Kalloch Family Tree Database
Descendants of Finley Kelloch & Mary Young,
who settled in Warren, Maine, 1735

Kalloch Family Genealogy Page on Kalloch.org

Family Tree Names

Sites, Fern M. (ABT 1920-12 OCT 1954)
Sites, Marion Herbert (9 AUG 1885-9 NOV 1948)
Sitsuma, Eileen
Situka, Doris Jean
Sivertson, Elin Theresa (2 SEP 1907-7 NOV 1963)
Sjogren, Polinanda (ABT 1875-)
Skaling, Abbie E.
Skaling, Anna R.
Skaling, David W. (25 DEC 1954-25 DEC 2016)
Skaling, James Wilfred (ABT 1923-16 FEB 2000)
Skaling, Wilfred Freemont (ABT 1893-8 MAY 1970)
Skarzynski, _____
Skedgell, Rena E. (22 JUL 1886-)
Skehan, Brian Anthony Joseph
Skehan, Charles J.
Skehan, Gladys Marie (3 MAY 1895-29 AUG 1973)
Skelton, Clyde Jefferson (25 APR 1889-7 JUL 1947)
Skelton, Dorothy Marie (27 AUG 1928-12 NOV 2006)
Skelton, Effie Jane (19 AUG 1882-19 SEP 1972)
Skelton, Flossie Mae (28 JUN 1890-16 OCT 1957)
Skelton, Genevieve (15 OCT 1906-29 JAN 1994)
Skelton, Infant (20 JUN 1952-22 JUN 1952)
Skelton, James Mark (8 OCT 1891-12 OCT 1969)
Skelton, James Stephen (14 JAN 1880-31 MAY 1972)
Skelton, James Stephen (8 MAR 1922-9 JAN 2014)
Skelton, James William (7 JAN 1846-17 NOV 1932)
Skelton, Jeanne Allen (23 JAN 1927-1 DEC 2004)
Skelton, John Jacobs (12 OCT 1915-26 NOV 1976)
Skelton, Keith Burnell (16 OCT 1908-11 APR 1988)
Skelton, Laura Elnora (28 MAY 1913-10 MAY 2000)
Skelton, Laura Emeline (1881-11 JUN 1960)
Skelton, Mabel Lewella (4 MAR 1887-27 SEP 1968)
Skelton, Margaret Emiline (1918-8 FEB 1976)
Skelton, Margaret Teressa (5 JUL 1888-30 APR 1954)
Skelton, Mary Ellen (18 NOV 1921-11 JUL 1998)
Skelton, Orma Adeline (10 APR 1911-8 AUG 1986)
Skelton, Sidney Clifford (2 JUN 1893-21 FEB 1917)
Skelton, Stephen (4 MAR 1822-2 JUL 1868)
Skelton, Tressa (1 MAY 1916-5 JUL 1916)
Skelton, _____
Skerry, Hannah Elizabeth (29 JAN 1859-17 JUL 1943)
Skerry, James W. (8 JAN 1837-22 SEP 1896)
Skevington, Ashley Louise
Skevington, Brady Jordan
Skevington, Michael Todd
Skevington, Thomas Arthur
Skidd, Jennie Genevieve (1868-1920)
Skidgel, Henry W. (MAR 1860-4 MAY 1914)
Skidgell, Priscilla (ABT 1881-)
Skidmore, Hilda D. (28 DEC 1921-26 JUN 2015)
Skiles, Barbara
Skiles, Drucilla Isabell (21 JAN 1847-5 MAR 1882)
Skillen, James R.
Skillings, Diane Estelle (ABT 1936-10 NOV 2018)
Skillings, Everett Harmon (11 APR 1884-18 NOV 1946)
Skillings, Frances Mary (29 MAR 1920-20 SEP 2001)
Skillings, Harold Walter (25 MAY 1909-17 OCT 1990)
Skillings, Janet Bradford (15 JAN 1936-28 APR 1998)
Skillings, Lewelmer Libby "Elmer" (13 OCT 1870-5 JUL 1941)
Skillings, Norman Russell (31 JUL 1932-18 APR 1958)
Skillings, Priscilla May (3 AUG 1933-JUL 1979)
Skillings, Winfield Percy (12 JAN 1891-6 MAY 1967)
Skillman, Albert Newton (ABT 1866-7 SEP 1931)
Skillman, Alberta Blanche (1882-22 NOV 1945)
Skillman, Emily June (ABT 1892-APR 1978)
Skillman, Henry Manning (31 JAN 1824-12 AUG 1899)
Skillman, Robert Henry (26 NOV 1882-12 SEP 1945)
Skinner, Ceola Lorene (ABT 1912-26 AUG 1999)
Skinner, Charles Loring (27 OCT 1857-30 OCT 1936)
Skinner, Edith Almira (ABT 1895-19 JUL 1967)
Skinner, Edna G
Skinner, Elizabeth Mary (19 MAY 1852-17 NOV 1922)
Skinner, Elizabeth Mary (19 MAY 1852-17 NOV 1922)
Skinner, George R.
Skinner, Hazel Mae (27 MAY 1930-2 OCT 2000)
Skinner, Mary A. (13 MAR 1833-1 AUG 1894)
Skinner, Mary Lou
Skinner, Nellie D. (9 JAN 1881-15 DEC 1966)
Skinner, Robin
Skinner, Ronnie Lee
Skinner, Russell Emerson (ABT 1891-10 MAR 1947)
Skinner, Thomas (17 FEB 1776-17 SEP 1846)
Skinner, Walter John (1920-1989)
Skinner, William McKinley (ABT 1903-30 JAN 1954)
Skinner, _____
Skinner, _____
Sklanka, Adam Edward (21 MAR 1927-24 NOV 1959)
Sklanka, Adolph (8 AUG 1894-18 JAN 1950)
Skog, Corey Jon (ABT 1974-28 MAR 1997)
Skog, Frederick Harvey
Skog, Jody L.
Skog, Keri L.
Skog, Todd F.
Skoglund, James Gilchrest (6 MAY 1940-22 FEB 2022)
Skoglund, Marta Estelle
Skoglund, Robert Karl
Skoglund, Sonja Kay
Skoglund, Sten Bertil (15 MAY 1909-13 JUN 1988)
Skorka, Viola (ABT 1914-)
Skotdal, Almer Goodwin (ABT 1901-16 NOV 1981)
Skotdal, Andrew
Skotdal, Arthur W.
Skotdal, Craig
Skroggs, Diana
Skwor, Dora (Theressa) (ABT 1843-BET 1886 AND 1894)
Skyrme, George William (4 NOV 1895-)
Slack, Gloria E.
Slack, L. E.
Slack, Ron
Slade, Anne Canedy (23 FEB 1887-3 NOV 1970)
Slade, Mary Dorothy Pearl (6 JUL 1912-31 JUL 1963)
Slade, William Thomas (10 AUG 1884-24 MAR 1975)
Slager, Catherine Genevive (6 JUN 1897-16 MAR 1983)
Slane, Sadeleene Marie "Sadie" (6 FEB 1876-27 MAR 1952)
Slape, James Louis (1 JUN 1911-25 APR 1981)
Slate, Ada Belle (9 AUG 1867-2 JUN 1905)
Slater, Corie Lynn (1862-22 JUL 1928)
Slater, Esther Irene (13 JUL 1893-5 SEP 1963)
Slater, Mary Catherine (19 NOV 1847-24 MAY 1925)
Slater, Rebecca
Slattery, Edward L. (1889-)
Slattery, Eleanor Elizabeth (10 MAR 1924-23 FEB 2001)
Slaugenwhit, Arlene J.
Slaughter, Aurthur Darwin (16 APR 1919-23 APR 1991)
Slaughter, Kenneth Dean (ABT 1936-NOV 1986)
Slaughter, Walter Raymond (ABT 1906-28 SEP 1975)
Slayton, Georgianna (13 MAY 1862-19 SEP 1923)
Sleep, Geraldine Murial (18 APR 1898-15 MAY 1968)
Sleeper, Abigail (19 NOV 1797-26 JUL 1819)
Sleeper, Adrienne Elise
Sleeper, Albert Forrest "Jeddie" (30 DEC 1874-8 JUN 1956)
Sleeper, Albert Marsh (30 AUG 1816-11 FEB 1892)
Sleeper, Arethusa (22 NOV 1818-3 SEP 1893)
Sleeper, Arethusa (20 NOV 1818-3 SEP 1893)
Sleeper, Benjamin (15 FEB 1798-28 JAN 1849)
Sleeper, Benjamin (18 APR 1746-1820)
Sleeper, Benjamin Franklin (1 SEP 1833-26 NOV 1886)
Sleeper, Bessie F. (ABT 1873-)
Sleeper, Carolyn Dow (ABT 1902-26 JUL 1992)
Sleeper, Charles Francis (ABT 1845-11 JAN 1904)
Sleeper, Charles Hall (26 JAN 1866-2 OCT 1918)
Sleeper, Charles Stanton (14 SEP 1913-6 MAY 1989)
Sleeper, Christine
Sleeper, Cleveland L. (16 APR 1905-19 AUG 1976)
Sleeper, Cleveland L. (ABT 1868-18 APR 1937)
Sleeper, Dana Bradford "Brad"
Sleeper, David
Sleeper, David Bradlee
Sleeper, Edward B.
Sleeper, Edward Bradlee (15 NOV 1936-9 APR 2004)
Sleeper, Elias Phinney (6 APR 1814-1872)
Sleeper, Elizabeth
Sleeper, Elizabeth Coombs (10 DEC 1899-2 SEP 1989)
Sleeper, Ella J. (20 MAY 1851-1889)
Sleeper, Erik T.
Sleeper, George Dustin (14 MAR 1903-4 DEC 1984)
Sleeper, George Edwin (4 AUG 1867-6 MAY 1937)
Sleeper, George W.
Sleeper, Hannah Jane (20 SEP 1830-18 NOV 1899)
Sleeper, Harriet (25 NOV 1811-14 JAN 1842)
Sleeper, Harriet
Sleeper, Helen E. (23 JUL 1892-MAR 1981)
Sleeper, Henry Goodenough (10 AUG 1901-28 JUL 1984)
Sleeper, Henry Rust
Sleeper, Irene
Sleeper, Jesse (1787-26 JUL 1865)
Sleeper, Jesse (6 FEB 1824-24 JUL 1912)
Sleeper, Jesse "Will"
Sleeper, Jesse Willard (3 FEB 1903-11 JAN 1981)
Sleeper, Jesse Willard (20 APR 1939-30 MAR 2011)
Sleeper, Kate Mason (21 JAN 1865-17 JAN 1896)
Sleeper, Kevin Bradford
Sleeper, Marjorie Bernice (23 APR 1918-22 SEP 1988)
Sleeper, Martha
Sleeper, Mary Ann (22 OCT 1809-9 JUL 1896)
Sleeper, Mary Frances (ABT 1916-8 JUN 1996)
Sleeper, Mary Nancy
Sleeper, Nathaniel (1762-24 OCT 1825)
Sleeper, Phillip C.
Sleeper, Ray
Sleeper, Rebecca Frances (17 OCT 1860-26 FEB 1942)
Sleeper, Ruth Annetta (ABT 1900-1 JUN 1975)
Sleeper, Sandra
Sleeper, Sandra Lee
Sleeper, Sarah Eliza (28 MAY 1826-12 OCT 1901)
Sleeper, Sherwin James Forbus (ABT 1930-19 NOV 2001)
Sleeper, Sonja
Sleeper, Susan C. (1 MAY 1889-2 AUG 1977)
Sleeper, Susan E.
Sleeper, Sylvia
Sleeper, Willard Peele (5 AUG 1853-26 MAR 1941)
Sleeper, William
Sleeper, William (18 APR 1821-13 SEP 1841)
Sleeper, William (11 MAY 1799-9 OCT 1822)
Sleight, Ida Jaye "Jaye" (29 MAR 1922-13 DEC 1996)
Sleight, Thomas (1 APR 1851-20 FEB 1920)
Sleight, William (ABT 1889-1938)
Sliney, Nellie Margaret Johanna (ABT 1878-6 APR 1958)
Slingsby, Albert (ABT 1861-14 MAY 1923)
Slingsby, Albert (7 JAN 1896-7 OCT 1944)
Slipp, Gary
Slipp, Helena "Lena" H. (ABT 1881-10 FEB 1911)
Slipp, John Wesley (24 SEP 1850-1 SEP 1935)
Sloan, Margaret (ABT 1873-)
Sloan, Violet Margaret (5 JUL 1916-30 NOV 1962)
Sloat, Georgiana (SEP 1835-18 NOV 1909)
Slobodianik, Terenty (1894-1924)
Slocomb, Katherine Belle (22 AUG 1890-NOV 1965)
Slovinski, George William (15 MAR 1890-1 OCT 1977)
Slovinski, Theresa Theodora (6 APR 1917-8 OCT 2003)
Slyne, Mike
Small, Alberta Hill (5 NOV 1880-17 APR 1948)
Small, Alice Maud (29 DEC 1863-)
Small, Alice V. (ABT 1904-6 FEB 1972)
Small, Andrew (22 MAR 1791-19 NOV 1844)
Small, Barbara Doris
Small, Beverly Olian (30 SEP 1922-23 NOV 2011)
Small, Charles Edward (16 MAY 1849-28 MAR 1912)
Small, Charles Fremont (27 FEB 1918-26 SEP 1997)
Small, Charles R. (11 FEB 1840-5 AUG 1918)
Small, Clarence Maurice (4 JAN 1907-6 SEP 1966)
Small, Clarence Walter (10 MAR 1879-28 JUL 1931)
Small, Clyde (ABT 1909-23 MAR 1984)
Small, Clydine Dawn
Small, Eliza L. (ABT 1861-3 FEB 1932)
Small, Elmer
Small, Florence Edna "Flossie" (12 JUN 1876-6 DEC 1942)
Small, Flossie Evelyn (24 SEP 1874-19 MAY 1963)
Small, Frances (19 MAY 1920-)
Small, Gary Raymond (6 MAR 1960-17 APR 1986)
Small, George Berry (4 JUN 1894-16 JAN 1961)
Small, George E. (ABT 1848-1930)
Small, Georgia Melvena (ABT 1872-23 APR 1944)
Small, Hariett Matilda (16 MAY 1862-)
Small, Hartland James (15 JAN 1929-21 NOV 1988)
Small, Harvey E. (30 JUL 1913-17 SEP 1998)
Small, Herman Eaton (1876-)
Small, Horace E.
Small, Horatio G. (16 JUL 1833-6 APR 1888)
Small, Ira James (27 SEP 1865-10 AUG 1905)
Small, John W. (17 SEP 1857-)
Small, Kate E. (ABT 1880-)
Small, Kenneth (ABT 1901-5 NOV 1954)
Small, Kenneth (4 JUL 1925-2 MAY 1992)
Small, Laura Almetia (27 OCT 1851-10 FEB 1932)
Small, Leroy Oliam (4 OCT 1897-8 NOV 1963)
Small, Lorenzo D. (3 AUG 1854-6 MAY 1904)
Small, Lucy G. (OCT 1892-1985)
Small, Lucy M. (MAY 1880-28 DEC 1962)
Small, Luther (29 APR 1788-16 OCT 1840)
Small, Maria S. (18 JUN 1821-28 JUL 1861)
Small, Mary E. (ABT 1828-)
Small, Mildred M. (1878-1939)
Small, Pamela Margaret (27 JAN 1968-20 JUL 2010)
Small, Priscilla Drane
Small, Ralph Hugo (29 DEC 1889-23 AUG 1956)
Small, Raymond D. (10 AUG 1916-24 APR 1982)
Small, Raymond Dunbar (ABT 1894-17 MAY 1970)
Small, Rebecca W. (4 MAR 1818-1891)
Small, Ruth (24 NOV 1767-11 JUN 1861)
Small, Sarah H. (ABT 1845-17 JUL 1918)
Small, Susanna (1740-BET 1780X1842)
Small, Thomas Alvin (20 SEP 1839-)
Small, William Heath
Smalley, Aaron Harthorn (26 APR 1832-7 APR 1915)
Smalley, Adelbert Daniel (ABT 1933-8 MAR 1991)
Smalley, Adelbert M. (7 APR 1870-27 MAR 1952)
Smalley, Adelma Lucielle (ABT 1926-1 APR 2008)
Smalley, Albert James (6 JUN 1939-14 OCT 1976)
Smalley, Albert James (7 NOV 1899-11 JUL 1986)
Smalley, Alden L. (26 MAR 1910-1911)
Smalley, Alice E.
Smalley, Alida (21 NOV 1890-7 AUG 1894)
Smalley, Amelia Rose
Smalley, Anthony M. (14 JAN 1897-19 NOV 1986)
Smalley, Archelaus (13 JAN 1792-7 FEB 1872)
Smalley, Arthur Snow (19 SEP 1896-23 JUL 1952)
Smalley, Avis Grotton (27 JUN 1902-4 OCT 1971)
Smalley, Beatrice Hannah (27 MAR 1895-20 SEP 1970)
Smalley, Benjamin Patrick
Smalley, Brian Steven
Smalley, Darlene
Smalley, Donald R. (ABT 1930-13 DEC 2010)
Smalley, Eli F. (6 JUN 1855-13 JUL 1923)
Smalley, Elizabeth Ann (15 JUL 1922-4 SEP 1991)
Smalley, Elizabeth Grace
Smalley, Elizabeth May (ABT 1875-7 JAN 1975)
Smalley, Ernest W. (3 APR 1868-1 MAY 1931)
Smalley, Freelyn Cree (AUG 1866-25 APR 1936)
Smalley, Georgie
Smalley, Hannah (7 JUN 1779-16 NOV 1858)
Smalley, Hazel Gertrude (ABT 1897-15 NOV 1952)
Smalley, Helen Albertina (9 AUG 1894-8 SEP 1984)
Smalley, Helen Madeline (28 SEP 1916-29 SEP 1916)
Smalley, Herbert Chadburne (7 MAR 1901-JAN 1966)
Smalley, Jamison Albert
Smalley, Joanna (3 NOV 1793-14 NOV 1834)
Smalley, John Aaron (9 APR 1889-2 NOV 1940)
Smalley, Joshua (8 NOV 1811-19 DEC 1890)
Smalley, Kenneth Arthur (ABT 1928-8 DEC 1990)
Smalley, Kristina
Smalley, Lawrence Bradley (ABT 1896-)
Smalley, Llewellys (8 FEB 1866-29 APR 1951)
Smalley, Lydia T. (29 JUL 1789-6 NOV 1859)
Smalley, Mark
Smalley, Mary Sanborn (1819-21 MAR 1902)
Smalley, Maude Marie (28 MAY 1936-29 MAY 1995)
Smalley, Michael James
Smalley, Noah Michael
Smalley, Pam
Smalley, Paul
Smalley, Robert E.
Smalley, Roxanne Lee
Smalley, Samuel
Smalley, Sarah B. (FEB 1894-)
Smalley, Sarah W. (24 AUG 1814-26 JAN 1902)
Smalley, Shaun Patrick
Smalley, Stephanie
Smalley, Steven
Smalley, Thomas William (10 MAR 1844-1 MAR 1898)
Smalley, Timothy
Smalley, Victoria
Smalley, Wallace Raymond (2 JUN 1896-29 SEP 1897)
Smalley, Wayne Arthur
Smalley, Webb Flinn (2 MAR 1875-9 JUN 1959)
Smallidge, Helen M. (1 AUG 1902-MAR 1982)
Smallidge, Hillard G. (ABT 1868-1926)
Smallis, Ernest
Smallwood, Laurel
Smarsh, Mary
Smart, Agnes Ann (6 JUL 1855-23 JUL 1930)
Smart, Hannah A. (5 AUG 1822-16 AUG 1865)
Smart, Ida Flora (2 JUN 1886-17 JUL 1960)
Smart, Jessie Mae (6 OCT 1883-12 JUN 1936)
Smart, Joshua (13 MAY 1800-15 JUN 1880)
Smetters, Etta M. (MAY 1900-ABT 1943)
Smiley, Alvin Martin (21 JAN 1902-14 DEC 1946)
Smiley, David Paul (10 DEC 1785-7 NOV 1875)
Smiley, Donald Kenneth (25 JAN 1925-1 DEC 2005)
Smiley, Edward Ovid (9 JUL 1885-5 JAN 1965)
Smiley, Hannah Howland (17 SEP 1822-12 APR 1860)
Smiley, Henry Lee (22 OCT 1913-5 APR 1980)
Smiley, Robert Lee (1 APR 1911-)
Smith, (9 DEC 1914-16 JAN 1915)
Smith, Abigail (ABT 1825-27 MAR 1899)
Smith, Addie Ann (14 MAY 1875-28 FEB 1951)
Smith, Addie May (JUN 1893-1922)
Smith, Addison Kyle
Smith, Addy Brooke
Smith, Adelaide "Addie" Emma (27 JAN 1857-11 NOV 1893)
Smith, Adella Branscombe (20 AUG 1881-9 OCT 1923)
Smith, Adella Estelle (12 MAR 1918-11 NOV 1991)
Smith, Agnes A. (ABT 1913-1 JAN 1990)
Smith, Agnes Mary (31 OCT 1888-2 MAY 1922)
Smith, Ainslie Louise
Smith, Albert Franklin (18 SEP 1947-14 JUL 2013)
Smith, Albert G. (ABT 1862-)
Smith, Albert Leroy (20 DEC 1907-9 DEC 1990)
Smith, Albert Leslie (13 JAN 1873-7 FEB 1937)
Smith, Alberta "Bertie" Freeman (1865-1867)
Smith, Alberta Estella (14 NOV 1882-23 MAY 1963)
Smith, Alden Ryan
Smith, Aleck Leslie (23 NOV 1884-1943)
Smith, Alex Michael
Smith, Alexander (ABT 1919-16 JAN 1990)
Smith, Alfred Edgar (ABT 1854-13 JUN 1902)
Smith, Alfred William (31 DEC 1922-20 APR 1979)
Smith, Alfred William (30 SEP 1890-18 APR 1977)
Smith, Alice Eleanor
Smith, Alice Higgins (19 MAY 1888-29 AUG 1974)
Smith, Alice Marie (7 APR 1913-5 FEB 1986)
Smith, Alice May (ABT 1871-1955)
Smith, Alice May (17 MAR 1869-31 JAN 1948)
Smith, Alicia Katherine (22 MAR 1913-22 DEC 1992)
Smith, Allen W. (1882-)
Smith, Almira Elizabeth Ann (28 MAR 1899-21 MAY 1993)
Smith, Alta Joy (23 FEB 1899-13 APR 1984)
Smith, Andrea Leigh
Smith, Angela "Angie" Denise (1962-18 SEP 2012)
Smith, Anna Emily (26 MAY 1869-25 NOV 1941)
Smith, Anna Maria (8 MAR 1865-28 AUG 1885)
Smith, Annie Mary (29 OCT 1902-17 OCT 1985)
Smith, Arden Leigh (19 FEB 1867-2 DEC 1944)
Smith, Arlen Joseph
Smith, Arlene F. (28 SEP 1916-2 JUL 1976)
Smith, Arlene May (22 AUG 1910-12 DEC 1913)
Smith, Artemas Rand (ABT 1816-22 MAR 1875)
Smith, Arthur Addison
Smith, Arthur Addison (ABT 1889-23 MAY 1963)
Smith, Arthur Addison (29 APR 1913-14 MAR 2010)
Smith, Arthur David (9 AUG 1893-1936)
Smith, Arthur Davis (29 JUN 1855-1 NOV 1925)
Smith, Arthur Wayne (21 JAN 1935-25 OCT 1989)
Smith, Arthur Winford (3 JUL 1922-19 OCT 2008)
Smith, Arvesta Jane (25 NOV 1843-2 NOV 1921)
Smith, Audrey Mae
Smith, Ava Blanche (12 OCT 1869-24 MAY 1939)
Smith, Barbara Paine (30 OCT 1908-11 NOV 1909)
Smith, Barry Mack (25 JUL 1869-8 FEB 1934)
Smith, Basil Louge (24 DEC 1919-15 JAN 1997)
Smith, Beatrice Nettie (26 JUL 1901-18 MAR 1995)
Smith, Benjamin
Smith, Benjamin Dodge (ABT 1906-5 MAR 1993)
Smith, Bernard M. (9 JAN 1919-14 FEB 1919)
Smith, Bertie Francis (7 FEB 1891-2 SEP 1964)
Smith, Berton Heald (ABT 1937-26 JAN 2007)
Smith, Betty Ruth (28 NOV 1925-6 DEC 2003)
Smith, Billye Haye
Smith, Brenda
Smith, Brenda Joy
Smith, Brenda Lee (25 JUN 1950-8 AUG 2000)
Smith, Brenda Louise
Smith, Brendeina Hattie
Smith, Brian
Smith, Brian Daniel
Smith, Brianna Katherine Brown
Smith, Britany
Smith, Bryan Lee
Smith, Bryan Lee
Smith, Burleigh
Smith, Calvin Harrison (9 MAR 1912-21 MAY 1979)
Smith, Caribel May (25 APR 1911-9 FEB 2001)
Smith, Carl
Smith, Carla Irene (1 JAN 1915-9 MAR 1966)
Smith, Carmen Deborah
Smith, Caroline Virginia
Smith, Carolyn R. (24 AUG 1941-4 JAN 2010)
Smith, Carrie D. (JUN 1857-18 DEC 1913)
Smith, Cathleen Mary
Smith, Cecile Adelbert (15 FEB 1913-3 JAN 1914)
Smith, Celia Theresa (ABT 1907-8 JUN 1976)
Smith, Cerys Mae
Smith, Charles (ABT 1889-)
Smith, Charles
Smith, Charles Albert (5 MAR 1867-9 AUG 1961)
Smith, Charles Albert (ABT 1860-)
Smith, Charles Allen (1821-23 FEB 1879)
Smith, Charles Alva (ABT 1923-2 SEP 1990)
Smith, Charles Frederick (24 JAN 1870-8 AUG 1928)
Smith, Charles Herman
Smith, Charles Irving
Smith, Charles Isaac (ABT 1908-24 SEP 1971)
Smith, Charles Lewis (30 MAR 1937-25 AUG 1998)
Smith, Charles Melvin (ABT 1886-1955)
Smith, Charles Metcalf (20 JUL 1881-12 AUG 1920)
Smith, Charles Metcalf (22 JUN 1927-1966)
Smith, Charles S.
Smith, Charlotte Kathryn (24 OCT 1924-11 DEC 2005)
Smith, Chelsea Marie
Smith, Chester W. (25 JAN 1887-1947)
Smith, Christina Marie
Smith, Christopher A.
Smith, Christopher Charles
Smith, Christopher Cummings
Smith, Christopher M.
Smith, Christopher Robert
Smith, Clara Belle (11 OCT 1870-)
Smith, Clarence Lancelott "Lance" (3 JUL 1903-21 FEB 1986)
Smith, Clifton A. (27 JAN 1918-)
Smith, Clinton Ellis (9 JUL 1905-2 MAY 1996)
Smith, Clinton Eubert (30 JUL 1887-17 APR 1926)
Smith, Clyde E. (ABT 1904-7 NOV 1973)
Smith, Clyde Earnest (ABT 1920-11 OCT 1978)
Smith, Clyde Ernest (ABT 1892-DEC 1964)
Smith, Clyde M.
Smith, Corinne Alice
Smith, Courtney Victoria
Smith, Curtis Brinkerhoff (3 MAR 1887-)
Smith, Curtis Hall
Smith, Curtis Montgomery (ABT 1926-16 JUN 1992)
Smith, Cynthia (1795-1870)
Smith, Daisy Ruth (1 JUN 1899-10 DEC 1984)
Smith, Dale Victoria (ABT 1935-23 JAN 2017)
Smith, Dana Lawfred
Smith, Daniel Carter
Smith, David (1865-1865)
Smith, David (1823-)
Smith, David
Smith, David (10 FEB 1827-11 DEC 1881)
Smith, David Austin
Smith, David Emmett (25 JAN 1897-22 MAY 1974)
Smith, David G. (1 JAN 1842-17 NOV 1926)
Smith, David James
Smith, David S.
Smith, David Scott (15 OCT 1944-4 JUL 2012)
Smith, David States (3 DEC 1937-11 APR 2020)
Smith, David Vinal (15 AUG 1835-28 OCT 1915)
Smith, David Wayne
Smith, Debbie
Smith, Deborah
Smith, Deborah Lynn
Smith, Delia E. (ABT 1879-)
Smith, Delia Grace (11 JUL 1926-30 JUN 2001)
Smith, Dianne Marie
Smith, Donald Harry (ABT 1905-1932)
Smith, Donald Harry (29 OCT 1932-18 NOV 2007)
Smith, Donald Reginald (18 AUG 1924-20 JUL 1993)
Smith, Donald Robert
Smith, Donna C.
Smith, Donna Mary (2 MAR 1935-2 MAR 1935)
Smith, Donna Mary (ABT 1938-6 JUL 2003)
Smith, Doreen Amelia (30 NOV 1941-15 FEB 1999)
Smith, Doris Zelma (15 APR 1931-12 OCT 2003)
Smith, Dorothy Alice (10 JUL 1914-23 NOV 2008)
Smith, Dorothy Aline (30 APR 1909-3 AUG 1985)
Smith, Dorothy E.
Smith, Dorothy Eliza (31 JAN 1922-25 FEB 2015)
Smith, Dorothy Marie
Smith, Dorothy Perkins (29 FEB 1920-1 MAY 1989)
Smith, Earle (9 FEB 1895-2 SEP 1948)
Smith, Earle Stuart (11 FEB 1921-25 APR 1997)
Smith, Edith (ABT 1908-16 NOV 1985)
Smith, Edith Leona
Smith, Edna Viere (ABT 1886-)
Smith, Edward
Smith, Edward Alexander (ABT 1904-13 APR 1963)
Smith, Edward Burns (1 DEC 1918-12 DEC 1990)
Smith, Edward Ebenezer (ABT 1895-11 MAR 1991)
Smith, Edward Joseph
Smith, Edwin Vinal (4 DEC 1860-12 OCT 1917)
Smith, Edwin Vinal (19 DEC 1919-1 NOV 1947)
Smith, Edwin Walter (ABT 1851-11 APR 1914)
Smith, Eillen (5 NOV 1921-10 MAR 1998)
Smith, Elaine May
Smith, Eleanor A. (17 JAN 1879-20 AUG 1948)
Smith, Eliza (ABT 1842-AFT 1910)
Smith, Elizabeth "Betty" (31 JUL 1950-22 JAN 2019)
Smith, Elizabeth "Betty" Dorothy (18 DEC 1917-24 NOV 2013)
Smith, Elizabeth "Betty" Frances (4 NOV 1919-1991)
Smith, Elizabeth "Liz"
Smith, Elizabeth "Lizzie" Howe (1860-1932)
Smith, Elizabeth "Lizzie" Ophelia (13 NOV 1879-)
Smith, Elizabeth Bowen
Smith, Elizabeth Ellen Louise (24 JUL 1910-6 SEP 1998)
Smith, Ella Frances (5 SEP 1856-12 JUL 1945)
Smith, Ella Gertrude (ABT 1887-7 DEC 1942)
Smith, Ella S. (ABT 1901-)
Smith, Elllen
Smith, Elsie Kuhn
Smith, Elsie Therese
Smith, Ember Renae
Smith, Emily E. (ABT 1944-19 APR 2010)
Smith, Emily Louise (12 MAY 1885-12 FEB 1920)
Smith, Emma B. (ABT 1879-6 JUN 1939)
Smith, Emma L. (6 MAR 1852-13 SEP 1896)
Smith, Emma Louise (ABT 1880-23 FEB 1951)
Smith, Erik
Smith, Ernest Edward (4 MAR 1869-20 JUN 1947)
Smith, Ethel Winifred (9 FEB 1889-25 AUG 1890)
Smith, Eugene Hussey (15 OCT 1880-21 JUN 1973)
Smith, Eva Mahala (12 NOV 1882-15 OCT 1974)
Smith, Evelyn E.
Smith, Everett E. (11 SEP 1892-18 MAY 1991)
Smith, Everett Earl (22 JUL 1905-25 JUN 1980)
Smith, Everett Emmons (ABT 1876-25 JUL 1963)
Smith, Florence Agnes (17 NOV 1923-14 MAY 1978)
Smith, Florence Gertrude (31 MAR 1912-27 OCT 1999)
Smith, Florence Lydia (13 MAY 1904-30 DEC 1935)
Smith, Floyd A. (12 JUL 1928-27 DEC 2012)
Smith, Foster Wesley (ABT 1876-17 APR 1944)
Smith, Frances Hawes (ABT 1929-22 NOV 2014)
Smith, Francis Reuben (ABT 1916-7 JAN 1964)
Smith, Frank Herbert (13 JUL 1858-2 JUN 1943)
Smith, Franklin Lee (20 JUL 1934-15 MAY 2001)
Smith, Franz Dana (ABT 1896-30 AUG 1970)
Smith, Fred (15 DEC 1927-6 JUL 2001)
Smith, Fred Adelbert (15 JAN 1909-10 JUL 1980)
Smith, Fred Harlow (ABT 1883-MAR 1977)
Smith, Fred Merrill (7 JUN 1862-15 MAY 1918)
Smith, Fred Vinal (14 JAN 1958-2 APR 1994)
Smith, Fred Warren (18 SEP 1864-19 NOV 1933)
Smith, Fred Whitney (15 OCT 1911-1920)
Smith, Frederich Augustus "Fred" (1827-17 SEP 1898)
Smith, Frederick R.
Smith, Frederick Russel (8 OCT 1939-15 JAN 2006)
Smith, Frederick S. (ABT 1891-23 AUG 1972)
Smith, Garrick William
Smith, Gary A.
Smith, Gary Foster (15 OCT 1940-18 SEP 2012)
Smith, Gary Fremont
Smith, George
Smith, George Alexander
Smith, George David (26 MAY 1894-9 JUL 1931)
Smith, George David (29 MAY 1917-1 APR 1990)
Smith, George E. (12 AUG 1877-16 DEC 1921)
Smith, George Edward (21 JAN 1869-3 FEB 1932)
Smith, George H. (MAR 1855-ABT 1935)
Smith, George H. (1846-22 JUN 1888)
Smith, George Henry (14 JAN 1893-9 FEB 1961)
Smith, George W.
Smith, George Westcott (3 AUG 1919-30 OCT 1937)
Smith, Georgia Amariah
Smith, Gerald Austin
Smith, Gerald Mandel (2 SEP 1929-2 SEP 1929)
Smith, Gladys (1904-10 JAN 1978)
Smith, Gloria (1 AUG 1932-28 JAN 2021)
Smith, Gordon Douglas (9 MAR 1955-19 MAY 2018)
Smith, Grace (AUG 1859-1939)
Smith, Grace Lillian (ABT 1873-8 JAN 1952)
Smith, Grafton Frederick (ABT 1909-3 DEC 1987)
Smith, Grant
Smith, Gretchen P.
Smith, Grover
Smith, Guy Alexander (ABT 1882-21 FEB 1956)
Smith, Hamish Bryce
Smith, Hannah J. (ABT 1844-7 MAR 1901)
Smith, Harold A. (23 MAR 1906-12 JAN 1974)
Smith, Harold Kenneth (15 MAR 1908-DEC 1977)
Smith, Harold Laurence Bloomfield "Harry" (22 MAR 1899-12 DEC 1968)
Smith, Harriet Susan (6 OCT 1917-3 NOV 2013)
Smith, Harrison Alton (14 JUL 1895-15 SEP 1964)
Smith, Harry Hawes (5 MAY 1867-21 OCT 1936)
Smith, Harry James (ABT 1878-28 FEB 1960)
Smith, Harry Laurence Bloomfield (14 JUN 1921-1968)
Smith, Hayden Zachery
Smith, Hazel Blanche (26 JUL 1908-25 APR 1975)
Smith, Hazel Edna (ABT 1900-9 DEC 1990)
Smith, Hazel Elaine (18 JUL 1922-26 JUL 2015)
Smith, Hazel Maud (ABT 1902-10 OCT 1994)
Smith, Helen Ann (18 NOV 1909-24 JUN 2005)
Smith, Helen Bertha (20 OCT 1911-12 JUL 2000)
Smith, Helen Elmore (17 JAN 1917-10 DEC 1996)
Smith, Helen Emma (ABT 1891-5 AUG 1957)
Smith, Helen Gertrude (1 NOV 1911-14 JAN 1978)
Smith, Helen L. (28 FEB 1919-5 SEP 1983)
Smith, Helen Melissa (18 NOV 1887-13 MAR 1970)
Smith, Henderson "Henry" (12 MAR 1868-14 FEB 1959)
Smith, Henry Rufus (1 JUL 1873-5 APR 1941)
Smith, Herbert Leslie (2 SEP 1897-18 JUN 1957)
Smith, Herman Carl (2 SEP 1898-6 DEC 1984)
Smith, Hilary April
Smith, Hiram Berry (4 DEC 1863-26 MAY 1892)
Smith, Holly May
Smith, Howell Porter (ABT 1881-)
Smith, Hubert Martin (ABT 1919-17 SEP 1979)
Smith, Ida (ABT 1901-)
Smith, Ida Florence (1890-1967)
Smith, Ida M. (6 JAN 1874-13 AUG 1911)
Smith, Inez (5 MAY 1896-22 DEC 1969)
Smith, Inez Mabel (22 DEC 1875-12 MAR 1965)
Smith, Infant Son (1872-1872)
Smith, Irad Ernest (12 SEP 1876-1 NOV 1964)
Smith, Irene Frances (20 DEC 1854-1 AUG 1904)
Smith, Irma (21 JAN 1893-17 APR 1976)
Smith, Irma (ABT 1890-)
Smith, Irma Arline (26 NOV 1919-21 MAY 2019)
Smith, Irving Howard (9 JAN 1919-)
Smith, Isaac (17 AUG 1833-7 FEB 1926)
Smith, Isaac (31 DEC 1857-30 MAR 1914)
Smith, Isabella
Smith, Isabelle Duncan (APR 1864-MAR 1956)
Smith, Jackie L.
Smith, Jacob Bucknam (19 JUN 1887-1959)
Smith, James
Smith, James Eldon (2 JAN 1938-18 APR 2017)
Smith, James Henry (27 DEC 1878-6 JUL 1969)
Smith, James M. (1 APR 1835-10 OCT 1872)
Smith, James R. (30 APR 1830-1906)
Smith, Jamie Joanne
Smith, Jane (1861-)
Smith, Jane
Smith, Jane Ceceila (11 MAR 1890-25 MAR 1958)
Smith, Jason R.
Smith, Jay
Smith, Jeffrey Duncan
Smith, Jennie Celeste (20 APR 1868-20 OCT 1955)
Smith, Jennie May (ABT 1876-21 MAY 1960)
Smith, Jennifer Irene
Smith, Jennifer Joanne
Smith, Jerome (ABT 1883-)
Smith, Jessie Louise (16 JUL 1876-22 DEC 1908)
Smith, Joanna (21 APR 1754-26 SEP 1822)
Smith, Jocely Noelle
Smith, Joel Haddon
Smith, John (14 JUN 1787-30 MAY 1840)
Smith, John
Smith, John Edmund
Smith, John Edward (ABT 1862-1935)
Smith, John F. K.
Smith, John Thomas
Smith, John W. (ABT 1912-)
Smith, John Walker (ABT 1890-22 DEC 1969)
Smith, Jonathan (5 MAR 1763-5 FEB 1830)
Smith, Josephine (19 AUG 1893-30 OCT 1972)
Smith, Josephine Katherine (17 JUL 1909-29 FEB 1980)
Smith, Joshua Douglas
Smith, Josiah Lasell
Smith, Josiah Lasell
Smith, Joyce Beulah (21 JAN 1931-15 OCT 2011)
Smith, Julia Elizabeth (ABT 1897-22 MAY 1965)
Smith, Julie Ellyn
Smith, June Velda (24 JUL 1931-19 DEC 2010)
Smith, Kaeli Dee
Smith, Karen L.
Smith, Karen Lee (31 JUL 1957-5 FEB 2011)
Smith, Katherine Cogan
Smith, Katie
Smith, Katie Burnside (22 APR 1874-7 SEP 1941)
Smith, Katie Mary (1861-21 MAY 1930)
Smith, Kelly Jill "K. J."
Smith, Kenneth Edwin "Smitty" (ABT 1927-5 APR 2013)
Smith, Kenneth Harlow (6 MAY 1909-23 OCT 1913)
Smith, Kenneth Russell (ABT 1909-13 MAY 1955)
Smith, Kenneth Wyman (27 JAN 1918-27 JAN 1937)
Smith, Kent
Smith, Kim
Smith, Kimberly F.
Smith, Kraig
Smith, Kyla Grace
Smith, Larry Eugene
Smith, Laura Clarice (ABT 1927-26 MAR 2012)
Smith, Laurence Bruce
Smith, Lawrence Francis (ABT 1938-9 AUG 2018)
Smith, LeGrand Arthur
Smith, Lena Angenette (ABT 1907-25 JUN 1932)
Smith, Lenore Muriel (14 AUG 1922-29 NOV 1981)
Smith, Leola Bernice (ABT 1898-18 JUL 1993)
Smith, Leonard Prentice (24 JUL 1832-8 FEB 1890)
Smith, Leora Ethel (1894-5 SEP 1944)
Smith, Leroy Henry (14 NOV 1892-26 NOV 1957)
Smith, Leslie Clifton (1 AUG 1886-6 MAY 1951)
Smith, Lewis Lambert "Louis" (5 FEB 1828-18 FEB 1918)
Smith, Lewis Scott (20 AUG 1915-13 JUL 1993)
Smith, Lillian Martha (20 APR 1883-24 MAY 1923)
Smith, Linda Phoeba (1863-16 APR 1944)
Smith, Lisa M.
Smith, Lottie Sharon
Smith, Louise (27 SEP 1920-)
Smith, Louise Marie (15 JUN 1925-4 JAN 1992)
Smith, Lucy E. (MAR 1844-1924)
Smith, Lydia (31 MAR 1794-17 NOV 1874)
Smith, Lydia J. (ABT 1843-)
Smith, Lydia Jane (3 MAY 1894-4 SEP 1927)
Smith, Lydia Roberts
Smith, Lydia T. (6 OCT 1926-1977)
Smith, Lyn
Smith, Lynda Beatrice
Smith, Lynn
Smith, Mabel "Kit" Edna (ABT 1878-8 FEB 1962)
Smith, Mabel A. (ABT 1890-)
Smith, Madeline Lucia (25 MAY 1902-28 DEC 1988)
Smith, Madison Monroe (MAY 1856-29 AUG 1919)
Smith, Mandel C. (ABT 1867-10 DEC 1936)
Smith, Margaret "Peggy" Roselyn Caldwell
Smith, Margaret Ann
Smith, Margaret Gale (12 JUL 1926-26 DEC 2013)
Smith, Margaret Lawrie (FEB 1872-1932)
Smith, Margaret Lydia (4 APR 1850-26 JUL 1915)
Smith, Margaret R. (ABT 1916-2 DEC 1960)
Smith, Margaretha Pedersdater (2 MAY 1842-28 AUG 1914)
Smith, Marguerite (31 OCT 1909-30 MAY 2006)
Smith, Marguerite (19 APR 1912-29 JUN 1989)
Smith, Marguerite (31 DEC 1927-MAY 1992)
Smith, Marilyn K.
Smith, Marion Adeline (9 APR 1899-22 NOV 1923)
Smith, Marion Louise
Smith, Marion Louise (ABT 1898-1934)
Smith, Marion Theresa (ABT 1915-10 APR 2005)
Smith, Marion Vivian (22 JAN 1920-2 FEB 1967)
Smith, Marjorie Josephine (6 JUN 1916-16 NOV 2010)
Smith, Marjorie Louise (8 JAN 1924-22 MAY 1982)
Smith, Marjorie Viola XMargieX (29 OCT 1935-7 AUG 2017)
Smith, Mark
Smith, Mark (ABT 1893-24 APR 1956)
Smith, Mark
Smith, Mark Douglas
Smith, Mark Edward XEdX (ABT 1924-4 SEP 2017)
Smith, Mark Hough (ABT 1902-1 MAY 1956)
Smith, Mark Peter
Smith, Martha
Smith, Martha Leigh
Smith, Martha Mae (10 MAY 1878-4 JUN 1952)
Smith, Martha S. (ABT 1845-BEF 1903)
Smith, Mary (11 FEB 1816-5 SEP 1863)
Smith, Mary (1801-)
Smith, Mary A. (1850-)
Smith, Mary Ann (JUN 1831-)
Smith, Mary Ann (20 SEP 1829-13 MAR 1915)
Smith, Mary Ann (3 JAN 1868-25 NOV 1908)
Smith, Mary Butler (29 MAY 1838-17 JUL 1913)
Smith, Mary C.
Smith, Mary Ellen (7 SEP 1867-30 NOV 1944)
Smith, Mary Ethel (29 JUN 1936-6 APR 2021)
Smith, Mary Frances (9 APR 1847-5 JAN 1926)
Smith, Mary Helen (ABT 1903-13 OCT 1991)
Smith, Mary Jane (Jenny) (18 APR 1867-13 MAR 1946)
Smith, Mary Jennie (3 JUN 1860-16 JUN 1939)
Smith, Mary Marie (10 APR 1910-21 FEB 1992)
Smith, Mary Olive "Mame" (ABT 1883-7 SEP 1966)
Smith, Matthew
Smith, Matthew
Smith, Maui Lisa
Smith, Maurice Wayne
Smith, Maxwell
Smith, Maynard Arthur (31 AUG 1927-7 JUN 2005)
Smith, Maynard Wavely (30 MAR 1898-7 JUL 1988)
Smith, Megan
Smith, Megan Mary
Smith, Melissa M.
Smith, Mercy Sheldon (24 MAY 1825-5 JUL 1896)
Smith, Michael A.
Smith, Michael James
Smith, Michael S.
Smith, Mildred Alberta (23 JAN 1901-27 JAN 1993)
Smith, Mildred Laura (29 JUL 1911-21 NOV 1985)
Smith, Mildred Vivian (30 SEP 1898-14 DEC 1973)
Smith, Millie Erdine (6 APR 1914-15 APR 1997)
Smith, Minnie E. (15 MAR 1860-)
Smith, Miriam Hopkins (19 AUG 1863-16 SEP 1913)
Smith, Miriam Joslyn (1 OCT 1907-12 DEC 1994)
Smith, Mollie Manerva (26 OCT 1894-17 AUG 1956)
Smith, Myra Card (ABT 1894-22 JUL 1943)
Smith, Myrtilla Atta (24 NOV 1871-1956)
Smith, Myrtle (ABT 1909-28 JAN 1998)
Smith, Myrtle Edna (10 AUG 1893-1949)
Smith, Nancy Ann (ABT 1932-24 JUN 2011)
Smith, Nancy Jane (8 NOV 1834-23 OCT 1905)
Smith, Nancy Windsor (ABT 1921-18 APR 1999)
Smith, Naomi Lee (27 JAN 1901-7 OCT 2001)
Smith, Nathan
Smith, Ned McArthur
Smith, Neena Lourene
Smith, Netta M. (12 JUL 1873-11 JUL 1874)
Smith, Nettie Alice (8 MAR 1879-23 AUG 1945)
Smith, Nicholas Daniel
Smith, Nora Ruth (11 JUN 1910-24 DEC 1994)
Smith, Norman
Smith, Oliver Emmett XEmetX (28 APR 1897-16 MAR 1964)
Smith, Orlando A. (ABT 1852-14 MAY 1907)
Smith, Orlando Albion (21 MAY 1916-12 DEC 1998)
Smith, Orson (5 SEP 1890-11 NOV 1955)
Smith, Orville Raymond "Pete" (ABT 1908-26 SEP 1999)
Smith, Oscar C. (14 APR 1896-22 FEB 1975)
Smith, Otto
Smith, Patrica Jean (ABT 1937-7 DEC 2017)
Smith, Patricia (22 FEB 1922-27 JAN 1977)
Smith, Patricia Ann
Smith, Patricia Anne
Smith, Patricia Vera (1931-2 DEC 2002)
Smith, Paul Gerald
Smith, Pauline Winsor (ABT 1891-17 FEB 1969)
Smith, Pearl Louise (24 NOV 1903-27 JUL 1992)
Smith, Peggy Anne
Smith, Pepper Rentschler
Smith, Percival Lysander (4 AUG 1844-13 OCT 1922)
Smith, Perry Elgin (21 JAN 1902-OCT 1984)
Smith, Peter Coope
Smith, Peter Harvey (ABT 1878-)
Smith, Peter Nickolas (18 MAY 1884-16 MAY 1967)
Smith, Philip (ABT 1790-)
Smith, Philippa Hilliard (15 AUG 1902-2 JUL 1983)
Smith, Phoebe Ann (19 AUG 1849-14 MAR 1916)
Smith, Phyllis Jane (7 MAY 1922-2 NOV 1989)
Smith, Prudence Susan (21 MAY 1912-7 SEP 1997)
Smith, Ralph Alfred (ABT 1896-)
Smith, Ralph Alfred (22 JUN 1896-5 SEP 1995)
Smith, Ralph Athay (19 FEB 1896-12 OCT 1954)
Smith, Ralph George (5 JAN 1921-4 APR 2002)
Smith, Ralph Herman (23 MAR 1883-20 JAN 1955)
Smith, Ralph Herman (3 APR 1916-14 AUG 1971)
Smith, Randy
Smith, Raymond Francis
Smith, Raymond Francis
Smith, Raymond Rogers (7 JUL 1902-4 NOV 1977)
Smith, Reuben Reginald (15 OCT 1983-23 OCT 1983)
Smith, Rex
Smith, Richard
Smith, Richard Albion
Smith, Richard Allen (13 JAN 1920-22 OCT 1998)
Smith, Richard Frank (10 JUL 1847-3 MAR 1929)
Smith, Richard Keller (30 SEP 1915-20 APR 1997)
Smith, Richard Leroy (2 SEP 1929-2 SEP 1929)
Smith, Richard Potter (4 AUG 1863-11 MAR 1906)
Smith, Richard Thomas (7 SEP 1926-8 MAR 1998)
Smith, Roancy Almira "Nan" (15 JAN 1912-1 OCT 1988)
Smith, Robert Allen
Smith, Robert H. (ABT 1827-21 JUN 1875)
Smith, Robert J.
Smith, Robert James
Smith, Robert L. (15 MAR 1912-14 JUN 2001)
Smith, Robert Patrick
Smith, Robert Vinal (12 SEP 1919-18 FEB 2016)
Smith, Roberta
Smith, Roger Vinal (25 NOV 1910-28 OCT 2000)
Smith, Rogers Phillip "Podge" (ABT 1911-25 MAR 2001)
Smith, Roland Hugh (ABT 1912-15 JAN 1960)
Smith, Ronald Edward
Smith, Rosalind Stone (6 APR 1881-30 JAN 1938)
Smith, Rosco Jordan
Smith, Roscoe Carter (7 DEC 1877-13 FEB 1946)
Smith, Ruby Ensign (5 NOV 1905-10 JAN 1960)
Smith, Russel E. (ABT 1918-8 AUG 1934)
Smith, Russell Allen
Smith, Ruth Abigail (23 MAY 1886-12 OCT 1972)
Smith, Ruth Esther (16 MAR 1910-1953)
Smith, Sally Anne (20 DEC 1932-31 DEC 2009)
Smith, Samantha Dyane (27 APR 1987-29 APR 1987)
Smith, Samuel E. (ABT 1903-)
Smith, Sandra "Sandy"
Smith, Sarah (11 JAN 1798-14 JAN 1883)
Smith, Sarah
Smith, Sarah Elizabeth (9 JAN 1900-11 JUN 1964)
Smith, Sarah Jane (ABT 1848-29 MAY 1903)
Smith, Sarah Melissa
Smith, Scott
Smith, Sharon
Smith, Sharon Ann
Smith, Shea (16 MAY 1891-25 NOV 1978)
Smith, Shea (ABT 1851-1 APR 1907)
Smith, Shelley Vinal
Smith, Shirley Louise (1939-3 AUG 2011)
Smith, Shirley Louise (2 JAN 1918-24 JAN 2000)
Smith, Silvia Lettie (ABT 1889-8 AUG 1958)
Smith, Stanley Crawford (8 MAY 1911-22 JUN 1990)
Smith, Stella (22 FEB 1900-26 OCT 1951)
Smith, Stella F. (SEP 1872-)
Smith, Steve
Smith, Steven Allen (3 JAN 1962-24 JUN 1965)
Smith, Steven Anthony (2 MAR 1953-24 JUN 1973)
Smith, Susan Minnie (ABT 1875-FEB 1953)
Smith, Sylvia Bartlett (15 JUN 1912-10 AUG 1999)
Smith, Sylvia Elane
Smith, Sylvia Maude Grace (28 MAY 1932-ABT 2010)
Smith, Tammi Lyn
Smith, Tammy
Smith, Tauna Kay
Smith, Teresa Ann
Smith, Teresa J.
Smith, Thaddeus (ABT 1863-)
Smith, Theodore A. (11 JAN 1894-DEC 1966)
Smith, Thomas Duncan (18 AUG 1883-3 SEP 1952)
Smith, Thomas H. (3 JUL 1863-4 NOV 1911)
Smith, Thomas Warren Alonzo (11 MAY 1904-25 OCT 1959)
Smith, Timothy Edmund
Smith, Tonya Wendy
Smith, Tori Lynn
Smith, Tristan B.
Smith, Troy
Smith, Tyler Wayne
Smith, Vern William (21 JUN 1924-29 JUL 1999)
Smith, Verna Alyce (ABT 1940-20 AUG 2000)
Smith, Vernon H.
Smith, Victoria "Vicki"
Smith, Vilora Wilder (24 JUL 1846-25 MAY 1910)
Smith, Vinal Wooster (13 MAR 1882-25 APR 1978)
Smith, Virginia Frances (ABT 1915-6 MAY 2011)
Smith, Virginia Henrietta (1885-24 NOV 1968)
Smith, Walter Clinton (14 DEC 1921-6 NOV 1948)
Smith, Walter Frank (30 AUG 1886-14 JAN 1939)
Smith, Walter Gordon (31 JUL 1905-2 MAR 1983)
Smith, Walter Irving (21 FEB 1908-21 MAY 1908)
Smith, Walter Metcalf (5 NOV 1853-9 DEC 1906)
Smith, Warren Edward (20 OCT 1902-21 OCT 1902)
Smith, Wayne
Smith, Wayne
Smith, Wesley Foster (19 AUG 1909-1 FEB 1973)
Smith, Wesley Ian
Smith, Wilbur Eugene (15 JUN 1926-18 AUG 2018)
Smith, William
Smith, William "Willie" Lewis (2 MAR 1874-1932)
Smith, William Alan (9 JAN 1948-10 MAR 2004)
Smith, William Albert (ABT 1874-)
Smith, William Albert (11 AUG 1922-26 OCT 1992)
Smith, William Albert (ABT 1884-27 MAY 1959)
Smith, William Alcot (20 SEP 1868-16 APR 1915)
Smith, William Dorr (22 FEB 1867-8 MAY 1935)
Smith, William Edward
Smith, William Eugene
Smith, William Harris (20 JUL 1878-17 MAR 1958)
Smith, William Henry (4 AUG 1924-23 OCT 1988)
Smith, William Joy (18 MAY 1892-8 FEB 1961)
Smith, William K.
Smith, William Kearn (7 JUL 1840-25 OCT 1917)
Smith, William Larry (ABT 1845-1933)
Smith, William M. (JAN 1866-1925)
Smith, William Michael (ABT 1936-9 JAN 2009)
Smith, William Michael
Smith, William Nicholas
Smith, William Russell (30 NOV 1932-22 NOV 2008)
Smith, William Wyman (ABT 1875-28 OCT 1949)
Smith, Winsor Ballou (16 JUL 1913-17 NOV 1992)
Smith, Wooster (13 JAN 1806-22 DEC 1875)
Smith, Zachary James
Smith, _____
Smith, _____
Smith, _____
Smith, _____
Smith, _____
Smith, _____
Smith, _____
Smith, _____
Smith, _____
Smithies, Melvina (27 NOV 1872-8 FEB 1932)
Smithson, Andrew
Smithson, Elizabeth Maude (ABT 1906-30 JUL 1988)
Smithson, Kevin Patrick
Smithson, Lucia Elizabeth
Smola, Christina
Smullin, Irven Ernest "Jack" (30 JUN 1881-5 JUL 1940)
Smyers, Mary Emaline (ABT 1898-1 MAY 1935)
Smyth, Christeen (1559-1584)
Smyth, Valerie Pattison


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