(Transcribed from the original handwritten copy.)
August 29, 1951
The Eightieth [84th*] annual reunion of the Kalloch family held in the St. George Grange Hall was called to order by President Arthur Kalloch and prayer offered by Rev. Maurice Dunbar.
R. W. Carey, Mabel Rollins and Mary Kalloch were appointed on nominating committee and they presented the names of
the present officers for another year. Their report was accepted and the following officers were elected:
President: Arthur Kalloch
V. Pres.: Leola Robinson, F.L.S.[?] Morse, E. B. Rollins, Grace Carey, John R. Kalloch and
Jennie Moody.
Secretary and Treasurer - Faustina Robinson
Historian - Marguerite Gould
Entertainment Comm: Grace Carey, Faustina & Leola Robinson
It was noted to hold the Reunion in 1952 at the same place.
Members on the program included the following:
Story - Rev. Maurice Dunbar
Remarks & Story - Helen Harris
Story - Edith Harris
Story - E. B. Rollins
Story - Faustina Robinson
Poem & Remarks - Mary Kalloch
Remarks - Harry Simmons
Story - Arthur Kalloch
Vocal Solo - Kurt Hoffses
Recollections of going to reunions in a team - Henry K. Allen
Mrs. Helen Harris and her father Henry Mansfield came the longest distance to attend the Reunion. Mary Kalloch was the oldest member present and Kurt Hoffses the youngest.
The following deaths were reported:
Dr. Parker Kalloch
Dr. Herbert Kalloch
Eva Mansfield
Edith Watts
Leiney[? can't read] Burns
Mrs. E. K. Gould
Austin Kalloch
(Treasurer's report followed, and was not included here.)
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