Kalloch Family Tree Database
Descendants of Finley Kelloch & Mary Young,
who settled in Warren, Maine, 1735

Kalloch Family Genealogy Page on Kalloch.org

Family Tree Names

Thibodeaux, Thurston A. (17 MAY 1908-10 JUL 1970)
Thiele, Andrew Douglas (12 SEP 1962-23 SEP 1980)
Thiele, B. "Biff" Frederick
Thiele, Barbara Anne
Thiele, Craig Thomas
Thiele, Nolan Andrew
Thiele, Sherwin Craig (30 JUN 1917-5 DEC 2004)
Thiele, Wilbur Paul (5 MAY 1885-18 MAR 1941)
Thies, Codelia A. (ABT 1907-2 JAN 1992)
Thivierge, Gary
Thoeobald, Harriet Ann (1843-1925)
Thoma, Edgar W. (ABT 1901-)
Thomas, Abby (15 JAN 1836-28 JAN 1838)
Thomas, Abigail C.
Thomas, Abner Bennafor (2 APR 1846-20 FEB 1930)
Thomas, Ada M. (29 JUN 1879-)
Thomas, Agnes (ABT 1896-)
Thomas, Alanson Benson (15 NOV 1889-1981)
Thomas, Albert Sumner (ABT 1871-23 FEB 1927)
Thomas, Allen Marvin (22 JAN 1910-10 AUG 1994)
Thomas, Almeda Antoinette (31 OCT 1854-21 FEB 1924)
Thomas, Alvaretta Eudora (12 APR 1902-10 APR 1995)
Thomas, Ambrose Leach (10 JAN 1851-10 NOV 1906)
Thomas, Amy Lynn
Thomas, Angela Marie
Thomas, Annebelle Wiley (ABT 1886-28 DEC 1972)
Thomas, Ardenne Hathorne (ABT 1878-4 JUN 1956)
Thomas, Arthur Diselver (ABT 1876-3 MAR 1961)
Thomas, Arthur Standish (18 NOV 1932-7 MAY 2016)
Thomas, Asbury Francis (30 AUG 1920-23 FEB 1999)
Thomas, Aubrey Currie (8 MAY 1940-25 JAN 2015)
Thomas, Barbara Pierce (23 JUL 1920-27 MAR 1974)
Thomas, Barnabas "Barnry" (ABT 1806-26 DEC 1851)
Thomas, Barney
Thomas, Bernice Rosalind (29 MAR 1885-11 NOV 1950)
Thomas, Beverly
Thomas, Bill
Thomas, Burton John (28 OCT 1876-8 OCT 1944)
Thomas, Cameron Michael
Thomas, Carol
Thomas, Cassie
Thomas, Chad Allen
Thomas, Charles Arthur (13 OCT 1902-29 JUL 1963)
Thomas, Charles E. (8 FEB 1856-)
Thomas, Christopher
Thomas, Clarence XCapX
Thomas, Craig K.
Thomas, Cynthia West (23 MAY 1836-)
Thomas, David William
Thomas, Debbie Sue
Thomas, Delia C. (2 JUL 1885-ABT 1890)
Thomas, Delia Sadie (2 JUL 1884-9 SEP 1950)
Thomas, Dora Hathorn (10 JUN 1908-9 MAY 1992)
Thomas, Dorianne
Thomas, Earl Burdette (6 DEC 1891-MAR 1969)
Thomas, Edna Ella (OCT 1865-7 OCT 1938)
Thomas, Edward B. (ABT 1824-1898)
Thomas, Edward L. (ABT 1854-)
Thomas, Edward Norman (23 APR 1925-23 APR 1925)
Thomas, Eleanor A.
Thomas, Elizabeth
Thomas, Elizabeth C. (ABT 1901-)
Thomas, Elizabeth Flint (ABT 1832-6 MAY 1914)
Thomas, Elizabeth Fuller (5 APR 1841-18 FEB 1913)
Thomas, Elizabeth Hewett (13 JUN 1908-13 FEB 1960)
Thomas, Emily (18 DEC 1886-APR 1967)
Thomas, Emily Ruth (ABT 1846-13 OCT 1879)
Thomas, Erlan Standish (18 NOV 1896-3 NOV 1989)
Thomas, Eva (21 FEB 1898-29 OCT 1978)
Thomas, Florence Lewis (10 OCT 1886-15 DEC 1962)
Thomas, Frank Emery (26 FEB 1873-25 DEC 1938)
Thomas, Frank Henry (16 FEB 1861-21 MAR 1928)
Thomas, Frank Nelson (25 JAN 1906-31 OCT 1990)
Thomas, Fred W. (ABT 1885-)
Thomas, Gary L.
Thomas, George Edgar (SEP 1866-1950)
Thomas, George Emery (JAN 1846-13 SEP 1914)
Thomas, Gladys Louella St (23 MAR 1877-15 JAN 1936)
Thomas, Grace Marshall (OCT 1865-)
Thomas, Hannah Mae (18 MAY 1904-27 MAY 1944)
Thomas, Harold Albert (9 DEC 1895-22 MAY 1947)
Thomas, Harold S. (20 JUN 1896-20 JUL 1896)
Thomas, Harriet (23 JUL 1812-25 OCT 1897)
Thomas, Harry Allen
Thomas, Hattie E. (ABT 1861-8 JUL 1912)
Thomas, Helen Hazel (ABT 1901-14 APR 1987)
Thomas, Henry L. (30 JUN 1854-22 NOV 1854)
Thomas, Henry Virgil (29 MAR 1900-12 AUG 1985)
Thomas, Henry William (25 DEC 1831-29 SEP 1908)
Thomas, Herbert Forrest (17 FEB 1866-)
Thomas, Inez May (4 APR 1889-21 DEC 1975)
Thomas, James Emery (20 FEB 1872-)
Thomas, James Henry (12 FEB 1836-15 SEP 1867)
Thomas, James M. (1815-1878)
Thomas, James William (14 FEB 1851-30 JUN 1925)
Thomas, Jamie Susan
Thomas, Janet L. (ABT 1821-7 JAN 1864)
Thomas, Jason Keller
Thomas, Jeffrey E.
Thomas, Jesse May (23 SEP 1910-25 JAN 1947)
Thomas, Jessie Josephine (22 NOV 1864-17 APR 1940)
Thomas, Jessie M. (ABT 1893-28 MAR 1960)
Thomas, Joanne Elizabeth
Thomas, John (26 JUL 1781-17 JUN 1862)
Thomas, John Dellas (21 SEP 1896-19 JAN 1985)
Thomas, John Edgar (ABT 1904-18 APR 1998)
Thomas, John F. (6 MAY 1844-29 NOV 1924)
Thomas, John Roy
Thomas, John Walters (2 JUL 1863-17 JUN 1905)
Thomas, Jonathan David
Thomas, Joseph William
Thomas, Joshua (20 JUL 1791-MAR 1833)
Thomas, Joshua Frank (7 NOV 1848-22 DEC 1869)
Thomas, Julietta M. 'Etta' (JUL 1850-1941)
Thomas, Justin Scott
Thomas, Katharine Ann (NOV 1886-18 AUG 1970)
Thomas, Kenneth Eastman (3 MAR 1934-29 MAR 2002)
Thomas, Kenneth Henry Knox (ABT 1899-21 FEB 1973)
Thomas, Kerry
Thomas, Kimberly
Thomas, Kristan
Thomas, Larry Hills (1 SEP 1950-31 OCT 1980)
Thomas, Lena F. (30 JAN 1875-)
Thomas, Leroy M.
Thomas, Leroy Milton (7 MAY 1917-17 DEC 1988)
Thomas, Lillian Mae (ABT 1895-SEP 1981)
Thomas, Linda Susan
Thomas, Lucy (1785-5 OCT 1857)
Thomas, Lula Belle (9 JAN 1888-4 JUL 1971)
Thomas, Lula Netta (4 AUG 1894-2 NOV 1975)
Thomas, Lydia (3 AUG 1808-2 MAY 1854)
Thomas, Lydia Ann (6 AUG 1815-29 APR 1859)
Thomas, Lytle Elnora (ABT 1923-27 MAY 2011)
Thomas, Mabel Vittrice (ABT 1876-JUN 1926)
Thomas, Mabelle E. (1905-FEB 1963)
Thomas, Madeline Doris (15 SEP 1909-19 SEP 1987)
Thomas, Madeline Viola (15 NOV 1940-17 NOV 1940)
Thomas, Manuel Robert (11 AUG 1867-1945)
Thomas, Marcia Isabelle (31 JUL 1866-)
Thomas, Marietta (ABT 1843-6 JAN 1926)
Thomas, Mary A. (ABT 1810-)
Thomas, Mary C.
Thomas, Mary E. (ABT 1864-)
Thomas, Medora "Dora" A. (ABT 1864-)
Thomas, Melony Ann
Thomas, Mercy (24 SEP 1813-17 AUG 1855)
Thomas, Minnietta (ABT 1870-7 FEB 1929)
Thomas, Nancy
Thomas, Nancy E.
Thomas, Nancy Lee (8 OCT 1961-9 OCT 1961)
Thomas, Nancy Mae (1869-1947)
Thomas, Nancy Mae "Mae" (OCT 1869-)
Thomas, Norman Edward (16 MAR 1891-14 MAR 1989)
Thomas, Orval Blair (13 FEB 1902-14 APR 1983)
Thomas, Oscar Russell Clifford (ABT 1884-22 NOV 1926)
Thomas, Patience
Thomas, Philip (ABT 1840-)
Thomas, Philip (ABT 1875-9 MAR 1950)
Thomas, Ralph
Thomas, Raymond A.
Thomas, Remington Hewett (15 MAY 1895-30 DEC 1903)
Thomas, Retta Orretiss (12 DEC 1868-24 MAY 1949)
Thomas, Richard John
Thomas, Robert (ABT 1843-)
Thomas, Robert Asbury
Thomas, Robert Asbury
Thomas, Robert Blaine (3 DEC 1922-7 JAN 2010)
Thomas, Robert Sumner (ABT 1925-9 NOV 1999)
Thomas, Rosamond Austin (ABT 1915-23 MAY 1988)
Thomas, Rufus Clarence (ABT 1847-12 AUG 1902)
Thomas, Russell Albert (7 NOV 1906-30 NOV 1995)
Thomas, Ruth (ABT 1913-7 JUN 1990)
Thomas, Ruth M. (13 JAN 1918-5 NOV 2007)
Thomas, Ruth Marie (28 NOV 1921-27 JUL 1984)
Thomas, Samuel (6 JAN 1817-6 DEC 1900)
Thomas, Sarah B. (ABT 1810-19 JAN 1892)
Thomas, Sarah F. (1858-12 FEB 1935)
Thomas, Sarah Hall (30 OCT 1812-6 JUN 1890)
Thomas, Sarah L. (1825-1914)
Thomas, Sarah S. (20 AUG 1816-20 MAR 1900)
Thomas, Scott Alan
Thomas, Scott R.
Thomas, Sean Charles
Thomas, Shirley May
Thomas, Sondra
Thomas, Susan Amelia (ABT 1844-26 MAR 1880)
Thomas, Susan Lynne
Thomas, Theodore Esterbrook (24 DEC 1854-19 SEP 1929)
Thomas, Tilden (1823-23 NOV 1910)
Thomas, Ulysses S. G. (ABT 1870-12 JAN 1899)
Thomas, Wallace Keller (2 JAN 1949-22 NOV 2010)
Thomas, Wallace Keller (ABT 1923-15 SEP 2007)
Thomas, Wallace Keller (22 MAR 1899-14 OCT 1957)
Thomas, Walter K. (22 MAR 1899-6 APR 1900)
Thomas, Wendy L.
Thomas, William
Thomas, _____
Thomas, _____
Thomas, _____
Thomas, _____
Thomas, _____
Thomas, _____
Thomas, _____
Thomason, Gary Lloyd
Thomason, Ida Burrilla (13 NOV 1871-10 OCT 1946)
Thomasova, Varvara Petrova (14 SEP 1877-19 JUL 1967)
Thomasson, Jesse Arthur (1900-30 OCT 1980)
Thomasson, Lou Ann (25 JAN 1940-20 JUN 1989)
Thompson, (living)
Thompson, (living)
Thompson, Abby D. (14 MAY 1844-5 APR 1927)
Thompson, Ada Diantha (23 OCT 1894-4 AUG 1979)
Thompson, Ada Julia (22 DEC 1890-29 JUN 1977)
Thompson, Ada Rose McAlmond (1890-25 NOV 1968)
Thompson, Adelia M. (1850-22 NOV 1892)
Thompson, Adeline Mary (ABT 1894-1938)
Thompson, Albert Maurice (11 MAY 1878-31 DEC 1956)
Thompson, Alice Belle (25 FEB 1924-11 DEC 2007)
Thompson, Alice Rachael (1879-1938)
Thompson, Allison Prentiss (ABT 1868-2 FEB 1906)
Thompson, Alma
Thompson, Alphonso Ambrose (11 OCT 1847-3 MAR 1920)
Thompson, Alvah Milton (9 SEP 1886-6 FEB 1972)
Thompson, Andrew
Thompson, Andrew Jackson (20 MAR 1863-1 APR 1946)
Thompson, Anna Lillian (15 OCT 1874-21 SEP 1946)
Thompson, Atlanta (JAN 1847-4 DEC 1919)
Thompson, Barbara
Thompson, Barbara
Thompson, Barbara Althea (9 MAY 1917-24 JUN 2002)
Thompson, Basil Frederick (17 AUG 1917-27 FEB 2003)
Thompson, Beatrice
Thompson, Beaulah (ABT 1821-10 NOV 1889)
Thompson, Bertha E. (1909-)
Thompson, Bertha Olive (27 JUN 1892-30 MAY 1992)
Thompson, Betsey (1797-20 JUL 1865)
Thompson, Beulah F. (12 JUL 1906-8 DEC 1916)
Thompson, Beverly Ione
Thompson, Bodhi Makena
Thompson, Bonnie Lee (7 DEC 1950-12 APR 2014)
Thompson, Bradley
Thompson, Breely Rose
Thompson, Breena Marie
Thompson, Brian Edward
Thompson, Brittney Marie
Thompson, Butch
Thompson, Carleen L. (6 MAY 1921-13 APR 1939)
Thompson, Carroll Jeanne
Thompson, Catherine A. (ABT 1921-28 FEB 2012)
Thompson, Catherine E. "Katie" (26 APR 1843-4 FEB 1897)
Thompson, Charles
Thompson, Charles Arther (22 JAN 1909-21 AUG 1985)
Thompson, Charles Burton (11 MAY 1876-17 JUL 1956)
Thompson, Charles Glenn
Thompson, Chester Hall (15 MAY 1890-1951)
Thompson, Clara Belle (MAR 1869-1 JUL 1929)
Thompson, Clarence Ray (ABT 1892-30 NOV 1958)
Thompson, Clayton Linwood (29 MAR 1925-2008)
Thompson, Clayton William (3 DEC 1889-23 FEB 1948)
Thompson, Cole
Thompson, Conner John
Thompson, Cora B. (JUL 1887-)
Thompson, Cora Nettie (30 SEP 1899-27 MAR 1992)
Thompson, D. Amy
Thompson, Darlene
Thompson, Darlene A.
Thompson, David
Thompson, David (2 APR 1838-7 NOV 1902)
Thompson, David (20 FEB 1788-AUG 1870)
Thompson, David William
Thompson, Debra
Thompson, Denise
Thompson, Dennis P. (ABT 1841-14 MAY 1907)
Thompson, Dianne
Thompson, Donald A. (18 OCT 1934-15 DEC 1976)
Thompson, Dorothy Jaunita (11 NOV 1927-21 MAR 1992)
Thompson, Dorothy Rosanna Marie (5 DEC 1916-)
Thompson, Earl Harold (7 APR 1918-10 JUL 1990)
Thompson, Earl J. (15 FEB 1895-19 MAY 1971)
Thompson, Ebenezer (1791-MAY 1849)
Thompson, Edith Lee (ABT 1877-2 DEC 1908)
Thompson, Edith Mabel (ABT 1910-3 JUN 1992)
Thompson, Edward John (11 MAY 1934-14 MAY 2017)
Thompson, Edward John (12 NOV 1907-16 JAN 1977)
Thompson, Edward Wallace (ABT 1901-1963)
Thompson, Einar Robert (19 SEP 1898-29 SEP 1952)
Thompson, Elinor Frances (ABT 1907-30 OCT 2000)
Thompson, Eliza Effie (17 SEP 1833-30 JAN 1915)
Thompson, Elizabeth (17 MAR 1800-17 FEB 1890)
Thompson, Elizabeth Etta "Libbie" (3 JUN 1884-15 FEB 1964)
Thompson, Ella Frances (13 MAY 1854-6 MAY 1892)
Thompson, Elly Brooke
Thompson, Emma F. (13 MAY 1854-4 OCT 1911)
Thompson, Emma Hannah (19 JUN 1851-7 MAR 1912)
Thompson, Ephraim Henry (15 AUG 1882-25 NOV 1931)
Thompson, Esther Evelyn (ABT 1900-6 DEC 1983)
Thompson, Ethel (ABT 1877-29 DEC 1960)
Thompson, Ethel L. (30 NOV 1897-4 FEB 1955)
Thompson, Etta C. (2 APR 1896-13 MAR 1897)
Thompson, Etta Juliette (ABT 1861-19 MAY 1941)
Thompson, Eugenie Deverau (ABT 1890-23 DEC 1965)
Thompson, Ezekiel (1817-8 MAY 1898)
Thompson, Flora E. (1866-)
Thompson, Florence Blake (1887-24 DEC 1969)
Thompson, Flossie T. (15 MAR 1879-28 JUL 1974)
Thompson, Floyd Elroy (4 AUG 1906-21 AUG 1987)
Thompson, Frank Lewis (23 JUN 1911-10 FEB 1991)
Thompson, Freeland Rokes (ABT 1895-10 JAN 1989)
Thompson, Freeman (1842-12 FEB 1894)
Thompson, Geneva Norma (27 JUL 1923-6 MAY 2007)
Thompson, Genevieve Arbutus (11 MAY 1903-4 AUG 1903)
Thompson, George Cummings (ABT 1895-1 JUN 1972)
Thompson, George Henry (22 DEC 1887-18 NOV 1946)
Thompson, Goldie M. (10 AUG 1884-25 OCT 1967)
Thompson, Hattie B. (8 JAN 1904-5 FEB 1904)
Thompson, Hattie Mabel (22 FEB 1893-)
Thompson, Henry Ford (ABT 1894-10 JUL 1979)
Thompson, Herbert Lathley (ABT 1909-14 NOV 1985)
Thompson, Hervey J. (6 MAR 1866-14 NOV 1944)
Thompson, Hilda Margaret (22 SEP 1919-)
Thompson, Hugh (17 AUG 1913-30 NOV 1913)
Thompson, Hugh A. (20 JAN 1857-11 DEC 1904)
Thompson, Ina Elizabeth (1924-9 MAR 1991)
Thompson, Irma Josephine (21 NOV 1922-16 FEB 1993)
Thompson, Jacqueline H. (27 JAN 1937-20 APR 2015)
Thompson, James
Thompson, James "Jamie" Patrick
Thompson, James C. (4 OCT 1932-15 JUN 1966)
Thompson, James D. (6 SEP 1832-4 JAN 1912)
Thompson, James Edward (30 AUG 1832-3 JUN 1922)
Thompson, James Edward (6 JUN 1943-4 APR 2003)
Thompson, James Franklin (1860-17 FEB 1904)
Thompson, Jane (DEC 1821-23 MAR 1910)
Thompson, Jeffery
Thompson, Jennie M. (1875-1940)
Thompson, Joel Ross
Thompson, John D. (11 AUG 1864-26 APR 1901)
Thompson, John P.
Thompson, John P. (13 JAN 1898-7 JAN 1972)
Thompson, John Thorvald (13 JAN 1898-7 JAN 1972)
Thompson, Josephine B. (ABT 1887-26 NOV 1967)
Thompson, Josephine Brocke (16 APR 1921-16 JAN 2014)
Thompson, Julia Ann (11 NOV 1812-10 FEB 1893)
Thompson, Julia Emily (26 SEP 1878-23 DEC 1964)
Thompson, June (ABT 1936-)
Thompson, Karen M.
Thompson, Katie Noelle
Thompson, Keely Grace
Thompson, Kelsey J.
Thompson, Kevin Jay
Thompson, Kori Kathleen
Thompson, Kurt McAlister
Thompson, Lamont (APR 1859-19 AUG 1948)
Thompson, Lathley N. (ABT 1853-24 FEB 1935)
Thompson, LeRoy Francis (ABT 1905-5 JAN 1966)
Thompson, Lena M. (FEB 1898-1975)
Thompson, Lenora (1 AUG 1840-8 MAR 1892)
Thompson, Leon Edward (14 JUN 1899-5 SEP 1973)
Thompson, Leonessa M. (11 MAY 1879-20 FEB 1898)
Thompson, Leroy (26 MAY 1854-)
Thompson, Leroy Frank (24 JUL 1927-AUG 1928)
Thompson, Leslie Arthur (ABT 1899-25 NOV 1945)
Thompson, Lewis M. (28 NOV 1881-24 JUL 1900)
Thompson, Lewis Vernon (21 JUL 1918-28 JAN 2008)
Thompson, Lillian B. (1908-1958)
Thompson, Linwood Palmer (18 SEP 1901-3 APR 1933)
Thompson, Lisa Maren
Thompson, Lizzie Emma (ABT 1856-9 JAN 1894)
Thompson, Lloyd William (17 APR 1923-1 JAN 2011)
Thompson, Lois Elizabeth
Thompson, Lola Louise (ABT 1863-6 MAY 1960)
Thompson, Madeline Mary (ABT 1920-)
Thompson, Madge Elizabeth (28 SEP 1877-)
Thompson, Mannie Esta (8 JAN 1899-4 APR 1993)
Thompson, Margaret Mary
Thompson, Marjorie M.
Thompson, Mark
Thompson, Mark S.
Thompson, Mary (ABT 1834-29 JUN 1871)
Thompson, Mary
Thompson, Mary Eliza (FEB 1860-1937)
Thompson, Mary Ellen (1850-17 DEC 1871)
Thompson, Mary Louise (12 SEP 1918-22 APR 1992)
Thompson, Matthew Scott (23 APR 1969-5 JUL 1992)
Thompson, Maude (7 JAN 1878-5 OCT 1965)
Thompson, Maurice George (3 JAN 1904-27 JUN 1937)
Thompson, Maurice Stanley (4 OCT 1898-17 JUL 1980)
Thompson, May (ABT 1865-21 DEC 1922)
Thompson, Maynard Ross (ABT 1919-23 OCT 1997)
Thompson, Melinda
Thompson, Melvin Dale (ABT 1925-12 FEB 1976)
Thompson, Meredith Elva (9 OCT 1916-4 OCT 1986)
Thompson, Michael Dean
Thompson, Michael S.
Thompson, Michele
Thompson, Mildred M. (21 FEB 1882-26 MAY 1895)
Thompson, Minnie E. (3 DEC 1872-22 JUN 1900)
Thompson, Minnie H. (1902-29 DEC 1918)
Thompson, Muriel Pearl (9 MAR 1929-30 JUL 1991)
Thompson, Nancy (12 APR 1797-3 OCT 1876)
Thompson, Nancy Mary (12 APR 1797-3 OCT 1876)
Thompson, Natalie M.
Thompson, Neil (ABT 1820-)
Thompson, Neil Roy (15 JUN 1911-20 AUG 1990)
Thompson, Nils Niels Christian (1826-22 APR 1906)
Thompson, Nina Ethel (8 JUL 1886-16 MAR 1960)
Thompson, Norman C. (15 JUL 1921-19 JAN 1998)
Thompson, Norman James (3 JAN 1901-20 OCT 1959)
Thompson, Olive A. (22 JUL 1821-3 AUG 1854)
Thompson, Olive M. (ABT 1863-1 OCT 1944)
Thompson, Pam
Thompson, Paul A. (1 JAN 1935-10 MAY 2014)
Thompson, Paul C. (1912-1974)
Thompson, Pauline Agnes (16 APR 1921-15 DEC 2009)
Thompson, Peter
Thompson, Peter Steele (1 JAN 1821-10 APR 1869)
Thompson, Philip Stephen
Thompson, Preston Alexander
Thompson, Preston Lloyde
Thompson, Raeann M.
Thompson, Ralph L.
Thompson, Ralph L. (ABT 1901-)
Thompson, Rebecca
Thompson, Richard
Thompson, Richard Cummings (30 JUN 1940-2 APR 2012)
Thompson, Robert
Thompson, Robert
Thompson, Robert Edward (26 SEP 1946-28 DEC 2012)
Thompson, Roland C. (ABT 1889-1 JUL 1962)
Thompson, Ronald F. (1951-1954)
Thompson, Rosilda M. "Rose" (ABT 1847-27 DEC 1893)
Thompson, Roxanne
Thompson, Roy Albert (6 FEB 1889-11 OCT 1954)
Thompson, Roy F. (JUL 1874-29 OCT 1902)
Thompson, Ryan John
Thompson, Samantha Christine
Thompson, Samuel Albion (ABT 1826-18 MAY 1910)
Thompson, Samuel Kingsbury (ABT 1879-18 MAY 1953)
Thompson, Sara Belle (1 SEP 1919-11 FEB 2000)
Thompson, Sarah "Sadie" (ABT 1873-11 MAR 1958)
Thompson, Sarah Elaine
Thompson, Shelby Rae
Thompson, Shelton E.
Thompson, Shirley Y.
Thompson, Sidney A. (ABT 1865-17 APR 1941)
Thompson, Sidney Edward (17 AUG 1913-25 APR 1996)
Thompson, Simon (12 MAR 1885-)
Thompson, Simon M. G. (ABT 1805-7 APR 1859)
Thompson, Stephanie O.
Thompson, Steven John
Thompson, Stuart
Thompson, Susie Ella (AUG 1853-)
Thompson, Theodora (MAY 1879-)
Thompson, Thomas Roy (18 JUL 1940-29 AUG 2008)
Thompson, Tracy
Thompson, Tyler William
Thompson, Verne E (6 JAN 1895-8 AUG 1964)
Thompson, Verne Eugene (5 MAR 1924-13 OCT 1976)
Thompson, Vernon Leroy (29 JUN 1899-28 JUL 1979)
Thompson, Virgil
Thompson, Virginia Alva (22 MAR 1923-19 JUN 2004)
Thompson, Virginia Mildred (21 SEP 1916-22 FEB 1999)
Thompson, Walter J. (3 MAR 1869-27 MAY 1947)
Thompson, Warren E. (1865-26 FEB 1870)
Thompson, Wayne Auther (1 AUG 1947-26 SEP 1991)
Thompson, Wayne Vernon (23 OCT 1938-2 OCT 2008)
Thompson, Whitney Frank (24 JUN 1868-)
Thompson, Wilbur Lamont (30 AUG 1918-21 MAY 1987)
Thompson, Wilbur Stanley (5 NOV 1892-13 JUN 1968)
Thompson, Willard David (11 DEC 1921-14 AUG 1967)
Thompson, William (17 DEC 1831-21 FEB 1908)
Thompson, William (ABT 1883-20 SEP 1944)
Thompson, William
Thompson, William (7 DEC 1807-28 MAR 1875)
Thompson, William Bohr (12 MAY 1937-30 APR 1995)
Thompson, William Bohr "Beau"
Thompson, William C. (5 JAN 1806-29 DEC 1882)
Thompson, William C. (ABT 1830-)
Thompson, William Frank (8 JAN 1884-1952)
Thompson, William Perkins (30 MAR 1919-20 JUL 1969)
Thompson, _____
Thompson, _____
Thompson, _____
Thomsen, Myrtle Catherine Elizabeth (3 APR 1908-9 DEC 1978)
Thomson, Alice Janet (19 MAY 1864-18 JAN 1936)
Thomson, Annie Gertrude (15 AUG 1883-12 NOV 1971)
Thomson, Elizabeth Penman "Liza" (10 AUG 1893-4 APR 1980)
Thomson, Mary McIntyre (ABT 1883-21 JAN 1977)
Thomson, Susan (ABT 1836-)
Thomsson, Thomas Petter Teodor (29 MAR 1866-5 NOV 1938)
Thoreson, Anna Martha (12 NOV 1852-27 SEP 1933)
Thoreson, David Luther (28 APR 1926-5 MAY 2012)
Thoreson, Michael David
Thorn, (dau.)
Thorn, (dau.)
Thorn, (son)
Thorn, Alice May (7 DEC 1886-9 FEB 1963)
Thorn, Annie (1864-1944)
Thorn, Evan Izzaiah
Thorn, Henry Holton (22 FEB 1920-27 FEB 1981)
Thorn, Henry Holton (25 JUN 1900-7 JUL 1969)
Thorndike, Anna Louisa (28 MAR 1870-24 OCT 1946)
Thorndike, Arthur Windfield (15 DEC 1883-17 JAN 1949)
Thorndike, Charles Southwell (20 DEC 1877-23 AUG 1933)
Thorndike, Ebenezer (18 MAR 1821-1847)
Thorndike, Eliza (3 MAY 1818-10 DEC 1873)
Thorndike, Eliza Ardelle (24 DEC 1847-ABT 1908)
Thorndike, Emeretta (5 JUL 1846-16 DEC 1920)
Thorndike, Frederick Keating (16 APR 1861-19 FEB 1932)
Thorndike, George (6 NOV 1814-17 APR 1895)
Thorndike, Helen Louise (2 JAN 1857-2 MAR 1950)
Thorndike, Joanna (MAY 1764-18 JAN 1835)
Thorndike, John M. (27 SEP 1783-8 APR 1862)
Thorndike, Joshua Keating (23 APR 1824-20 NOV 1889)
Thorndike, Larkin W. (ABT 1908-23 JUL 1972)
Thorndike, Mary Louise (21 APR 1860-1933)
Thorndike, Nellie Elizabeth (22 MAY 1867-14 NOV 1961)
Thorndike, Norma J. (ABT 1921-)
Thorndike, Raymond
Thorndike, Raymond Wheeler (17 FEB 1893-24 JAN 1964)
Thorndike, Richard Nelson (25 JUN 1840-31 AUG 1914)
Thorndike, Ruth (10 JUN 1796-21 JUN 1890)
Thorndike, Thomas Woodbury (19 JUN 1844-19 JUN 1923)
Thorndyke, Dorothea Elaine (12 AUG 1918-14 DEC 1954)
Thorne, Brandon
Thorne, Inez May (23 DEC 1913-1 JAN 1996)
Thorne, John Stephen (16 FEB 1949-30 OCT 2010)
Thorne, Oakleigh (8 FEB 1901-16 FEB 1953)
Thornhill, Norian Adelia (2 OCT 1870-3 APR 1950)
Thornley, Leona May (21 JAN 1905-JUL 1980)
Thornton, Cornelia "Nela" Ann (27 APR 1870-26 MAR 1951)
Thornton, Ellen Frances (1872-8 JUL 1960)
Thornton, Fern (10 SEP 1894-15 FEB 1979)
Thornton, Jacquelyn
Thornton, Lula May (ABT 1882-14 APR 1973)
Thornton, Marguerite N. (7 JUN 1908-2 MAR 1976)
Thornton, Mary E. (ABT 1915-)
Thornton, Orland Dean (18 JUN 1933-4 SEP 1982)
Thornton, Stephen Geroy (28 APR 1861-16 JUN 1916)
Thornton, Velma (6 MAR 1892-1959)
Thorp, Mabel Blanch (27 JUN 1878-15 JAN 1961)
Thorpe, Aurora (15 AUG 1804-1890)
Thorson, Ella G. (14 APR 1910-30 AUG 1995)
Thorson, Oscar A. (22 MAR 1869-)
Thorvaldsen, Astri
Thrams, Lillian Mary (7 JAN 1901-29 JUL 1967)
Thrasher, Glen
Threlkeld, Dorothy (ABT 1913-1985)
Threlkeld, George Abram (ABT 1887-28 FEB 1968)
Threlkeld, Harvey Jones (JUN 1861-)
Threlkeld, Vern Harvey (ABT 1918-9 MAY 1993)
Threlkeld, Virginia Ione (14 MAR 1934-JUL 1985)
Thrombley, Phoebe (1871-1915)
Throwbridge, _____
Thulen, Albert
Thulen, Gregory H.
Thulen, Herbert Arlington
Thulen, Kathy E.
Thulen, Suzanne M.
Thulin, Hilda A. (ABT 1899-28 DEC 1953)
Thumser, Loretta Franz (11 FEB 1896-16 AUG 1980)
Thurber, Euphemia Ann (12 JAN 1866-13 MAR 1918)
Thurgood, _____
Thurlow, Alberta Louise
Thurlow, Alfred (5 MAY 1896-23 APR 1953)
Thurlow, Evan Alfred (2 DEC 1924-7 FEB 2018)
Thurlow, Frederick
Thurlow, Gladys Annie (18 NOV 1916-11 MAY 1966)
Thurlow, Harvey Linwood (ABT 1884-1955)
Thurlow, Lydia Ann (2 OCT 1840-16 MAY 1911)
Thurlow, Lyman D. (27 NOV 1858-1938)
Thurlow, Minnie Viola (2 JUL 1903-27 MAY 1989)
Thurlow, Ruth
Thurlow, Sandra
Thurlow, Suzanne
Thurman, Robert James
Thurman, Thomas W.
Thurston, Albert (13 JUL 1824-20 JAN 1869)
Thurston, Alfred Norris (10 AUG 1864-14 MAY 1940)
Thurston, Caleb (3 SEP 1797-6 FEB 1875)
Thurston, Charles Arthur
Thurston, Clair H. (17 JUN 1940-17 JUN 1940)
Thurston, Clair Hall (ABT 1913-3 SEP 1971)
Thurston, Clair Hall (20 JUN 1943-8 NOV 1965)
Thurston, Claire
Thurston, Dorothea Anne Belle (ABT 1903-31 AUG 1987)
Thurston, Elmer Ellsworth (3 FEB 1884-2 MAY 1945)
Thurston, Eva Mae (24 APR 1920-11 JAN 2011)
Thurston, Faye
Thurston, Florence Emogene (18 APR 1884-27 AUG 1968)
Thurston, George Herbert (ABT 1870-7 JAN 1932)
Thurston, Helen Kalloch (15 MAR 1891-11 DEC 1983)
Thurston, James Robert (19 FEB 1910-9 DEC 1955)
Thurston, Jane
Thurston, Joseph Daniels (ABT 1856-23 JUL 1927)
Thurston, Joyce Ann
Thurston, Leila Mae (17 APR 1882-5 NOV 1989)
Thurston, Leonard Warren (ABT 1912-6 JUN 1973)
Thurston, Lisa
Thurston, Marion L. (ABT 1909-)
Thurston, Norman Edward (10 DEC 1941-5 DEC 2014)
Thurston, Philo (15 JUL 1794-2 MAY 1877)
Thurston, Priscilla Faylene
Thurston, Roscoe Samuel (ABT 1889-1959)
Thurston, Samuel Cross (28 JUN 1838-25 FEB 1875)
Thurston, Sidney
Thurston, Sidney Walter (29 SEP 1904-19 JUN 1997)
Thurston, Sidney Walter (ABT 1904-13 MAY 1956)
Thurston, Vinal Alfred (19 SEP 1916-12 SEP 1973)
Thurston, _____
Thwaites, Marion Agnes
Tiagwad, Annamaria
Tibbals, Amelia H. (JUL 1864-18 FEB 1912)
Tibbals, Henry Lewis (18 DEC 1828-22 APR 1920)
Tibbets, Lorraine Audrey
Tibbetts, Adelbert Austin (2 JAN 1876-1956)
Tibbetts, Alfred H. (24 FEB 1855-1929)
Tibbetts, Austin Howard (11 AUG 1888-23 NOV 1972)
Tibbetts, Bertha Edna (25 FEB 1903-6 FEB 1995)
Tibbetts, Charles Merrill (6 NOV 1835-27 DEC 1916)
Tibbetts, Cynthia Ruth (11 OCT 1928-25 DEC 2012)
Tibbetts, Delores M.
Tibbetts, Dennis W.
Tibbetts, Edgar
Tibbetts, Edgar Louis (22 APR 1872-18 SEP 1964)
Tibbetts, Ella R. (5 FEB 1854-31 AUG 1927)
Tibbetts, Ernest E. (ABT 1910-5 DEC 2004)
Tibbetts, Everett James (ABT 1871-21 MAR 1939)
Tibbetts, Ferrell F.
Tibbetts, Flora Ella (1869-1934)
Tibbetts, Floyd Edgar (26 JUN 1900-25 SEP 1940)
Tibbetts, Frances Evelyn (22 AUG 1923-25 FEB 2010)
Tibbetts, Frank Merrill (ABT 1882-13 DEC 1962)
Tibbetts, Howard (ABT 1905-)
Tibbetts, James
Tibbetts, Jason (1816-13 FEB 1863)
Tibbetts, Karla (2 AUG 1941-7 DEC 1999)
Tibbetts, Kenneth Marvin (5 FEB 1900-29 DEC 1951)
Tibbetts, Kenneth Vinal
Tibbetts, Kimberly J.
Tibbetts, Lawrence E.
Tibbetts, Lawrence E. (28 APR 1948-18 OCT 2020)
Tibbetts, Lillian Adelma (16 JAN 1911-27 MAY 2008)
Tibbetts, Louis Everett (ABT 1904-9 NOV 1991)
Tibbetts, Louise Mary (1857-1944)
Tibbetts, Lucille M.
Tibbetts, Marilyn (9 JUL 1927-30 SEP 2008)
Tibbetts, Matt
Tibbetts, Nellie E. (24 MAR 1855-5 NOV 1887)
Tibbetts, Orrin Alvin (24 MAY 1879-)
Tibbetts, Ralph Andrews (11 FEB 1897-1968)
Tibbetts, Raynold Howard (22 JUN 1909-12 JUL 2000)
Tibbetts, Rosalpha "Rose" Jane (APR 1850-1918)
Tibbetts, Samuel (29 AUG 1810-17 OCT 1890)
Tibbetts, Samuel A. (1855-)
Tibbetts, Saphronia L. (2 NOV 1830-19 FEB 1892)
Tibbetts, Sarah Nancy (1 OCT 1799-ABT 1861)
Tibbetts, Steven
Tibbetts, Thomas E.
Tibbetts, Thomas Edwin (ABT 1867-)
Tibbetts, Timothy
Tibbitts, Edgar Moody (16 JUL 1872-13 MAY 1942)
Tibbitts, Gordon Wesley (10 OCT 1931-4 MAY 2007)
Tibbitts, Olive Baston (ABT 1834-AFT 1880)
Tibbo, Muriel Margaret (11 SEP 1917-15 SEP 2004)
Tibbott, Everard Franklin (22 SEP 1858-14 APR 1941)
Tibbott, Frederick Merrill (10 DEC 1885-20 AUG 1965)
Tice, Daniel John (24 DEC 1872-25 FEB 1913)
Tice, Simon Daniel (7 SEP 1897-3 SEP 1976)
Ticknor, Emma Annette "Nettie" (18 SEP 1867-29 JAN 1967)
Tidd, Betty Jean (19 FEB 1927-1 FEB 2015)
Tidd, Ellis J. (ABT 1905-28 DEC 1992)
Tidd, Marcia Ellen (3 OCT 1879-21 SEP 1954)
Tidmarsh, Florence Bessie (3 OCT 1896-8 NOV 1974)
Tieman, _____
Tieri, Flora M.
Tieri, Giuseppe Mario (2 FEB 1887-20 JAN 1963)
Tierney, Elizabeth "Betty"
Tiffany, Alice Corene (ABT 1907-1 SEP 1984)
Tiffany, Clara Betsey (11 AUG 1853-1914)
Tiffany, Margaret "Peggy" (12 OCT 1758-6 AUG 1840)
Tiffany, Nathaniel Algenon (8 DEC 1891-3 FEB 1969)
Tiffany, Ruth Ainsler (ABT 1917-1962)
Tigert, Lura (17 APR 1898-26 AUG 1985)
Tighe, Albert Sawyer (9 AUG 1870-3 OCT 1870)
Tighe, Anna Harrington (10 APR 1866-1 AUG 1866)
Tighe, Francis Frank (20 SEP 1830-12 DEC 1927)
Tighe, Gerald Arthur (ABT 1944-16 SEP 2012)
Tighe, Gerald Arthur (22 OCT 1920-26 AUG 1982)
Tilden, Isabelle Carrie (ABT 1885-15 APR 1913)
Tilden, Margaret Linda (15 NOV 1866-21 MAY 1937)
Tilden, Myrtle Adelaid (28 AUG 1893-20 APR 1982)
Tilghman, Anne Stackhouse (24 APR 1919-14 OCT 1988)
Tilghman, Horace Lee (20 JAN 1874-7 DEC 1937)
Till, Billy Lynn
Till, Elizabeth (ABT 1920-4 JUL 2014)
Till, George Thomas (12 APR 1862-25 NOV 1945)
Till, Morris Dean
Till, Nell
Till, Raymond Coombs (ABT 1897-18 APR 1937)
Till, Ruth Virginia (18 FEB 1921-13 DEC 2005)
Tillery, Floy Faye
Tilley, Ann Marie
Tilley, Aubrey George (2 AUG 1931-27 SEP 1995)
Tilley, Barbara Ann
Tilley, Barbara Annette (15 MAR 1935-8 JAN 1998)
Tilley, Catherine Marie
Tilley, Chelsea
Tilley, Chesley Robert
Tilley, Claire Weeks (20 AUG 1919-24 MAR 2009)
Tilley, Constance Lucille (4 MAY 1918-10 JAN 2008)
Tilley, Donald Glenwood
Tilley, Donald Glenwood
Tilley, Elvina (21 JUN 1903-9 SEP 1990)
Tilley, Ethel Louise (18 OCT 1926-7 JUL 2011)
Tilley, George Morris (24 AUG 1895-9 NOV 1966)
Tilley, Glenwood Goding (20 SEP 1887-14 OCT 1916)
Tilley, Gordon Bennett (5 MAR 1892-31 MAR 1965)
Tilley, Harold Lee (21 MAY 1886-15 MAY 1967)
Tilley, Henry (25 DEC 1819-4 AUG 1903)
Tilley, Herbert Louis (26 MAR 1934-25 NOV 2016)
Tilley, Herbert Louis "Butch"
Tilley, James
Tilley, Jayne Marie
Tilley, Jean Louise (15 OCT 1915-1 DEC 1995)
Tilley, Jeff Alan (14 MAR 1960-24 DEC 1991)
Tilley, Joel Edward (11 NOV 1921-2 JUN 1988)
Tilley, Joel Wesley (24 APR 1889-21 OCT 1964)
Tilley, Kathleen Agnes
Tilley, Lawrence Cecil (21 NOV 1894-22 APR 1963)
Tilley, Linwood Keith (9 MAR 1933-29 DEC 2004)
Tilley, Louis G. (26 MAR 1939-4 FEB 1970)
Tilley, Louis Kossuth (6 OCT 1857-14 FEB 1945)
Tilley, Louise Annabel (ABT 1934-3 MAR 1963)
Tilley, Louise Katherine (1 SEP 1900-3 DEC 1994)
Tilley, Marjorie Lynn
Tilley, Mary Margaret
Tilley, Maurice Carlton (12 DEC 1928-11 APR 2000)
Tilley, Michelle
Tilley, Misty Rose
Tilley, Mitchell Edward
Tilley, Nicole Lynn
Tilley, Paul William
Tilley, Philip Lawrence (9 NOV 1927-1 MAR 1988)
Tilley, Phyllis Arlene
Tilley, Preston (23 JUN 1906-1 JUL 1995)
Tilley, Ralph Ransford (1890-24 DEC 1971)
Tilley, Ralph Wayne
Tilley, Richard Dean
Tilley, Robert Maurice
Tilley, Roberta May
Tilley, Roger Benton (30 APR 1916-18 AUG 2000)
Tilley, Ronald (6 DEC 1927-MAY 1968)
Tilley, Ronald Edward
Tillman, Doris Sue
Tillner, Albert Johan (20 DEC 1872-30 NOV 1953)
Tillner, Ray F. (1908-8 MAR 1965)
Tillotson, Eleanor Jo (27 FEB 1921-10 OCT 1990)
Tillotson, Lewis Joe (21 JUN 1889-21 AUG 1963)
Tillson, Bessie Lena (29 APR 1885-1953)
Tilsley, Patricia Andry (ABT 1927-18 JAN 2010)
Tilsley, Richard Frank (ABT 1891-1956)
Tilton, Abbie Josephine (25 APR 1853-BEF 1915)
Tilton, John Jacob (ABT 1868-18 OCT 1954)
Tilton, Mary Clarabel (ABT 1871-ABT 1945)
Tilton, Thomas B.
Tilton, William Henry (ABT 1845-30 JAN 1920)
Timmons, Diane L.
Timmons, Dorothy "Dot"
Timms, Sheridan
Tindall, Mary Eliza
Tingen, Mabel Elizabeth (ABT 1901-27 JAN 1933)
Tingle, Mary Belle (7 MAY 1916-29 JUL 1996)
Tingley, Annie Sarah (12 JUL 1871-31 JAN 1926)
Tingley, Bruce Dillon (ABT 1915-16 APR 1948)
Tingley, Bruce Orange (ABT 1890-23 OCT 1962)
Tingley, Bruce Rodger (ABT 1944-24 MAR 1997)
Tingley, Donald Sterling (ABT 1919-30 MAR 1976)
Tingley, Ila Cecil (20 OCT 1922-28 DEC 2007)
Tingley, Jack G. (29 AUG 1948-1 SEP 1948)
Tingley, Janet (12 JUN 1947-23 AUG 2001)
Tingley, Judith Dawn (31 MAR 1946-14 JAN 2017)
Tingley, Orange (30 JUN 1849-1917)
Tingley, Ruby Alice (8 JAN 1912-18 MAR 2008)
Tinker, Jeremiah (14 MAR 1838-12 AUG 1917)
Tinker, Mary P. (ABT AUG 1855-1954)
Tinker, Megan
Tinker, Myra Adeline (12 SEP 1875-11 JUN 1936)
Tinsley, Earl E.
Tinsley, Mary Bell
Tipping, Lillian Blanche (13 APR 1883-6 JUL 1936)
Tipton, Ada Belle (1899-)
Tipton, William Nelson (29 JUL 1858-28 JUL 1937)
Tir, Steven
Tir, Steven George Andrew
Tisdahl, Martha (23 JUN 1869-6 MAR 1937)
Tisdale, Katherine Fannie (9 AUG 1918-2 JUL 1991)
Tislichka, Wilma (ABT 1902-2 SEP 1953)
Titcomb, Olive Frances (1 MAR 1854-23 APR 1921)
Tittsworth, Bertie Elizabeth (23 JUL 1882-27 JUN 1961)
Titus, Abraham Pinkham (4 MAR 1814-25 SEP 1900)
Titus, Arthur G. (21 AUG 1872-NOV 1944)
Titus, Arthur G. (21 AUG 1872-NOV 1944)
Titus, Charles B. (ABT 1841-27 NOV 1876)
Titus, David
Titus, Elvira
Titus, Eva Erthena (10 MAR 1872-1949)
Titus, Fred B. (30 AUG 1869-)
Titus, Jennie (3 NOV 1848-1940)
Titus, John
Titus, Laura Mary (1 NOV 1870-26 MAY 1929)
Titus, Lawrence A. (7 MAY 1909-8 AUG 2005)
Titus, Lyman
Titus, Mary Ann (ABT 1830-)
Titus, Mary J. (ABT 1860-)
Titus, Melinda Reed (17 AUG 1810-13 SEP 1893)
Titus, Rhobe Gilmore (21 APR 1801-JUL 1856)
Tizzard, Edna Ursula (16 DEC 1908-AUG 1974)
Tjeltweed, Ann Johanna (10 MAR 1910-17 NOV 2007)
Tobey, Alfred H. (14 DEC 1847-12 AUG 1869)
Tobey, Arlo Raymond (23 APR 1917-29 JUL 2001)
Tobey, Augustus John (15 JUL 1871-21 AUG 1935)
Tobey, Edward C. (ABT 1842-)
Tobey, Miles A.
Tobey, Roger Raymond (ABT 1945-9 JUL 2008)
Tobey, Samuel (ABT 1773-MAR 1814)
Tobey, Susan Kellar (9 MAY 1846-28 JUN 1922)
Tobey, Thomas (ABT 1813-)
Tobey, Walter Leslie (28 AUG 1928-25 AUG 1971)
Tobey, Walter Sylvester (3 JAN 1910-17 MAY 1982)
Tobey, William Henry (13 FEB 1804-21 APR 1854)
Tobias, Anthony J. (ABT 1923-11 APR 1986)
Tobias, Anthony Johan (ABT 1890-1981)
Tobias, Felix (ABT 1886-)
Tobias, Julia (19 SEP 1894-5 DEC 1952)
Tobias, Lucille L. (31 AUG 1924-13 DEC 2016)
Tobin, Joseph Alloysius (1924-2003)
Tobin, Leo William (4 AUG 1920-DEC 1983)
Tobin, Nellie Frances (19 AUG 1890-1 APR 1962)
Toby, Nathaniel D. (21 FEB 1836-13 OCT 1913)
Todd, Charles Payson
Todd, Charles R. "Randy"
Todd, Charles Randolph (25 JUL 1843-21 APR 1916)
Todd, Clementine Marie (Buzzell) (30 MAR 1873-18 DEC 1962)
Todd, Dorothy Louise (ABT 1915-1959)
Todd, Edward March (25 DEC 1876-12 FEB 1918)
Todd, Edward Payson (26 JAN 1920-25 MAY 2003)
Todd, Elizabeth (7 FEB 1822-17 APR 1899)
Todd, Emery Parsons (ABT 1911-4 APR 1963)
Todd, Emery Parsons (ABT 1937-23 SEP 2017)
Todd, Forrest Gustav
Todd, Forrest Randolf (2 FEB 1916-29 JAN 2001)
Todd, Gardner Randolph (16 APR 1903-31 JUL 1905)
Todd, Glendon Forrest (ABT 1896-23 OCT 1977)
Todd, Glendon Gardner
Todd, Harry Caldwell (ABT 1900-17 MAR 1957)
Todd, Hazel May (13 JUN 1897-31 JAN 1958)
Todd, James Edward (ABT 1925-21 MAR 1975)
Todd, James Parker (20 MAY 1811-15 JUL 1881)
Todd, John Murray (27 JUL 1883-JUL 1967)
Todd, John Samuel (JUN 1837-1905)
Todd, Joseph Alec
Todd, Kathryn Helen (16 NOV 1908-6 MAY 1990)
Todd, Malcolm Douglas
Todd, Nathaniel Adams
Todd, Nathaniel Payson
Todd, Richard Emery "Ric"
Todd, Rowan John
Todd, Sandra Marie (16 MAY 1945-23 MAR 2015)
Todd, Susan Emery (Buzzell) (30 MAR 1873-3 JUN 1968)
Todd, Victor Charles (ABT 1887-11 SEP 1957)
Toddhunter, Joseph (3 DEC 1811-4 NOV 1890)
Toddhunter, Sarah Jane (17 MAR 1855-9 NOV 1885)
Tofaco, Regina (ABT 1869-)
Tokio, Fred (27 DEC 1893-1 APR 1962)
Tokio, Olga Mary (7 MAY 1920-21 FEB 1987)
Toland, Mary Alice (12 APR 1869-21 NOV 1945)
Tolberd, Beatrice Vernice (31 JUL 1921-27 OCT 2007)
Tolberd, Charles Ray (JUN 1871-21 OCT 1939)
Tolbert, Ruth (ABT 1888-1967)
Tolkoff, Laura Michelle
Tolle, Caleb Harry (28 MAR 1903-2 FEB 1944)
Tolle, Wilma Fay (30 OCT 1936-25 JAN 2009)
Tollefson, Jack Lamont
Tollefson, Jack McHenry (14 OCT 1915-6 OCT 1992)
Tollefson, Jacob Olavis Tomson (27 FEB 1871-18 NOV 1918)
Tollefson, Marie Ruth
Tollefson, Mark Verlin
Tollefson, Markus Royal
Tollison, Jessica Dawn
Tollison, Joey Eric (21 AUG 1961-21 AUG 1989)
Tollison, Richard Isadore (17 DEC 1902-14 APR 1993)
Tolman, Ada Ames (12 SEP 1879-25 NOV 1972)
Tolman, Anna (15 JUN 1806-MAR 1855)
Tolman, Annie (24 JAN 1855-28 SEP 1876)
Tolman, Asenath (ABT 1796-17 AUG 1884)
Tolman, Aurora (23 OCT 1837-26 MAR 1895)
Tolman, Calvin (12 FEB 1809-25 JAN 1849)
Tolman, Dolores Simmons
Tolman, Dorothy Dean (1 JUL 1914-5 JUL 1983)
Tolman, Ethel Evelyn (24 FEB 1921-11 JAN 1930)
Tolman, Eunice Brooks (2 JUL 1894-1942)
Tolman, Evans Leroy (21 MAR 1923-4 DEC 2006)
Tolman, Fred Coombs (ABT 1888-30 DEC 1955)
Tolman, George A. (1867-11 JUL 1932)
Tolman, Gladys May (4 FEB 1916-25 MAR 1985)
Tolman, Hannah (21 FEB 1799-1893)
Tolman, Harriett Annette (8 APR 1822-10 MAR 1863)
Tolman, Isaac (2 JAN 1802-1803)
Tolman, Isaac Herbert (16 JUL 1850-6 MAR 1897)
Tolman, Isaiah (3 MAR 1834-11 AUG 1863)
Tolman, Isaiah (22 MAR 1788-1789)
Tolman, Isiah (28 MAY 1721-15 NOV 1825)
Tolman, James
Tolman, James Leroy (ABT 1893-22 NOV 1969)
Tolman, Jesse Ames (3 JUN 1858-18 JUN 1936)
Tolman, Joseph (10 AUG 1789-7 FEB 1872)
Tolman, Josephine M. (16 MAR 1918-19 NOV 2007)
Tolman, Josiah (18 MAR 1822-3 MAY 1896)
Tolman, Leonora L. (16 AUG 1832-20 JAN 1894)
Tolman, Linda
Tolman, Lucy (11 JUN 1760-AUG 1846)
Tolman, Maria Barrett (ABT 1899-12 DEC 1980)
Tolman, Martha Jane (ABT 1824-5 APR 1886)
Tolman, Mary Louise (16 AUG 1919-3 MAR 2000)
Tolman, Mildred Martin (ABT 1897-28 OCT 1981)
Tolman, Minott (14 JAN 1823-22 MAR 1901)
Tolman, Orissa A. (10 JAN 1843-6 FEB 1921)
Tolman, Oscar Arey (ABT 1876-11 FEB 1967)
Tolman, Phyllis Evelyn (1893-26 MAY 1929)
Tolman, Randall (20 NOV 1807-5 APR 1849)
Tolman, Richard
Tolman, Samuel (24 JAN 1755-18 FEB 1826)
Tolman, Samuel (16 JAN 1777-27 SEP 1856)
Tolman, Shepherd (10 SEP 1792-12 JUL 1854)
Tolman, Vony Arlene (ABT 1918-8 MAR 1938)
Tolman, William (28 MAY 1786-)
Tolman, William (28 MAY 1786-)
Tolman, daughter (ABT 1863-ABT 1863)
Tolsdorf, _____
Toman, Kathleen
Tomasini, Natalina "Lina" (18 DEC 1910-26 AUG 1985)
Tomfohrde, Edna Caroline (13 JUN 1892-1971)
Tomfohrde, Heinn (MAY 1850-)
Tomlinso, _____
Tomlinson, Brenda Grace (11 SEP 1940-14 MAY 2006)
Tomlinson, George Welson (26 JUL 1919-1977)
Tomlinson, Lee Everett (14 JAN 1942-26 NOV 2013)
Tomlinson, Nicole Rachel
Tomlinson, Wiley Harrison (16 NOV 1873-22 AUG 1949)
Toms, Shelley
Tonazzi, Josephine (ABT 1881-)
Tondreau, Gratia Oreanna "Grace" (12 JUL 1915-7 JUL 1995)
Tondreau, Louis Emilien (7 AUG 1879-16 MAR 1966)
Toner, Grant
Toney, Sabra (8 DEC 1816-24 MAR 1908)
Tong, Florence Jane (JUL 1893-)
Tongberg, Carl O. (8 NOV 1906-3 AUG 1962)
Tonry, Albert Joseph (25 JAN 1892-28 NOV 1973)
Tonry, Richard Francis (25 AUG 1921-7 APR 1989)
Tonseth, Joyce Signe (15 MAR 1918-14 AUG 2006)
Toole, Agnes Gertrude (7 NOV 1888-15 DEC 1978)
Tooley, Teresa May
Toomey, Jerome B. (ABT 1913-)
Toomey, Joseph
Tootell, Virginia A.
Toothacre, Abigail Jane (28 OCT 1846-20 JUN 1912)
Toothaker, Ethel Maud (APR 1877-15 MAY 1961)
Tootill, Joel Berry (2 MAY 1926-16 JUL 1982)
Tootill, Philip Angus (3 JAN 1896-6 NOV 1947)
Toper, Albina Frances A. (ABT 1916-)
Topping, Harriet (1816-8 FEB 1879)
Torgeson, Roy Robert
Torgeson, Sharon Careen
Torre, George John Della (25 JAN 1873-4 NOV 1921)
Torre, Gladys Della (1899-)
Torrence, Claudia Elaine "Gaga" (6 SEP 1918-11 JUN 2005)
Torrence, George Abbitt (18 AUG 1892-1951)
Torres, Aida Iris (14 OCT 1945-9 AUG 2012)
Torres, Emilio
Torres, Lisa
Torres, Lola Maria (27 JAN 1906-26 AUG 1990)
Torres, Mary Salome (ABT 1909-11 SEP 1967)
Torres, Octaviano
Torres, Tre'
Torrey, Barbara A. (10 DEC 1929-16 NOV 2014)
Torrey, Francena (10 SEP 1850-4 JUN 1927)
Torrey, George Washington (24 FEB 1878-18 JAN 1942)
Torrey, Inez Myrtle (ABT 1888-11 DEC 1953)
Torrey, Jean (1863-1939)
Torrey, Josephine E. "Josie" (20 FEB 1881-3 MAY 1919)
Torrey, Julia Estelle (5 SEP 1866-27 APR 1950)
Torrey, Rebecca Jane (23 SEP 1923-16 MAR 2015)
Torry, Albion K. P.
Tosch, Emma (23 AUG 1892-30 APR 1970)
Toth, George Geza (23 MAR 1926-18 SEP 1995)
Totten, Dorothy Elizabeth (ABT 1922-)
Totten, Mary (ABT 1891-)
Totten, Thomas (ABT 1891-)
Totusek, Mary Ann (19 APR 1933-21 SEP 1994)
Touchette, Clotilde (ABT 1873-22 MAY 1929)
Touchette, Gerald Daniel (3 APR 1918-21 DEC 1998)
Touchette, Gerald R.


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