Kalloch Family Tree Database
Descendants of Finley Kelloch & Mary Young,
who settled in Warren, Maine, 1735

Kalloch Family Genealogy Page on Kalloch.org

Family Tree Names

"Roxie", Roxine (ABT 1897-)
"Strzoda" Stroda, John C. (25 APR 1864-26 JUN 1931)
(Butler?), Andrew
(Butler?), Steve
(Butler?), Trisha
(Martin) Keay, Robert Edward (17 JAN 1927-30 JAN 2019)
(Russell) Cook, Jack
, Daniel
, Elizabeth (1804-)
, Esther
, Esther L.
, Holly
, Jacqueline
, Joanne
, Joshua
, Karen
, Kathleen
, Lorna
, Lorraine
, Lucy
, Margaret W. (29 JAN 1920-)
, Marlene
, Martha
, Mary E.
, Maureen
, Melanie
, Patricia
, Petra C. (1892-1972)
, Private
, Private
, Private
, Randy
, Sarah
, Susan
, Susan
, Sylvia
, Theresa
, Todd
, Wendy
, _____
, _____
, _____
, _____
, _____
, _____
, _____
, _____
, _____
, _____
, _____
, _____
, _____
, _____
, _____
Aalto, Felix Kasper (22 FEB 1885-18 APR 1945)
Aalto, Mary Lillian (ABT 1921-1 NOV 1969)
Aaron, Cresdon Walter
Aaron, Lorne William (3 DEC 1939-26 MAY 2008)
Aaron, Merna Joyce
Aaron, Rosco Edward (ABT 1910-28 JUL 1978)
Aaron, Vaughn Lamarr (ABT 1933-26 OCT 1988)
Aaron, William Pleasant (MAY 1868-3 DEC 1928)
Aaronson, Joseph Thomas
Aaser, Regina Augusta (ABT 1877-24 MAR 1966)
Abate, Daniel Harry (24 JUN 1920-8 AUG 2015)
Abate, Richard John
Abbey, Chris
Abbiati, Eva Jane (17 JUL 1893-20 SEP 1981)
Abbott, Avis Delia (ABT 1919-27 NOV 2006)
Abbott, Beverly Irene (ABT 1933-22 AUG 2003)
Abbott, Charles Sumner (4 NOV 1885-24 AUG 1968)
Abbott, Clarissia Emma (18 APR 1920-28 FEB 2006)
Abbott, Clark R. (3 AUG 1940-10 SEP 1970)
Abbott, David H.
Abbott, David H.
Abbott, Elva M. (12 SEP 1880-2 AUG 1951)
Abbott, Emily Augusta (AUG 1838-1913)
Abbott, Eveline
Abbott, Everett Llewellyn (ABT 1896-1 SEP 1974)
Abbott, Gertrude I. (18 JUN 1909-5 DEC 2001)
Abbott, Herbert Chester (ABT 1932-17 MAR 2009)
Abbott, Irene (1 JUN 1904-21 NOV 1965)
Abbott, John Lovejoy (ABT 1820-5 JUL 1879)
Abbott, Jonathan E. (ABT 1849-)
Abbott, Julius Lotton (12 JAN 1872-19 JUN 1958)
Abbott, Michael
Abbott, Michelle Ann (ABT 1962-20 FEB 1988)
Abbott, Nancy Ethel (16 JAN 1936-14 JUN 2012)
Abbott, Nathan
Abbott, Nathan Ayer (24 FEB 1882-17 AUG 1935)
Abbott, Ralph Nelson (12 JAN 1920-3 OCT 1989)
Abbott, Roland Charles (5 JUL 1912-22 JAN 1979)
Abbott, Shawn
Abbott, Sumner (12 JUN 1851-3 AUG 1921)
Abbott, Timothy
Abbott, Vernon David (ABT 1916-23 SEP 2007)
Abbott, Wally
Abbruzzese, Arthur Anthony (6 OCT 1915-OCT 1968)
Abbruzzese, Linda Margaret (20 MAR 1945-3 JAN 2013)
Abel, Blaine (23 JAN 1928-5 DEC 1975)
Abel, Blake Dean (15 AUG 1956-28 AUG 2020)
Abel, Carly
Abel, Dean (20 MAR 1937-28 MAY 2014)
Abel, Donald (20 MAR 1937-27 JUN 1940)
Abel, Halie
Abel, Helen (ABT 1930-11 JAN 2018)
Abel, Janet
Abel, Jeanann
Abel, Jeff
Abel, Joellen
Abel, Joyce
Abel, Matt
Abel, Nichole
Abel, Obed (14 FEB 1853-14 DEC 1946)
Abel, Robert Lamar (22 OCT 1950-20 APR 2001)
Abel, Stacy
Abel, Tygh
Abel, Wilford George Dewey (ABT 1901-5 JAN 1988)
Abel, Wilford Lamar (25 FEB 1926-24 AUG 1990)
Abeloe, Jessie A. (29 APR 1898-29 MAY 1965)
Abraham, George Alfred (1 JAN 1863-7 AUG 1914)
Abraham, Maryetta Marie
Abraham, Norma Margaret Magdalane (22 MAY 1903-19 SEP 1969)
Abraham, William Edward
Abrahamson, Hilda (ABT 1887-9 APR 1928)
Abram, Ellen C.
Abram, George William (ABT 1892-8 JUL 1985)
Abram, James Francis (21 MAY 1905-10 DEC 1972)
Abshire, Darvin
Abshire, Jack M.
Abshire, Jack Marshall
Abshire, Jeremy
Abshire, Lee
Acebo, Perfecta (ABT 1899-)
Aceto, Tammie C.
Acevedo, Jose R.
Acheson, Margaret Adelia (5 OCT 1894-ABT 12 OCT 1959)
Achin, Normand Joseph (15 DEC 1931-29 DEC 2013)
Achin, Rochelle Joan
Achorn, Amos Ernest (ABT 1903-4 MAR 1985)
Achorn, Angela
Achorn, Austin W. (7 MAY 1926-20 MAR 2013)
Achorn, Bertha M. (FEB 1833-20 MAY 1904)
Achorn, Carl L.
Achorn, Cassie E. (JUN 1865-)
Achorn, Clifford Leroy (13 JUN 1912-7 MAR 1971)
Achorn, Earle Delmont (27 DEC 1911-1950)
Achorn, Etta G. (ABT 1844-)
Achorn, Flora I. (14 NOV 1847-1 FEB 1926)
Achorn, Fred Delmont (13 NOV 1880-)
Achorn, George Alvah (1 NOV 1886-26 APR 1939)
Achorn, Jennie Alberta (12 AUG 1870-1956)
Achorn, Jessie Ellen (19 JAN 1915-6 JUL 2001)
Achorn, Linda
Achorn, Lucy (21 JUN 1822-6 NOV 1896)
Achorn, Marcia Ann
Achorn, Mary Jane C. (3 JUN 1785-6 JUL 1873)
Achorn, Minnie Eva (ABT 1884-OCT 1971)
Achorn, Patricia Ann (17 NOV 1934-17 DEC 1969)
Achorn, Sally Jean (11 AUG 1936-1 DEC 2014)
Ackerman, Amelia Agnes (15 APR 1906-11 DEC 1989)
Ackerman, Christian (25 JUL 1838-10 JAN 1908)
Ackerman, Elizabeth (26 MAY 1876-12 DEC 1942)
Ackerman, Elsie M. (ABT 1888-13 JUL 1980)
Ackerson, Frank Elmer (17 MAY 1903-4 JUL 1976)
Ackerson, Nelson Martin (ABT 1870-17 SEP 1919)
Ackley, Ann Maria (28 DEC 1840-28 SEP 1919)
Ackley, Carol Ann (16 JAN 1967-11 NOV 1991)
Ackley, Cynthia M.
Ackley, Dianne
Ackley, Earl Eugene (27 MAR 1935-20 JUL 1935)
Ackley, George Walter (ABT 1929-13 JAN 2006)
Ackley, George William (6 MAR 1899-27 MAR 1959)
Ackley, Gladys Catherine (11 DEC 1902-5 JUN 1994)
Ackley, Janice Rae
Ackley, Karen L.
Ackley, Marietta (6 JUL 1873-1953)
Ackley, Otis Ray (10 MAR 1906-21 JUL 1980)
Ackley, Sentina Emeline (6 MAR 1827-10 DEC 1878)
Ackley, William Elmer "Willie" (30 DEC 1873-26 JUL 1960)
Acocks, Bernice (25 NOV 1928-12 AUG 1977)
Acocks, George Alma (16 JAN 1889-11 AUG 1962)
Acroid, Alice Louise
Acuff, Florence Emma (22 APR 1882-27 JUN 1965)
Adair, Sadie (26 FEB 1886-19 MAY 1966)
Adamo, John Alfred (8 JUL 1917-17 NOV 2005)
Adamo, Michele (ABT 1886-)
Adamo, Michelle
Adamo, Starr (6 DEC 1949-20 FEB 2011)
Adams, Adria Anne (ABT 1932-6 JAN 2015)
Adams, Alden Howard (4 APR 1892-23 MAY 1958)
Adams, Alvord E. (7 MAR 1927-9 APR 2003)
Adams, Angelia Dawn
Adams, Augustus James
Adams, Bertha (26 FEB 1896-18 NOV 1978)
Adams, Bessie Genieve (ABT 1876-26 APR 1945)
Adams, Betty Doloris (18 MAY 1928-4 SEP 2020)
Adams, Brian
Adams, Calvin Hapgood (13 APR 1848-17 JAN 1907)
Adams, Carl Dana (3 JUL 1958-22 FEB 2015)
Adams, Catlin
Adams, Cheryl Alice
Adams, Chesley Edwin
Adams, Chesley Edwin
Adams, Clara Maria (ABT 1842-23 MAY 1896)
Adams, Clinton
Adams, Colleen Ethel
Adams, Dan Tucker (20 APR 1894-1 JAN 1956)
Adams, Danice (18 OCT 1917-13 JUL 2007)
Adams, Daniel H. (28 FEB 1834-29 APR 1863)
Adams, David H.
Adams, Diana Constance (3 MAR 1946-29 JUN 2014)
Adams, Donald Eugene (2 JUN 1929-9 JUL 2012)
Adams, Donald Eveson
Adams, Donna
Adams, Dorothy Jean (9 OCT 1931-27 NOV 2011)
Adams, Douglas P.
Adams, Earl Monroe (21 NOV 1925-11 AUG 2020)
Adams, Edward E. (28 SEP 1895-5 FEB 1974)
Adams, Elaina Barbara
Adams, Elizabeth "Lizzie" Maud (6 MAY 1877-1929)
Adams, Elizabeth Dorothy "Betty" (ABT 1934-3 OCT 2007)
Adams, Elizabeth Jane (24 APR 1841-31 MAR 1920)
Adams, Ellen J.
Adams, Ellie Ann
Adams, Emma C. (9 NOV 1877-ABT 1905)
Adams, Florence Ann (ABT 1931-23 AUG 1996)
Adams, Florence E. (ABT 1885-)
Adams, Frances Susan (22 MAR 1837-1920)
Adams, Francis "Frank" Wilbur (8 SEP 1845-1925)
Adams, Frank Benjamin (18 MAR 1889-31 OCT 1972)
Adams, Fred Benjamin
Adams, Fred William
Adams, Gardner (2 APR 1818-31 MAY 1880)
Adams, George William (21 NOV 1895-10 FEB 1983)
Adams, Georgia Ida (SEP 1889-3 APR 1951)
Adams, Georgianna (19 MAR 1875-15 FEB 1959)
Adams, Gerald Albert (ABT 1926-11 AUG 2015)
Adams, Gertrude "Trudy"Claire
Adams, Grover Clevland (8 DEC 1884-1938)
Adams, Hannah (20 AUG 1842-14 MAY 1909)
Adams, Hannah (6 OCT 1809-25 FEB 1890)
Adams, Harland Page (ABT 1849-3 APR 1928)
Adams, Hazel Ray (7 JUL 1888-10 JAN 1974)
Adams, Heather
Adams, Hermine Mary (ABT 1925-29 NOV 1974)
Adams, Howard Boynton (ABT 1937-13 DEC 2018)
Adams, Ida J. (15 MAY 1858-1943)
Adams, Ira W. (31 DEC 1907-FEB 1986)
Adams, Jackson (16 AUG 1882-1 MAR 1940)
Adams, James B. (FEB 1845-13 NOV 1914)
Adams, James B.
Adams, James Bardsley (5 JAN 1928-2 NOV 2017)
Adams, James Christopher (ABT 1842-10 NOV 1902)
Adams, James Malcolm (27 NOV 1928-16 SEP 1973)
Adams, James Simeon (ABT 1890-23 JAN 1979)
Adams, Janet Lucinda (ABT 1900-8 NOV 1933)
Adams, Jenna Marie
Adams, John Benjamin (FEB 1847-5 JAN 1926)
Adams, John Raymond (19 SEP 1898-22 FEB 1974)
Adams, Joseph (ABT 1892-1981)
Adams, Josephine L. (FEB 1887-)
Adams, Josiah L. (ABT 1874-10 MAR 1910)
Adams, Kathleen Naomi
Adams, Kathryn Diane
Adams, Keldon Gaylord (8 JUL 1912-28 MAR 2005)
Adams, Kenneth Aurelius (15 JAN 1910-6 FEB 1987)
Adams, Laura Ethel (ABT 1890-2 NOV 1975)
Adams, Linwood Ambrose (15 MAY 1897-27 JAN 1968)
Adams, Linwood Oren (ABT 1950-22 MAR 2010)
Adams, Lizzie Eva (30 JUL 1872-24 JUN 1951)
Adams, Lois Meredith (7 MAR 1921-31 DEC 1993)
Adams, Lottie May (ABT 1876-22 JUN 1921)
Adams, Lucy (2 JUN 1763-10 OCT 1836)
Adams, Marc
Adams, Margaret E. (ABT 1908-)
Adams, Margaret Ellen
Adams, Marie Antoinette Boynton (ABT 1904-20 JUL 1975)
Adams, Marion Ann (ABT 1914-26 MAY 1988)
Adams, Marion Crawford (ABT 1910-)
Adams, Mark
Adams, Mary Elaine (7 DEC 1942-12 FEB 2000)
Adams, Mary Rhoda (26 JAN 1837-2 NOV 1902)
Adams, Matthew
Adams, Meg Julia
Adams, Melvin A. (ABT 1880-28 MAY 1909)
Adams, Michael Lauren
Adams, Mildred Grace (ABT 1902-18 MAR 1969)
Adams, Milton J. (7 NOV 1801-1835)
Adams, Minnie R. (ABT 1883-27 FEB 1942)
Adams, Nancy B.
Adams, Nathan G. (ABT 1853-27 JUL 1889)
Adams, Oren Merle (ABT 1921-10 JUN 1993)
Adams, Philip Cutler (ABT 1911-27 AUG 1973)
Adams, Philip Cutler "Phil" (9 MAR 1935-28 JAN 1999)
Adams, Ralph Freeman (ABT 1881-)
Adams, Ralph Wilbur (ABT 1899-OCT 1967)
Adams, Regina L.
Adams, Richard
Adams, Robert S.
Adams, Roger Omar (Keller) (ABT 1934-8 JUN 2019)
Adams, Roy
Adams, Rozina (ABT 1887-14 NOV 1959)
Adams, Ruth Eleanor (25 MAY 1919-15 MAR 1953)
Adams, Samuel Gibson (ABT 1827-15 MAY 1886)
Adams, Sarah Ann (8 NOV 1817-14 JUL 1853)
Adams, Sarah Maude (NOV 1868-10 DEC 1932)
Adams, Shirley M.
Adams, Sienna Catherine
Adams, Spiro Peter (ABT 1896-14 SEP 1957)
Adams, Stacie Lynn
Adams, Stephanie Lynn
Adams, Steven Douglas (5 JAN 1951-3 AUG 2008)
Adams, Steven Roger Gardner
Adams, Sue Bamford
Adams, Susan Elaine (17 OCT 1948-18 FEB 2007)
Adams, Susan Matilda (1863-1935)
Adams, Thomas (1 SEP 1922-24 OCT 1998)
Adams, Thomas H. (ABT 1847-)
Adams, Thomas Henry (16 SEP 1880-11 APR 1963)
Adams, Thomas Monroe (3 SEP 1898-25 SEP 1977)
Adams, Walter Nathan (2 JAN 1881-27 AUG 1931)
Adams, Wanda Louise
Adams, William (ABT 1818-15 OCT 1890)
Adams, William (31 OCT 1799-24 JAN 1880)
Adams, William F. (17 SEP 1882-28 AUG 1904)
Adams, William Gardner (17 FEB 1843-)
Adams, _____
Adams, _____
Adams, _____
Adams-Kalloch, Selma Abigail
Adamson, David (5 MAR 1897-12 MAY 1966)
Adamson, Elizabeth "Betty" (ABT 1919-)
Adamson, Jennie A. (25 AUG 1892-30 MAR 1986)
Adamson, Patricia (27 FEB 1936-17 FEB 2021)
Addabbo, Francesco "Frank" (1 OCT 1941-19 JUL 2016)
Addabbo, Jodi-Lyn
Adden, Evelyn May (11 APR 1911-16 NOV 1955)
Adell, John Cornelius (27 DEC 1876-25 JUN 1953)
Adell, Thomas Warren (4 JUN 1927-17 FEB 2013)
Adkins, Beverly Elaine (ABT 1931-14 AUG 2014)
Adkins, Bill
Adkins, Billy Bob (29 JAN 1931-20 NOV 1996)
Adkins, Diane
Adkins, Donald Fredrick (7 MAY 1929-13 MAY 2001)
Adkins, Geri
Adkins, Henry Oscar (1898-8 MAR 1964)
Adkins, Henry Silver (23 SEP 1868-21 JAN 1948)
Adkins, Irving Henry (11 FEB 1932-26 NOV 1999)
Adkins, James Earl "Jim" (2 JUL 1919-5 JUL 2003)
Adkins, Leslie Clarence (ABT 1890-30 JUN 1975)
Adkins, Peggy
Adkins, Ralph Evans (13 NOV 1886-14 APR 1964)
Adkins, Rupert Leslie (1 OCT 1927-22 JUL 2004)
Adkins, Susan Kay
Adkins, Tony
Adkins, Wallis Roland (9 AUG 1892-3 MAR 1982)
Adler, John Henry (8 FEB 1915-9 JAN 2002)
Adler, Ruth Helena Marie Bertha (ABT 1899-27 JUN 1991)
Adler, Stuart Philip
Adley, Maxine Frank (ABT 1924-5 OCT 1984)
Adolphsen, Alan
Adolphsen, Alex John
Adolphsen, Arthur H.
Adolphsen, Curtis Dean
Adolphsen, Curtis Samuel
Adolphsen, Emily Grace
Adolphsen, Erica Jean
Adolphsen, Heidi Lynn
Adolphsen, Samuel Grant
Adsit, Delbert Sylvanus (ABT 1882-4 APR 1947)
Adsit, Esther Regina (16 JUN 1919-31 OCT 2003)
Aehegma, Albert Carl Vernon (Clark)
Aehegma, Alexander Siddhartha (Clark)
Aehegma, Arrien Drake (Clark)
Aehegma, Diana Starr (Clark)
Affley, Elizabeth
Agee, Arvol Ray (17 JAN 1916-21 AUG 1984)
Agee, Virgil Elmer (31 MAR 1892-31 OCT 1964)
Agostinacchio, Joe Michael
Agostino, Paul
Aguirre, Philip
Ah-Kwi, Eric Lise
Ah-Kwi, Nathaniel Boersma
Ahern, Redmond (ABT 1870-1927)
Ahern, Walter Joseph (26 JUL 1908-5 JUN 1964)
Ahern, _____
Aherne, Cathalene Helenore (ABT 1895-)
Ahl, Edna Catherine (ABT 1890-15 OCT 1969)
Ahl, John Angus
Ahlberg, Scott
Ahlberg, William E. (25 MAY 1943-2 DEC 2010)
Aho, Brenda M. (30 JAN 1950-12 JAN 2001)
Aho, Carol A.
Aho, Dorothy Gladys (ABT 1931-14 MAR 1984)
Aho, John Frank (24 JUN 1883-1928)
Aho, Michael Scott (12 JUL 1969-STILLBORN 1969)
Aho, Wilho Matti (ABT 1913-2 JAN 1969)
Ahrenburg, Emma
Aichele, Thomas A.
Aiken, Ella Cecilia (27 SEP 1852-)
Ainsworth, Calla Iva (28 SEP 1892-24 SEP 1969)
Ainsworth, Laura Louise (8 FEB 1893-FEB 1981)
Ainsworth, Naida Harriet (ABT 1911-17 DEC 1979)
Ainsworth, Robert Campbell
Ainsworth, William Robert (12 MAY 1861-10 JUL 1920)
Aird, James Adams (13 JAN 1885-9 JUL 1961)
Aird, Nellie Elizabeth (18 FEB 1892-19 FEB 1933)
Aird, Norman Floyd (17 FEB 1914-17 APR 1997)
Airoldi, Atillio Giuesppe (ABT 1909-19 MAY 1987)
Airoldi, Giovanni Ernesto (ABT 1884-10 FEB 1936)
Airoldi, Louis Andrew (30 MAY 1906-28 MAR 1968)
Airoldi, Susan Carol
Aitken, Phyllis Jessie (3 MAR 1918-25 OCT 2002)
Aitken, Robert (29 DEC 1884-21 JUN 1971)
Aja, Julian C. (ABT 1894-)
Aja, Julian Chenny (ABT 1918-23 JAN 1995)
Akeley, Mona Zilla (20 FEB 1916-3 MAY 1998)
Akers, Jasper Day (14 OCT 1901-31 JUL 1964)
Akers, John Wallace (12 NOV 1872-13 SEP 1918)
Akerson, Albertina Linea (28 MAY 1889-9 JAN 1973)
Akin, Gwendolyn (18 OCT 1900-1 NOV 2000)
Albach, Johanna Cordelia (30 APR 1857-30 APR 1916)
Albaugh, Susan (7 JAN 1836-5 MAY 1876)
Albee, Aubine Samantha (ABT 1853-5 DEC 1922)
Albee, Caroline (27 JUL 1880-1959)
Albee, Harry Gilbert (22 APR 1887-1 MAR 1970)
Albee, Henry Benson (27 DEC 1860-OCT 1946)
Albee, Olivette (23 OCT 1857-3 JAN 1903)
Albernaz, Mariana (23 SEP 1868-24 NOV 1942)
Albers, Matthew
Albers, Stacey Colleen
Albert, Marie L. (3 JAN 1893-17 SEP 1930)
Albert, Suzanne I. (1 NOV 1882-5 JAN 1960)
Albin, Edward D.
Albion, Gertrude (26 JUN 1899-22 DEC 1995)
Albrecht, Heather Renee
Albrecht, John F. "Fritz"
Albrecht, Louise Henrietta (28 AUG 1883-6 MAY 1982)
Albright, Gregg
Albrigtson, Hilda Jorgine (23 OCT 1904-25 MAY 1994)
Albro, Daniel Merril
Albro, _____
Alcock, Mildred Pauline
Alcorn, Dale Seymour (7 JAN 1898-2 NOV 1965)
Alcorn, Lori Lee (18 OCT 1962-26 APR 2016)
Alcorn, Malvern Dale (24 MAR 1922-23 JUN 1969)
Alcorn, Shane
Alcorn, Wilhelmina (3 JAN 1907-21 JUL 1991)
Alder, Margaret Ann (10 AUG 1864-24 APR 1955)
Aldous, Augustus Theodore (5 AUG 1882-28 JUL 1925)
Aldous, Thomas Augustus (23 NOV 1913-23 DEC 1974)
Aldred, Charlotte E. "Lottie" (15 DEC 1847-6 FEB 1920)
Aldrich, Eliza J. (ABT 1840-)
Aldrich, Ella A. (ABT 1870-)
Aldrich, Kenneth Chester (10 NOV 1910-5 MAR 1975)
Aldrich, Linda J.
Aldrich, Perley (ABT 1887-29 NOV 1941)
Alexander, Beth Ellen
Alexander, Brooke
Alexander, Bruce
Alexander, Charles E. (16 MAY 1912-6 SEP 1989)
Alexander, Daniel (11 NOV 1839-30 OCT 1902)
Alexander, Dean Dickson (ABT 1925-13 APR 1976)
Alexander, Etta May (19 JUL 1881-1 SEP 1956)
Alexander, Eugene R. (ABT 1884-)
Alexander, Frederick Elmer (2 JAN 1883-15 JUL 1973)
Alexander, Glenn George (6 JAN 1897-18 NOV 1973)
Alexander, Glenn Marshall
Alexander, Gregg J.
Alexander, Harold Eugene
Alexander, Hattie R. (ABT 1874-)
Alexander, James Frederick (ABT 1915-16 FEB 2003)
Alexander, James Patrick
Alexander, Jane Kelsey
Alexander, Jason
Alexander, Jean Larue (ABT 1925-6 JAN 2008)
Alexander, Jeffrey L.
Alexander, Jill Louise
Alexander, Joan E.
Alexander, John Dixon (20 OCT 1858-4 FEB 1937)
Alexander, Ketcham Abner (ABT 1897-16 JUL 1939)
Alexander, Lee Marshall (ABT 1928-26 JUL 2019)
Alexander, Leland Walter (ABT 1938-18 JUL 2017)
Alexander, Lynne
Alexander, Mark A.
Alexander, Martha Elizabeth (1 AUG 1864-19 FEB 1939)
Alexander, Max L.
Alexander, Michael L. (6 JAN 1958-5 JUN 2015)
Alexander, Nettie B. (8 FEB 1865-23 DEC 1936)
Alexander, Reed Ketchum
Alexander, Ronald Dean
Alexander, Ruth Mae
Alexander, Samantha Jane (7 MAY 1874-30 JUL 1959)
Alexander, Sarah Elizabeth (14 JUN 1845-2 JUN 1922)
Alexander, Scott Dixson (13 SEP 1950-2015)
Alford, Catherine (12 FEB 1844-28 OCT 1923)
Alford, Jason
Alford, Lucy Ann (10 APR 1846-14 NOV 1906)
Algeo, Bella Emma (ABT 1882-7 AUG 1946)
Alger, Raymond Perry
Alieff, Bertha Inez (12 OCT 1890-21 MAR 1975)
Alieff, John Henry (1860-1 MAR 1909)
Alino, Genevieve
Alino, Lorraine
Alino, Nicanor Montemar "Nick" (10 JAN 1937-1 DEC 2018)
Alino, Nickanor
Alisandrella, Mary C.
Allan, Allistair
Allan, Chelsea Monique
Allan, Evelyn May (1 MAY 1874-1947)
Allan, Luke-Zarn
Allan, Margaret (ABT 1870-28 AUG 1960)
Allan, Ricki-Joel
Allan, Thomas Giffin (10 SEP 1838-26 FEB 1894)
Allan, Tony-Dayne
Allan, Ursula I. (9 DEC 1859-12 OCT 1909)
Allard, Henry (1913-26 MAY 1960)
Alldredge, Frank James (25 SEP 1875-14 OCT 1943)
Alle, Lela Martha (6 OCT 1899-9 OCT 1990)
Allen, Aaron Joseph
Allen, Abel Adolphus (APR 1848-1901)
Allen, Abner Frank
Allen, Adaline Belle (7 OCT 1868-15 AUG 1952)
Allen, Alice Emelie (10 OCT 1887-5 JUL 1957)
Allen, Alton Lamar (29 MAR 1920-20 AUG 1949)
Allen, Amber Adine
Allen, Amos (14 FEB 1804-)
Allen, Andrea
Allen, Angela Anne
Allen, Anna E. (8 AUG 1857-SEP 1880)
Allen, Anna Lillian (10 NOV 1928-1 MAR 2011)
Allen, Annie (29 APR 1806-1854)
Allen, Arlettie (5 JUL 1909-10 MAY 1979)
Allen, Ashleigh
Allen, Axzelma Lupez (30 MAR 1940-27 JUN 2010)
Allen, Barbara Fatima (15 MAR 1925-11 APR 2004)
Allen, Barbara Jean (17 JUL 1931-18 JUL 1931)
Allen, Barbara Lee (21 DEC 1936-7 MAR 2016)
Allen, Barbara Mae (20 MAY 1941-1 AUG 2004)
Allen, Blair Walter (24 MAR 1899-13 DEC 1968)
Allen, Brent Taylor (16 SEP 1886-7 AUG 1959)
Allen, Brent Taylor (18 JUN 1915-8 OCT 1993)
Allen, Bret James
Allen, Bryn
Allen, Cameron Maurice
Allen, Candy
Allen, Carolee Mae (16 DEC 1925-21 AUG 1995)
Allen, Caroline May (25 AUG 1847-19 FEB 1905)
Allen, Carrie E. (27 JAN 1918-17 JUL 1918)
Allen, Casey Duane
Allen, Charlene Rose
Allen, Charles Sabin (17 FEB 1830-18 NOV 1832)
Allen, Charles Whitten (23 DEC 1878-14 AUG 1947)
Allen, Chester Buel (9 FEB 1898-FEB 1979)
Allen, Chris MacKay
Allen, Clara Elizabeth (16 JUN 1893-BEF 1953)
Allen, Clara Sylvia (22 SEP 1856-11 OCT 1858)
Allen, Clarence Wilber (6 FEB 1869-8 MAY 1929)
Allen, Clarinda (22 JUL 1806-28 MAY 1842)
Allen, Cleve Edward (6 MAR 1914-21 APR 2001)
Allen, Cleve Max (3 NOV 1942-6 DEC 2009)
Allen, Clifford Lewis (1 JUL 1905-7 MAY 1935)
Allen, Cora Erma (20 MAR 1922-4 NOV 2007)
Allen, Cora M.
Allen, Corey
Allen, Craig J.
Allen, Crawford C.
Allen, Crawford Clifton (27 OCT 1913-1 FEB 2002)
Allen, Cristy
Allen, Cynthia A.
Allen, Danny
Allen, David Arnold
Allen, Deborah Marie (3 MAY 1850-29 MAY 1933)
Allen, Dee A.
Allen, Dee Smith (27 JAN 1929-28 AUG 1968)
Allen, Dennis Edward
Allen, Desdemona Augusta (ABT 1859-1 JAN 1943)
Allen, Diane Marie
Allen, Donald Landis (3 JAN 1927-6 SEP 2013)
Allen, Doris Alice (25 AUG 1911-27 MAR 2004)
Allen, Earle Addison (ABT 1895-22 OCT 1964)
Allen, Edna H. (25 FEB 1865-30 MAR 1935)
Allen, Edward Lewis (29 MAR 1883-1 OCT 1951)
Allen, Edward Watts "Ted" (18 OCT 1912-18 SEP 2003)
Allen, Elaine Kalloch (27 JAN 1933-23 DEC 2016)
Allen, Eliza Clarinda (27 FEB 1835-21 JUL 1836)
Allen, Elizabeth "Betsy" (7 MAY 1811-22 MAR 1863)
Allen, Elizabeth Jane (1 JAN 1862-14 JAN 1900)
Allen, Ellouise F. (3 AUG 1903-11 SEP 1995)
Allen, Elmer Ellsworth (29 DEC 1867-7 JAN 1948)
Allen, Elmer J. (19 FEB 1865-29 SEP 1917)
Allen, Emeline Eliza (28 MAY 1847-2 AUG 1847)
Allen, Eugene Leroy
Allen, Eunice (4 MAR 1860-4 NOV 1919)
Allen, Fred Lelon
Allen, Fred Lelon
Allen, Frederic Cruickshank (15 AUG 1890-ABT 1925)
Allen, Frederick "Fred" Leland (ABT 1877-9 MAY 1965)
Allen, Gale Floyd (12 MAR 1920-8 JUL 2010)
Allen, Gary L.
Allen, Gary S.
Allen, George E.
Allen, George E.
Allen, George Eugene (27 OCT 1886-20 NOV 1944)
Allen, Grace F. (26 JUN 1879-29 OCT 1968)
Allen, Gregory
Allen, Gretchen Mary
Allen, Guy Raymond (17 MAY 1918-29 OCT 1991)
Allen, H. Prescott (1891-1893)
Allen, Halcom Ermer (6 AUG 1883-1 OCT 1943)
Allen, Hannah (15 NOV 1862-28 FEB 1928)
Allen, Hannah (1760-4 MAR 1790)
Allen, Harold Willis (ABT 1885-)
Allen, Harriet (26 OCT 1886-12 APR 1949)
Allen, Heatherlyn
Allen, Henrietta A. (25 JAN 1866-8 MAR 1947)
Allen, Henry Heber (11 MAR 1862-26 MAR 1941)
Allen, Henry Kalloch (25 NOV 1903-11 NOV 1972)
Allen, Herbert Eugene (11 MAR 1884-17 FEB 1975)
Allen, Herman Hawes (27 SEP 1833-7 FEB 1891)
Allen, Hermione Georgette (2 NOV 1917-6 FEB 1992)
Allen, Hervey Clifford (25 OCT 1917-20 MAR 1987)
Allen, Hervey Clifford (27 AUG 1889-17 OCT 1953)
Allen, Howard Leon (24 MAR 1886-22 JUN 1993)
Allen, Ida May (SEP 1875-7 NOV 1938)
Allen, James E.
Allen, Jared Langdon
Allen, Jeffery
Allen, Jeffery
Allen, Jennifer Erin
Allen, Jerry Dean (19 OCT 1947-17 JAN 2012)
Allen, John Blair
Allen, John Robert (22 JUL 1910-)
Allen, John William (AUG 1866-BEF 1910)
Allen, Jory Cleve
Allen, Joseph Elijah (27 JAN 1883-8 DEC 1938)
Allen, Joseph Leland
Allen, Joseph Leland
Allen, Joshua (24 MAR 1827-7 FEB 1894)
Allen, Judith Elizabeth (12 JAN 1940-10 OCT 2017)
Allen, Kaleigh Bree
Allen, Karen Marie
Allen, Kari Ann
Allen, Katherine Laurie
Allen, Kay Erlene (10 DEC 1937-14 SEP 2001)
Allen, Kelley
Allen, Kidreth Jack (15 JAN 1921-15 MAR 1921)
Allen, Kristen Lee
Allen, Kurt
Allen, Leah Eugenie (ABT 1923-12 JUL 1996)
Allen, Leatha Renee (3 MAR 1933-17 FEB 2012)
Allen, Lee Earl (21 MAY 1940-28 MAR 2019)
Allen, Lela H. (14 SEP 1867-1928)
Allen, Leon Hermon (22 JUN 1860-30 JUN 1946)
Allen, Leon Leroy (23 NOV 1894-1950)
Allen, Levi Southwell (1 DEC 1831-23 MAR 1832)
Allen, Linda M.
Allen, Lloyd Edward (6 DEC 1927-15 JUL 2013)
Allen, Loren R.
Allen, Lorinda (ABT 1840-)
Allen, Louisa (5 SEP 1866-25 NOV 1893)
Allen, Louise Loraine (3 FEB 1926-21 APR 2013)
Allen, Mae (-ABT 1892)
Allen, Malcolm L. (8 FEB 1940-30 JUN 2011)
Allen, Marcia
Allen, Margaret Helen (13 MAY 1921-1 JUL 1992)
Allen, Margaret Violet (11 SEP 1890-19 MAY 1969)
Allen, Marie
Allen, Marietta Hysler (ABT 1923-12 JUL 1996)
Allen, Marilla (1871-1935)
Allen, Marjorie Louise (ABT 1922-27 SEP 2015)
Allen, Mary Gertrude (ABT 1903-28 JUN 1973)
Allen, Mary Jo
Allen, Mary Karie (17 JAN 1918-21 NOV 2004)
Allen, Mary L.
Allen, Mary Lena (12 FEB 1891-4 MAR 1977)
Allen, Matilda (MAR 1850-31 OCT 1912)
Allen, Max Lewis (15 MAY 1925-21 APR 1928)
Allen, Max Tracy
Allen, May Eleanor (DEC 1875-)
Allen, Meghan Rose
Allen, Michael William (18 AUG 1970-30 SEP 2003)
Allen, Michelle Rae
Allen, Molly
Allen, Nathan (17 MAR 1736-20 MAY 1803)
Allen, Nathan (9 JUN 1779-ABT 1808)
Allen, Nella Det
Allen, Nicole
Allen, Pamela Louisia
Allen, Patricia Ann (25 MAY 1922-10 JUN 2004)
Allen, Patty
Allen, Paul
Allen, Paul D.
Allen, Paula Ray (13 AUG 1942-24 NOV 2017)
Allen, Peter
Allen, Peter Tory
Allen, Pheobe
Allen, Phyllis Gail (18 MAR 1917-1 DEC 2006)
Allen, Prescott Howard (4 JUN 1910-22 JUN 1993)
Allen, Rebecca Jane
Allen, Rex Paul (18 DEC 1912-15 MAR 1959)
Allen, Richard Bradford Dole
Allen, Robert Francis (29 MAR 1926-26 NOV 2005)
Allen, Robert Lawry (19 APR 1916-31 JUL 1959)
Allen, Robert Lee
Allen, Robert Roland (19 AUG 1900-19 MAR 1956)
Allen, Robert Ted
Allen, Robert Webster (20 MAY 1906-8 JUL 1954)
Allen, Ronald Edward (ABT 1945-10 JAN 1990)
Allen, Rose Stella (28 DEC 1906-15 MAY 1985)
Allen, Ruby Ella (ABT 1920-28 OCT 1987)
Allen, Ruth Maurie
Allen, Ruth Mildred (2 APR 1920-6 AUG 1991)
Allen, Sabin (25 AUG 1801-27 MAR 1857)
Allen, Sadie McDonnell (ABT 1899-8 JAN 1989)
Allen, Samuel A. (FEB 1852-)
Allen, Samuel James (13 JUN 1850-1 MAR 1916)
Allen, Sarah Anna (25 OCT 1827-)
Allen, Sarah Frances (7 JUN 1843-4 MAY 1879)
Allen, Stephen Winthrop
Allen, Susie Anna (7 JUN 1900-1 JUN 1979)
Allen, Thedore Anderson (28 JAN 1931-16 MAR 2007)
Allen, Thomas Lithco (1847-1885)
Allen, Tilden (21 JUN 1913-3 APR 2000)
Allen, Warren Celia (5 APR 1837-25 APR 1921)
Allen, Wilbur Oliver (14 APR 1876-14 APR 1937)
Allen, William "Bill" Gene (11 NOV 1943-27 OCT 2010)
Allen, William H. (MAR 1864-1909)
Allen, William Henry (20 JUL 1826-)
Allen, William Henry (24 OCT 1825-26 JUL 1903)
Allen, William Lewis (14 JAN 1850-8 DEC 1926)
Allen, William Samuel (20 MAR 1907-10 FEB 1985)
Allen, Wyn
Allen, Zina Alberta (12 AUG 1894-19 APR 1981)
Allen, boy (6 APR 1908-)
Alley, Frank P. (1 JUN 1852-11 OCT 1915)
Alley, Frank William (1 MAY 1889-13 APR 1986)
Alley, Georgia Ellen (11 JAN 1867-1944)
Alley, Harriet N. (24 DEC 1842-5 JUL 1915)
Alley, Harvey Carroll (12 SEP 1908-30 OCT 1992)
Alley, Josiah Edward (1857-)
Alley, Katherine Ann
Alley, Margarette E. (NOV 1889-1936)
Alley, Mary M. (28 FEB 1861-10 MAY 1942)
Alley, Melinda Ellen (6 MAR 1872-20 FEB 1908)
Alley, Nathaniel Cushing (25 MAR 1830-27 APR 1908)
Alley, Nettie B. (5 APR 1897-16 AUG 1929)
Alley, Owen Otis (14 APR 1861-1937)
Alley, Preston (19 FEB 1907-5 FEB 1989)
Alley, Thelma Lorita (26 JAN 1928-20 FEB 2021)
Alley, Vada Marie (2 JUL 1917-24 JAN 2017)
Alley, William Franklin (22 OCT 1876-25 JAN 1966)
Alley, William Warren (1848-29 SEP 1909)
Allie, Olive Marie (8 JUN 1866-5 APR 1926)
Alline, Anna Lowell (31 DEC 1864-15 DEC 1934)
Alline, Charles F. (ABT 1873-15 SEP 1964)
Alline, Cozette (ABT 1889-JAN 1969)
Alline, Eleanor Beverly (12 APR 1927-4 DEC 1980)
Alline, Emma Keller (OCT 1859-)
Alline, Henry Wadsworth (MAY 1829-25 SEP 1905)
Alline, John Lowell (21 JUL 1803-5 JAN 1873)
Alline, Josiah Keller (14 JUN 1862-6 OCT 1927)
Alline, Lawrence Henry (11 OCT 1892-18 OCT 1979)
Alline, May Frances (1863-11 APR 1933)
Alline, Mildred (25 SEP 1904-16 AUG 1915)
Allingham, Bertha Edith (MAR 1884-)
Allingham, Gertrude (JAN 1869-)
Allisi, Rose (ABT 1901-)
Allison, Barry
Allison, Ida May (26 DEC 1877-10 DEC 1958)
Allison, Irma (ABT 1908-8 MAY 1972)
Allison, John Edwin (4 APR 1879-1962)
Allison, Mabel P. (JUN 1875-)
Allred, Ida Mary (24 FEB 1893-11 AUG 1952)
Allsop, Josephine (12 JUL 1870-3 APR 1957)
Allsup, Dwight
Allsup, Ralph Jones (25 MAY 1904-11 AUG 1987)
Allum, Aron
Allum, Elmer Frances (9 OCT 1904-11 NOV 1987)
Allum, Eloise Mae (22 MAR 1929-28 SEP 2001)
Allum, Kenneth John (7 MAY 1933-3 MAR 2012)
Allum, Terry Lee (1954-2015)
Almeida, Antone Louis (15 AUG 1889-25 DEC 1948)
Almeida, Edna Elvira Louis (10 DEC 1925-26 DEC 2007)
Alpert, Eva (1886-16 MAY 1940)
Alphin, Vivian Grace (16 JAN 1923-3 AUG 2004)
Alpy, Angela Maria (2 MAY 1890-25 SEP 1934)
Alspaw, Allen Leslie (10 JAN 1897-7 APR 1972)
Alspaw, Allen Leslie (17 MAY 1924-3 SEP 2009)
Alspaw, Angela Joy
Alspaw, Charles William (13 JUN 1931-19 JUN 2015)
Alspaw, Donald Dean (13 MAR 1928-19 DEC 1998)
Alspaw, Doriann (1963-1963)
Alspaw, William Franklin (9 FEB 1861-17 JAN 1933)
Alston, (living)
Alston, (living)
Alstrom, Alice (1903-16 APR 2000)
Alstrom, Louis (1866-22 OCT 1954)
Althouse, Mary Elisabeth (13 APR 1845-13 JAN 1912)
Altizer, Mary Catherine (2 JUN 1925-2 APR 2013)
Altnow, Donald A.
Altschul, Frederick Paul (1887-)
Altschul, Margaret A. (1 NOV 1911-25 FEB 1996)
Altvater, Edward Louis (7 FEB 1878-13 OCT 1960)
Altvater, Helen Elizabeth (ABT 1915-25 DEC 2009)
Alvarey, Maria
Alves, Avelino "William" (19 AUG 1908-18 NOV 1973)
Alves, Constance Lee "Connie"
Alves, John Silveira (ABT 1888-28 AUG 1950)
Alves, Mary R. Gon (ABT 1894-23 AUG 1969)
Alves, Victoria (ABT 1919-)
Aman, Henry Dixon
Aman, Janet Marie
Amand, Marie Emilie St- (ABT 1870-7 FEB 1961)
Amazeen, Addie May (17 AUG 1898-7 MAR 1994)
Amazeen, Clarence Augustus (4 MAY 1888-JUL 1972)
Amazeen, Richard Franklin (ABT 1913-18 JAN 2007)
Ambold, Frederick Ernest (17 FEB 1890-11 JUN 1984)
Ambold, Mary Evelyn (ABT 1922-1 DEC 2006)
Amborn, Barbara Gertrude
Amborn, Frederick
Ambrose, Julia M. (ABT 1842-18 DEC 1891)
Ambrose, Mary (ABT 1867-)
Ambrosio, _____
Amburn, Dorothy Jane
Amee, Dorothy M. (22 MAR 1907-22 JUL 1939)
Amee, Victor Erastus (1 FEB 1879-15 JAN 1970)
Amelotte, Virginia Octavia
Amelsberg, Bernard (ABT 1882-1940)
Amelsberg, Fred Jacob (ABT 1906-9 MAY 1973)
Amend, Christian (20 JUN 1872-8 JAN 1949)
Amend, John (16 AUG 1906-7 APR 1975)
Amergian, Deanna Dolores
Amergian, Nazareth (ABT 1930-23 JUL 2013)
Amero, Allen Duane (30 SEP 1946-30 SEP 1946)
Amero, Dennis Wade (11 JAN 1917-22 MAY 1975)
Amero, Donald Osborne (ABT 1922-8 AUG 2002)
Amero, Franklin Thomas (25 JAN 1887-13 APR 1934)
Amero, Megan
Amero, Pamela J.
Amero, Randall Duane (31 JAN 1948-20 JAN 2013)
Amero, Tasha
Amero, William Osborne (9 JUL 1889-JUL 1966)
Ames, Abbie (ABT 1796-2 JAN 1867)
Ames, Alfred (ABT 1878-31 JUL 1914)
Ames, Alfred (7 SEP 1809-28 JUL 1841)
Ames, Alfred Kellar (4 SEP 1866-19 MAY 1950)
Ames, Alice Bell (10 JAN 1873-1963)
Ames, Allison George (ABT 1903-25 FEB 1971)
Ames, Alta Murilla (ABT 1890-APR 1972)
Ames, Althea May (27 MAR 1899-19 NOV 1975)
Ames, Angela
Ames, Anna Gay
Ames, Anna Mary (29 JUN 1858-31 DEC 1924)
Ames, Ariel Audrey (ABT 1901-16 NOV 1965)
Ames, Ben
Ames, Benjamin Burton (29 JUN 1885-18 FEB 1950)
Ames, Benjamin Franklin (AUG 1867-2 AUG 1926)
Ames, Benjamin Franklin (ABT 1835-21 FEB 1907)
Ames, Charles Ellison (ABT 1862-3 JAN 1927)
Ames, Cynthia Marie
Ames, Dale Jay
Ames, Daniel
Ames, Darren J.
Ames, Denise
Ames, Denise Marie
Ames, Dennis Everett (ABT 1915-21 NOV 1979)
Ames, Diana Lynn (23 NOV 1975-25 MAY 2007)
Ames, Doris
Ames, Dura B. (ABT 1846-30 AUG 1921)
Ames, Edith B. (ABT 1884-SEP 1925)
Ames, Edwin Gardner (5 JUL 1856-21 NOV 1935)
Ames, Elsa (1883-14 DEC 1973)
Ames, Eunice Carr (ABT 1882-20 DEC 1937)
Ames, Evelyn M. (14 SEP 1889-5 MAR 1969)
Ames, Experience (20 JUN 1773-7 JAN 1852)
Ames, Faith Elizabeth (6 FEB 1921-22 MAY 1953)
Ames, Florence Wood (ABT 1914-1 JUN 1991)
Ames, Frank Sanborn (1 AUG 1863-18 APR 1952)
Ames, Fred E. (NOV 1849-)
Ames, Genevieve "Gena"
Ames, George (ABT 1870-)
Ames, George Mason (10 OCT 1910-15 NOV 2000)
Ames, Harvey Earl (14 MAY 1886-24 JUL 1955)
Ames, Henry G. (ABT 1871-1957)
Ames, Isaac (6 JUL 1784-10 MAR 1854)
Ames, Isabelle "Belle" (1876-30 DEC 1938)
Ames, Jacob
Ames, Jane "Jennie" M. (ABT 1865-27 MAR 1953)
Ames, Jane Meredith
Ames, Janet
Ames, Jennie
Ames, John Keller (20 MAY 1908-5 JUN 1984)
Ames, John Keller (7 NOV 1831-22 MAR 1901)
Ames, John McDougal (ABT 1870-)
Ames, Josiah Parker (18 JAN 1828-14 AUG 1903)
Ames, Judith Ann Ruth (20 DEC 1942-22 APR 1994)
Ames, Julia Pope (8 AUG 1860-2 DEC 1942)
Ames, Kathleen J.
Ames, Kimberly
Ames, Kimberly Kathleen
Ames, Lavon Stanwood (9 DEC 1925-2 JUL 2008)
Ames, Leslie D. (10 OCT 1867-1 FEB 1937)
Ames, Lori
Ames, Lucy Perry (7 JUL 1814-14 FEB 1896)
Ames, Lucy Talbot (25 SEP 1871-1 MAR 1916)
Ames, Mae True (9 NOV 1910-24 SEP 1991)
Ames, Maria Louisa (ABT 1870-3 MAY 1928)
Ames, Maria Louisa (21 MAY 1839-14 APR 1922)
Ames, Mark (8 JAN 1743-29 MAR 1823)
Ames, Mark Timothy
Ames, Martha (APR 1846-1930)
Ames, Martin Van Burren (15 OCT 1836-21 JUL 1920)
Ames, Maxwell Harold (ABT 1948-24 SEP 2001)
Ames, Maynard Raymond (ABT 1948-10 SEP 2013)
Ames, Merton Kidder (ABT 1888-12 JAN 1996)
Ames, Napoleon Bonaparte (10 JUL 1835-24 NOV 1835)
Ames, Nellie Marion (7 JUN 1891-11 JUN 1961)
Ames, Norman Raymond
Ames, Norman Sumner (16 NOV 1934-9 SEP 1987)
Ames, Oakley
Ames, Oakley Lester (22 MAR 1910-18 SEP 2001)
Ames, Patricia
Ames, Paula
Ames, Racheal
Ames, Raymond Sumner (12 MAY 1912-18 MAY 2002)
Ames, Richard E
Ames, Richard Everett (27 NOV 1941-20 SEP 2016)
Ames, Roger J.
Ames, Royal Whittier (2 DEC 1880-19 JUL 1967)
Ames, Stephanie E.
Ames, Susan (ABT 1875-)
Ames, Wayne
Ames, _____
Amiel, Aaron Mario
Amiel, Andra L.
Amiel, Erick
Amiel, Krista
Amirault, Laura
Ammirati, Joanne Marie
Amnotte, Emile Albert (24 JAN 1897-27 JAN 1956)
Amnotte, Emile Albert (14 APR 1921-24 NOV 2015)
Amnotte, Jeanne
Amnotte, Thomas
Amores, Eufemia Monzon (27 MAR 1927-15 FEB 2010)
Amoroso, Frank (ABT 1877-21 NOV 1962)
Amoroso, Libby
Amoroso, Phillipo James (19 SEP 1914-21 JUL 1990)
Amos, Imogene (ABT 1921-14 APR 2006)
Amsbury, Celia
Amsden, Edwena G.
Amsden, Maria A.
Amsden, _____
Amundsen, Roald Howard (18 FEB 1913-5 AUG 2002)
Amundsen, Trina
Amundson, Anthon Erick (MAR 1867-2 JAN 1932)
Amundson, Arthur Esylas (14 OCT 1888-APR 1963)
Amundson, Arthur Esylas (ABT 1914-20 AUG 1986)
Amundson, Harold Jerome (24 NOV 1916-15 SEP 1972)
Amundson, Nellie Eileen (16 JUL 1927-19 AUG 1995)
Anaru, Ripine (11 SEP 1907-3 MAR 1984)
Anaru, Waimate (10 JUN 1879-12 JUL 1948)
Anchin, David E.
Anderberg, Florence Carrie (28 MAR 1899-4 MAY 1988)
Anderberg, Peter Anderson (13 AUG 1856-4 MAR 1944)
Andersen, Anna Dorothea Petrea (3 MAY 1874-18 MAR 1924)
Andersen, Frank Richard (ABT 1910-13 NOV 1981)
Andersen, Jens Christian (13 AUG 1903-20 APR 1989)
Andersen, Karl Johan (ABT 1873-30 SEP 1943)
Andersen, Lars (ABT 1861-)
Andersen, Magdalena (26 DEC 1874-17 FEB 1959)
Andersen, Marit Johanne
Andersen, Media Sophia (3 APR 1887-21 JUL 1975)
Andersen, Nina (ABT 1908-9 JAN 1997)
Andersen, Oscar Eurenius (ABT 1876-6 MAR 1938)
Andersen, Richard Charles (19 JAN 1934-8 AUG 2009)
Andersen, Richard Charles
Andersen, Robert (2 OCT 1948-19 OCT 2008)
Andersen, Robert John
Andersen, Robert John
Andersen, Thora Amelia (19 DEC 1877-3 OCT 1963)
Anderson, (male)
Anderson, Agnes (ABT 1820-FROM 1861 TO 1865)
Anderson, Agnus (21 MAY 1898-1960)
Anderson, Albin Rutherford (13 JAN 1877-18 JUN 1953)
Anderson, Alfred Clair (18 OCT 1904-1 APR 1974)
Anderson, Alice K. (ABT 1900-OCT 1975)
Anderson, Alice Louisa (24 AUG 1886-15 FEB 1967)
Anderson, Alma Teresia (19 NOV 1893-9 MAR 1967)
Anderson, Amanda R. (ABT 1872-15 APR 1945)
Anderson, Amy Ruth (28 APR 1902-14 MAR 1984)
Anderson, Andrew
Anderson, Anna Geneva (ABT 1881-25 JUL 1928)
Anderson, Anna Lula (JAN 1884-BEF 1910)
Anderson, Annie Arinca Leona (5 DEC 1875-5 MAY 1947)
Anderson, Arthur (ABT 1920-AFT 1981)
Anderson, Barbara L.
Anderson, Benjamin Franklin (10 NOV 1829-12 AUG 1919)
Anderson, Bessie A. (ABT 1879-)
Anderson, Bonnie
Anderson, Carol Jean
Anderson, Charles (22 NOV 1884-16 DEC 1966)
Anderson, Charles Burns (31 MAY 1900-28 DEC 1958)
Anderson, Charles Garfield "Gar" (21 FEB 1880-20 JUN 1945)
Anderson, Charles Victor (23 OCT 1920-3 FEB 2010)
Anderson, Chris (8 JAN 1901-6 MAY 1980)
Anderson, Clarence Eugene (7 MAR 1914-1 AUG 1980)
Anderson, Constance
Anderson, Cora Betsy (18 NOV 1911-2 SEP 2005)
Anderson, Damarius J.
Anderson, Deloros (26 MAY 1938-2 APR 2014)
Anderson, Douglas E.
Anderson, Douglas Edwin (ABT 1918-31 AUG 2013)
Anderson, Dwaine Richard (4 OCT 1933-23 MAY 1994)
Anderson, Dwayne Eleanor "Sally" (ABT 1923-10 DEC 2008)
Anderson, Edwin Andrews (ABT 1894-4 MAR 1965)
Anderson, Ellen Geneva (11 JUN 1917-29 NOV 2014)
Anderson, Elmer William (ABT 1894-JUL 1966)
Anderson, Emma (2 DEC 1901-)
Anderson, Eric Martin (3 OCT 1911-13 OCT 2001)
Anderson, Esther Eugenia (28 MAR 1894-11 MAY 1984)
Anderson, Ethan
Anderson, Eugene Leonard (28 JUL 1935-14 SEP 1979)
Anderson, Evelyn Alberta (13 MAR 1926-18 OCT 2002)
Anderson, Evelyn Faith (ABT 1928-17 MAY 1997)
Anderson, Florence Claire (22 APR 1901-26 JUL 1994)
Anderson, Frances Allen (9 NOV 1921-10 APR 2016)
Anderson, Francis Lorraine (20 FEB 1916-30 SEP 1999)
Anderson, Frank Keig (15 OCT 1907-25 OCT 1973)
Anderson, Frank Keith (ABT 1937-11 APR 1999)
Anderson, Fred Adams (1890-1970)
Anderson, Gayle
Anderson, George Michael (19 OCT 1879-1938)
Anderson, George Robert (5 FEB 1915-29 MAY 1996)
Anderson, Gertrude Ella (9 OCT 1887-7 FEB 1973)
Anderson, Gilbert (4 AUG 1803-15 FEB 1892)
Anderson, Helen Evelina (7 APR 1906-9 APR 1964)
Anderson, Ida Marie (26 AUG 1869-15 DEC 1951)
Anderson, Itha Annette
Anderson, James (8 MAY 1863-30 NOV 1944)
Anderson, James Lamont (29 NOV 1894-)
Anderson, James Raymond (ABT 1889-)
Anderson, James Wayne
Anderson, Jeanne Lee
Anderson, Jeniel Joy
Anderson, Jerry
Anderson, Jim
Anderson, John (ABT 1873-)
Anderson, John A. (ABT 1862-)
Anderson, John Alfred (1872-)
Anderson, John Arthur (ABT 1896-9 OCT 1965)
Anderson, John Theodore (15 SEP 1874-9 JAN 1956)
Anderson, John William (7 MAR 1870-28 DEC 1913)
Anderson, Joseph (1874-)
Anderson, Judith Marie (31 MAY 1952-17 FEB 1956)
Anderson, Kristina
Anderson, Larry
Anderson, Lawrence John (30 NOV 1924-12 JUN 1990)
Anderson, Lawrence Ray (13 APR 1919-2 AUG 2000)
Anderson, Leonard H. (17 AUG 1910-9 APR 2004)
Anderson, Lillian Edith (ABT 1895-AFT 1965)
Anderson, Linda Marie
Anderson, Lizzie Myrta (ABT 1895-12 JUL 1979)
Anderson, Lois Jane (21 JUL 1936-13 APR 2021)
Anderson, Lois Mae (4 JUN 1916-14 MAR 2008)
Anderson, Mae Sumner (5 JUN 1911-5 JUN 1990)
Anderson, Marc Virgil
Anderson, Marlen
Anderson, Mary (2 JAN 1892-2 MAY 1984)
Anderson, Mary (11 APR 1789-8 MAY 1832)
Anderson, Mary H. (30 NOV 1856-17 OCT 1899)
Anderson, Mary Morrell (17 JUN-30 JAN 1915)
Anderson, Matilda Amelia "Tilly" (ABT 1869-18 MAY 1953)
Anderson, May E. (AUG 1886-1 APR 1918)
Anderson, Melvin Joseph (15 JUL 1903-26 DEC 1955)
Anderson, Michael
Anderson, Mikaela
Anderson, Myrtle L. (17 OCT 1900-22 SEP 1976)
Anderson, Patrick L.
Anderson, Patsy
Anderson, Peter
Anderson, Phyllis Evelyn
Anderson, Phyllis M. (26 APR 1919-16 APR 1978)
Anderson, Ray Sonderegger (1 APR 1918-13 FEB 2002)
Anderson, Rebecca Jane (4 JUN 1812-4 OCT 1867)
Anderson, Richard Paul (ABT 1930-13 APR 1976)
Anderson, Robert (13 SEP 1811-2 NOV 1886)
Anderson, Robert J. (ABT 1901-)
Anderson, Roland John (ABT 1906-28 MAR 1961)
Anderson, Ronald Davis (25 JUL 1943-29 OCT 1994)
Anderson, Ruby (28 DEC 1920-14 OCT 2012)
Anderson, Scott
Anderson, Sena (SEP 1862-12 FEB 1943)
Anderson, Shamara
Anderson, Shane Lee
Anderson, Stanley Richard (5 FEB 1892-5 AUG 1973)
Anderson, Susan H.
Anderson, Susan Laura (4 DEC 1950-25 APR 2018)
Anderson, Teckla Olivia (ABT 1896-13 JAN 1976)
Anderson, Teresa
Anderson, Thaedra
Anderson, Viola (10 OCT 1900-3 APR 1945)
Anderson, Virgil
Anderson, Walter S.
Anderson, Weston
Anderson, William H. (ABT 1939-23 AUG 2012)
Anderson, William H.
Anderson, William Harlan (ABT 1911-)
Anderson, William Harlan (ABT 1885-APR 1959)
Anderson, William Ove (ABT 1828-24 AUG 1907)
Anderson, William Robert
Anderson, _____
Anderson, _____
Anderson, _____
Anderson, _____
Anderson, _____
Anderson, _____


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Website of The Kalloch Family Reunion Association, founded in 1867.

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