The 153rd Kalloch Family Reunion will be held Saturday, August 15, 2020, 10:45 AM to
2:00 PM, Eas
tern Time via Zoom video conferencing.

Please complete and mail this form to:
          Paul Wilson, Treasurer
          5 Oakdale St.
          Portland, ME 04103

OR email the following information to
Please reply by August 10.

Drop-ins are welcome, but please be sensitive that we will be helping many relatives to log in at
the same time.

Number of computers being used (please share computers if possible!): _____




             _________________________________ New Address? ____Yes ___No

Telephone Number: ____________________________

E-Mail: _____________________________________

____ Please send newsletter via email    ____ I prefer a paper copy  ____ Please unsubscribe me

____ **I’m experienced with Zoom and I’d like to help with tech support.**

I cannot come but would like to contribute! $_______________

There is NO COST to attend the 2020 Reunion, but we encourage you to make a donation!
(Suggested donation: $10 per person)


PLEASE NOTE: Reunions, newsletter, and our prize-winning website by Ken Kalloch are all supported by your donations! Especially if you can’t attend the reunion, visit our website, www.kalloch.org for a wealth of info!   Donations enclosed: $ ___________
Make checks payable to "KRFA" and mail to: 
Paul Wilson, Treasurer
5 Oakdale St.
Portland, ME  04103