Killough Family Tree Database
-- Only names and no dates/locations are displayed for living individuals --

Killough History & Genealogy Book Page

                        +--John Killough  (1587-1631)
                     +--John Kello  (CA 1630-1689)
                     |  |  +--Thomas Watsone  (ABT 1581-AFT 1635)
                     |  +--Margaret Watsone  (26 MAR 1615-ABT MAR 1671)
                     |     +--Grissell Couper  (ABT 1587-AFT 29 SEP 1618)
                  +--John Killough  (1657-ABT 1715)
                  |  |  +--Robert Hyde  (1610-ABT 1693)
                  |  +--Mary A Hyde  (1640-DEC 1660)
                  |     +--Susannah Makin  (1620-)
               +--Robert Killough  (1681-1737)
               |  |  +--Neill MacNeill  (UNKNOWN-UNKNOWN)
               |  +--Anne MacNeill  (1659-1695)
               |     +--Elizabeth Robinson 
            +--Robert John Killough  (1712-1777)
            |  |              +--John Fynlay  (1457-1587)
            |  |           +--Andrew Rogers Finley, Sheriff of Cupar Angus  (1504-27 APR 1547)
            |  |           |  |  +--William Rogers 
            |  |           |  +--Janet Joneta Rogers  (1463-AFT 1504)
            |  |        +--James , Dean of guild of St. Andrew, Portioner of Cupar Angus, Finley  (15 SEP 1530-26 MAR 1597)
            |  |        |  |     +--William Hay  (1445-14 JAN 1506)
            |  |        |  |  +--John Hay  (1461-27 APR 1547)
            |  |        |  |  |  +--Alice Hay of Yester  (1395-22 APR 1484)
            |  |        |  +--Janet Hepburn Hay  (1504-1534)
            |  |        |     |  +--Sir Lord James IV Douglas  (JAN 1426-22 OCT 1493)
            |  |        |     +--Lady Janet Johanna Douglas  (1461-21 FEB 1490)
            |  |        |        |  +--James I Stewart, King of Scots  (30 DEC 1394-1451)
            |  |        |        +--Joan "the mute lady of Dalkeith", Countess of Morton, Stewart  (1 NOV 1428-22 JUN 1498)
            |  |        |           +--Joan De Beaufort  (27 DEC 1407-15 JUL 1445)
            |  |     +--John Finley  (8 JUN 1579-6 OCT 1670)
            |  |     |  |        +--Joseph Warrender  (ABT 1450-)
            |  |     |  |     +--Abraham A Warrender  (1475-30 AUG 1521)
            |  |     |  |     |  +--Frances Mainwaring  (ABT 1451-)
            |  |     |  |  +--William Warrender  (1509-1558)
            |  |     |  |  |  +--Abigail Unknown ( Direct )  (ABT 1480-)
            |  |     |  +--Elizabeth Warrender  (15 SEP 1530-26 MAR 1597)
            |  |     |     |              +--Hugh Arbuthnott, 9th Laird of  (1373-13 MAR 1446)
            |  |     |     |           +--Sir Robert Arbuthnot 10th Laird of Arbuthnott  (1404-1450)
            |  |     |     |           |  +--Margaret Lady Keith  (1376-29 NOV 1419)
            |  |     |     |        +--Sir David 11th Laird of Arbuthnott, Arbuthnott  (1423-8 OCT 1470)
            |  |     |     |        |  +--Lady Margaret Giles Ogilvie  (1408-4 MAY 1468)
            |  |     |     |     +--Sir Robert, 12th Laird of Arbuthnott, Arbuthnott  (1456-11 JAN 1506)
            |  |     |     |     |  +--Elizabeth Lady Durham  (1426-10 MAR 1488)
            |  |     |     |  +--James Arbuthnott Sir, Baron, 13th Laird of Arbuthnott  (1475-8 MAR 1521)
            |  |     |     |  |  |  +--Sir James I Scrymgeour, 7th Lord of Dudhope, Constab  (1438 1445-31 DEC 1478)
            |  |     |     |  |  +--Lady Mariota (Marion) Scrymgeour  (1453-8 JAN 1518)
            |  |     |     |  |     +--Lady Margaret Maitland  (1440 1450-31 DEC 1478)
            |  |     |     +--Countess Christiana Arbuthnott  (ABT 1513-30 APR 1583)
            |  |     |        |        +--John Stewart Laird van Innermeath  (1350-26 APR 1421)
            |  |     |        |     +--James I "The Black Knight of Lorn" Stewart, King of Scotland  (30 DEC 1394-17 AUG 1451)
            |  |     |        |     |  +--Isabelle Mac-Dougall Lady van Lorn  (1355-21 DEC 1439)
            |  |     |        |  +--Sir Lord John I "The Hearty" Stewart, Knight of Balveny & Earlshi  (1440-15 SEP 1512)
            |  |     |        |  |  |     +--John Gaunt Plantagenet  (24 JUN 1340-3 FEB 1399)
            |  |     |        |  |  |  +--John Fairborn de Beaufort, K.G.  (1373-21 APR 1410)
            |  |     |        |  |  |  |  +--Catharina Payne Swynford de Roet  (25 NOV 1350-10 MAY 1403)
            |  |     |        |  |  +--Johanna (Joan) Plantagenet de Beaufort, (Queen of Scotland)  (27 DEC 1407-15 JUL 1445)
            |  |     |        |  |     |     +--Thomas Holland  (-28 DEC 1360)
            |  |     |        |  |     |  +--Thomas II Holland  (1354-25 APR 1397)
            |  |     |        |  |     |  |  |  +--Edmund Plantagenet 
            |  |     |        |  |     |  |  +--Joan Plantagenet 
            |  |     |        |  |     +--Lady Margaret Holland  (30 DEC 1384-31 DEC 1439)
            |  |     |        |  |        |  +--Richard Fitz-Alan 
            |  |     |        |  |        +--Alice Fitz-Alan Stuart  (2 MAY 1350-17 MAR 1415)
            |  |     |        +--Lady Jean Stewart  (1487-ABT 1550)
            |  |     |           |  +--William Sinclair  (1430-14 JUL 1487)
            |  |     |           +--Lady Eleanor Sinclair  (19 APR 1457-21 MAR 1519)
            |  |     |              +--Lady Marjory Sutherland  (1 JAN 1436-29 APR 1488)
            |  |  +--James Caldwell Finley  (9 SEP 1631-16 FEB 1681)
            |  |  |  |           +--James Cragy (Lodovich) Craig  (1400-)
            |  |  |  |        +--William Alexander Craig of Craigfintray  (1480-9 NOV 1513)
            |  |  |  |        |  +--Helen Shaw  (ABT 1428-AFT 1541)
            |  |  |  |     +--Sir Robert "William" James Craig  (1501-14 JAN 1591)
            |  |  |  |     |  +--Margaret Ellen Booth  (1484-9 SEP 1513)
            |  |  |  |  +--Hugh Craigie  (1555-1584)
            |  |  |  |  |  |  +--Richard Philpott Miller  (1480-1521)
            |  |  |  |  |  +--Lady Katherine Catherine  (1510-14 JAN 1591)
            |  |  |  |  |     |  +--Sir David Scott  (1456-21 MAY 1492)
            |  |  |  |  |     +--Ruth Scott  (1485-14 JAN 1591)
            |  |  |  |  |        +--Lady Janet Anne Douglas  (1455-18 DEC 1494)
            |  |  |  +--Sarah Craigie  (1601-4 APR 1669)
            |  |  |     |     +--Thomas Smyth  (1469-1513)
            |  |  |     |  +--Patrick Smythe  (1497-1541)
            |  |  |     |  |  +--Lady Agnes Scott  (1472-1583)
            |  |  |     +--Christen Christine  (1559-1584)
            |  |  |        +--Catherine Cochran  (30 JUL 1504-19 MAR 1572)
            |  +--Margaret J. Finley  (8 AUG 1668-1723)
            |     |        +--Donald (Hugh) Mackay  (1561-2 SEP 1614)
            |     |     +--Johne Mackie  (1 JAN 1586-1619)
            |     |     |  |     +--Sir John Gordon  (1525-23 JUN 1567)
            |     |     |  |  +--Sir Alexander Gordon  (1552-6 DEC 1594)
            |     |     |  |  |  +--Lady Helen Elizabeth Stuart of Lennox  (JAN 1520-23 JUN 1567)
            |     |     |  +--Lady Jane Gordon  (1 NOV 1574-20 FEB 1615)
            |     |     |     +--Lady Jean Haldane  (1546-14 MAY 1629)
            |     |  +--Alexander Mackie  (1610-15 MAY 1682)
            |     |  |  |  +--Richard Hogg  (CA 1565-4 APR 1598)
            |     |  |  +--Barbara Hogg  (23 AUG 1590-1619)
            |     |  |     +--Margrett Kyntor  (1570-12 SEP 1622)
            |     +--Margaret Mackie  (15 MAR 1635-16 FEB 1681)
            |        +--Margaret Forbes  (1614-1675)
         +--Richard Kello  (1729-4 JUN 1789)
         |  +--Margaret Parker  (1689-1734)
      +--Pvt. Joseph Killough  (1760-CA 1800)
      |  +--Mary Kello  (1730-UNKNOWN)
   +--Joseph Pulaski Killough  (1791-1850)
   |  +--Mrs Joseph Killough  (1760-)
+--William Bradford Killough  (1829-1878)
|  +--Mary Ann Pruner  (1791-1865)
Albert Killough  (1870-DIED YOUNG)
|     +--Jordan L. Lyle  (1768-1843)
|     |  +--Hannah Sims  (1728-24 FEB 1803)
|  +--Henry Lyle  (12 DEC 1813-5 DEC 1888)
|  |  +--Anne Bailey Bumpass  (1777-1863)
|  |     +--Frances Bailey  (1745-BEF 1790)
+--Mary Demyer Lyle  (SEP 1842-1920)
   |     +--William McCorkle  (1 DEC 1771-22 APR 1817)
   |  +--Abraham McCorkle  (1788-1877)
   |  |  +--Jane Gooding  (1 FEB 1769-16 SEP 1817)
   +--Jane E Mccorkle  (26 JAN 1816-27 JAN 1905)
      +--Sally Humphreys Lytle  (1796-1825)
         |  +--Thomas Lytle  (10 JUN 1740-MAR 1794)
         +--Esther Nancy Lytle  (1775-17 MAY 1842)
            |  +--Michael King  (1698-3 JUN 1741)
            +--Catherine King  (1741-1816)
               +--Isabel Ferguson Bell  (1708-3 JUN 1741)


The information in this database is based primarily from: The Killough/Kellough Family in Ireland, Canada and The United States,
by Zora (Killough) Cunningham. 
To update information in the Killough Family Tree, please contact one the the Killough Assistant Historians and they can help you.

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