102nd Kalloch Reunion Minutes - 1969
Pages 131-132 in the minutes book

(Transcribed from the original handwritten copy.)

Aug. 30, 1969

The 102 Kalloch Family Reunion was held at the Thorndike Hotel, where a turkey dinner was served.

Pres. Chas Kalloch called the meeting to order following the showing of a travel film.  He welcomed those present and passed on regrets from several who were unable to  attend.  He also read excerpts from a report of a retirement party for Samuel Kalloch from Poughkeepsie N.Y. School Dept.  He gave some interesting entries from Eaton's History concerning the Kalloch family.  Being interested in "Travel" Mr. Kalloch mentioned the possibility of traveling to the moon at some future time.

The Secretary's and Treasurer's reports were read and accepted.

It was suggested by Mabel Kalloch Rollins that the same officers serve another year.

Mrs. Rollins and Marguerite Gould mentioned about the death of John Kalloch, who was Miss. Gould's grandfather, and that he was lost at sea.

It was brought to our attention that some of Edna St. Vincent Millay's work would be used at the coming Camden Centennial program.

The meeting was adjourned until next year.

Leola F. Robinson, Sec. & Treas.

(Treasurer's report followed, and was not included here.)

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