Killough Family Tree Database
-- Only names and no dates/locations are displayed for living individuals --

Killough History & Genealogy Book Page

   +--Jordan L. Lyle  (1768-1843)
   |  +--Hannah Sims  (1728-24 FEB 1803)
+--Henry Lyle  (12 DEC 1813-5 DEC 1888)
|  +--Anne Bailey Bumpass  (1777-1863)
|     +--Frances Bailey  (1745-BEF 1790)
Mary Demyer Lyle  (SEP 1842-1920)
|     +--William McCorkle  (1 DEC 1771-22 APR 1817)
|  +--Abraham McCorkle  (1788-1877)
|  |  +--Jane Gooding  (1 FEB 1769-16 SEP 1817)
+--Jane E Mccorkle  (26 JAN 1816-27 JAN 1905)
   +--Sally Humphreys Lytle  (1796-1825)
      |  +--Thomas Lytle  (10 JUN 1740-MAR 1794)
      +--Esther Nancy Lytle  (1775-17 MAY 1842)
         |  +--Michael King  (1698-3 JUN 1741)
         +--Catherine King  (1741-1816)
            +--Isabel Ferguson Bell  (1708-3 JUN 1741)


The information in this database is based primarily from: The Killough/Kellough Family in Ireland, Canada and The United States,
by Zora (Killough) Cunningham. 
To update information in the Killough Family Tree, please contact one the the Killough Assistant Historians and they can help you.

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