739)
   |  |  |  |  +--Con Laird Samuel O'Neil  (1680-1737)
   |  |  |  |  |  +--Charity Dickson *  (1665-30 NOV 1726)
   |  |  |  +--Virginia Margaret O'Neil  (1723-1790)
   |  |  |     +--Irene Feger  (15 APR 1680-(UNKNOWN))
   |  +--Sarah Grace McDowell  (16 DEC 1787-1870)
   |     |     +--James Greenlee  (16 JUL 1679-1740)
   |     |  +--James E Greenlee  (1 JAN 1707-JUL 1757)
   |     |  |  +--Elizabeth Stuart (Stewart)  (1680-AFT 1750)
   |     +--Grace Grizell Greenlee  (23 JUN 1750-18 MAY 1823)
   |        |                          +--Uchtred 5th Laird of Garthland MacDowall  (1376-1470)
   |        |                       +--Thomas MacDowall, 6th Laird of Gathland  (1405-1488)
   |        |                       |  +--Vauss Lady of Barnbarroch.  (1380-)
   |        |                    +--Uchtred, Laird of Garthland MacDowall  (SEP 1434-9 SEP 1513)
   |        |                    |  +--Lady Elizabeth Fraser  (1415-1434)
   |        |                 +--Sir Thomas, 8th Laird of Garthland, MacDowall  (1 SEP 1480-9 SEP 1513)
   |        |                 |  +--Lady Isobel of Lochinvar Gordon-McDowall  (1434-27 JUN 1509)
   |        |              +--John (9th Laird of Garthland) Macdowall  (1506-10 SEP 1547)
   |        |              |  +--Isabella Atholl Stewart  (1476-9 SEP 1513)
   |        |           +--Uchtred William, Lord Ruthven, MacDowall 10th Laird of Garthland  (1546-1593)
   |        |           |  +--Lady Margaret Campbell  (1530-1547)
   |        |        +--John Alexander McDowell  (1575-1637)
   |        |        |  +--Margaret Kennedy 
   |        |     +--Thomas McDowell  (1628-ABT 1692)
   |        |     |  +--Margaret Jane Hall  (1595-1685)
   |        |  +--Ephraim Samuel McDowell  (3 MAR 1673-1777)
   |        +--Mary Elizabeth McDowell  (17 NOV 1707-15 MAR 1809)
   |           |  +--Andrew Wylie  (1628-1700)
   |           +--Margaret Elizabeth Irvine  (7 SEP 1674-1728)
   |              |        +--David Lindsay 
   |              |     +--Robert Lindsay  (1552-3 SEP 1598)
   |              |     |  +--Catherine Campbell 
   |              |  +--Lord John Robert Lindsay  (9 DEC 1582-19 MAY 1635)
   |              |  |  |              +--Willem Venables  (1370-1421)
   |              |  |  |           +--Thomas Sir Venables van Chester  (1413-11 OCT 1438)
   |              |  |  |           |  +--Katherine Morley  (1382-)
   |              |  |  |        +--William de Venables van Kinderton  (1439-1493)
   |              |  |  |        |  +--Margaretha Stanley  (ABT 1415-ABT 1510)
   |              |  |  |     +--Thomas Lord Venables van Kinderton  (1470-9 SEP 1513)
   |              |  |  |     |  |  +--Peter Piers Leigh IV,  (1433-2 AUG 1468)
   |              |  |  |     |  +--Petronella de Caverswall Coversonell  (1441-1469)
   |              |  |  |     |     +--Elizabeth Trafford,  (1430-1475)
   |              |  |  |  +--Sir Robert Panmure Maule  (1490-3 MAY 1560)
   |              |  |  |  |  |        +--Andrew Rollo  (1397-9 JUL 1481)
   |              |  |  |  |  |     +--Robert (of Mello, Burgess of Dundee) (Rollo) Rollock  (1428-10 MAR 1481)
   |              |  |  |  |  |     |  +--Sara Duncrub  (ABT 1368-UNKNOWN)
   |              |  |  |  |  |  +--Sir David of Ballachie Rollock  (1444-13 FEB 1510)
   |              |  |  |  |  |  |  +--Lady Jean Rollock  (1420-1481)
   |              |  |  |  |  +--Lady Mary Elizabeth Rollock  (1463-1509)
   |              |  |  |  |     |  +--Patrick Gray  (1419-1464)
   |              |  |  |  |     +--Lady Elizabeth De Grey Baroness Greystoke  (1448-18 JUL 1492)
   |              |  |  |  |        +--Lady Annabella "Lady Gray" Baroness of Forbes  (OCT 1423-FEB 1514)
   |              |  |  +--Marion Guthrie  (1555-1592)
   |              |  |     +--Isabel Arbuthnott  (1509-1558)
   |              +--Jeane Lindsay  (20 SEP 1632-1680)
   |                 |  +--John Ribbens  (1553-9 MAR 1590)
   |                 +--Agnes Ribbens  (1597-1655)
   |                    |     +--Thomas Cowper  (ABT 1510-ABT 1609)
   |                    |  +--John Marmaduke Cowper  (ABT 1540-ABT 1585)
   |                    +--Annie Cowper  (1557-)
   |                       +--Elizabeth Ironsides  (ABT 1540-1648)
+--Thomas Wiley Paxton  (JAN 1854-6 DEC 1919)
|  |                 +--John Smith Mann  (1645-)
|  |              +--John Mann  (1678-28 MAY 1751)
|  |              |  +--Jane Byres  (ABT 1645-ABT 1728)
|  |           +--John Mann  (1707-28 MAY 1751)
|  |        +--William Mann  (17 JAN 1731-20 MAR 1778)
|  |        |  +--Abigail Dickinson 
|  |     +--William Mann  (ABT 1774-1839)
|  |     |  |     +--Audley Harrison Hamilton  (1677-20 DEC 1762)
|  |     |  |  +--William B. Hamilton  (1 JAN 1705-15 SEP 1788)
|  |     |  |  |  +--Eleanor Shanklin Adams  (1 JAN 1679-1751)
|  |     |  +--Jane Hamilton  (26 MAR 1739-SEP 1813)
|  |     |     |                    +--Thomas Mann  (1492-5 JAN 1540)
|  |     |     |                 +--Sebastian Mann  (1518-18 FEB 1595)
|  |     |     |                 |  +--Margaret Montague  (1496-26 OCT 1548)
|  |     |     |              +--Edward Mann  (18 OCT 1552-14 FEB 1621)
|  |     |     |              |  +--Beatrice Barber  (1522-)
|  |     |     |           +--William Mann  (14 MAR 1591-21 JUL 1629)
|  |     |     |           |  +--Catherine Dyer  (26 JUN 1562-)
|  |     |     |        +--Robert Mann  (10 OCT 1613-1692)
|  |     |     |        |  +--Joan Russell  (MAY 1598-1632)
|  |     |     |     +--Robert Mann  (1647-AFT 1679)
|  |     |     |     |  +--Katherine Platt  (1620-)
|  |     |     |  +--James Mann  (1679-1714)
|  |     |     |  |  +--Elizabeth Mann  (14 MAY 1662-10 MAY 1735)
|  |     |     +--Alice Martha Mann  (1 JAN 1710-1800)
|  |     |        |  +--William Partridge  (30 MAR 1634-1692)
|  |     |        +--Sarah Partridge  (30 APR 1671-1743)
|  |     |           +--Rebekah   (1635-)
|  |  +--John Mann  (9 AUG 1793-DEC 1881)
|  |  |  +--Isabella Raney  (17 DEC 1770-1850)
|  +--Elizabeth Thelma Ann "Bettie" Mann  (1 MAR 1817-12 APR 1902)
|     |        +--Samuel C Bryson  (1688-1771)
|     |     +--William Hailing Bryson  (1717-1790)
|     |     |  +--Rebekah Bryson  (1690-1775)
|     |  +--Andrew Bryson  (1752-5 MAY 1835)
|     |  |  |        +--William Holmes  (1650-)
|     |  |  |     +--Thomas Holmes  (1670-26 NOV 1717)
|     |  |  |     |  +--Israel Holmes 
|     |  |  |  +--William James Holmes  (1695-28 OCT 1749)
|     |  |  |  |  +--Ann Capstick  (ABT 1670-1717)
|     |  |  +--Isabella Jennie Holmes  (1720-1790)
|     |  |     |     +--William Lyon  (1634-)
|     |  |     |  +--William Lyon  (1685-)
|     |  |     |  |  +--Kath Halybourtoune 
|     |  |     +--Sarah Berry Lyons  (23 APR 1699-28 OCT 1745)
|     |  |        |  +--Alexander Spence 
|     |  |        +--Marie Spence  (1670-)
|     |  |           +--Marion Butler 
|     +--Isabella Bryson  (23 MAY 1799-Aft 1870 BEF. 1880)
|        |  +--Chief Yellow Bear Qu-Sadui  (ABT 1745-BEF 1828)
|        +--Sally Yellow Cloud Qu-Sadui  (1758-1821)
|           +--Polly Benj Chel Qu-Sadui  (1748-1840)
Thomas David Paxton  (10 JUL 1885-6 DEC 1940)
|  +--Henry Lance  (ABT 1804-)
+--Harriet Deuza Lance  (16 NOV 1841-6 AUG 1888)
   +--Margaret D Lance  (ABT 1810-)


The information in this database is based primarily from: The Killough/Kellough Family in Ireland, Canada and The United States,
by Zora (Killough) Cunningham. 
To update information in the Killough Family Tree, please contact one the the Killough Assistant Historians and they can help you.

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